Who Twitters?

I need this explained to me ,why do people need to have a twitter,facebook,blog,and all the rest ,Chris Evans was on about the other day. .Jeez... my kids tx their mum from upstairs to ask where's their stuff is or whens T going to be ,it does!!!!! my head in .Back to my point ,what is the purpose of these blogs and things... I reckon it's a craze...:thinking:
Blogging has been around for probably 8-10 years. I've been blogging since 01 and others before that. Its more than a craze.
i have a twitter account off a long while ago - i stopped using it basically as i didn't see the point in telling people "i just got up", "i cupped my b*lls", "i just had an enormous *****" you get where i'm coming from anyway.
i have a twitter account off a long while ago - i stopped using it basically as i didn't see the point in telling people "i just got up", "i cupped my b*lls", "i just had an enormous *****" you get where i'm coming from anyway.

http://BANNED/petemc. Doesn't seem to be anything like what ianm79 said it is. I chat to friends and tell people who follow me what I'm up to which sparks conversation.
Blogging has been around for probably 8-10 years. I've been blogging since 01 and others before that. Its more than a craze.[/QUOTE )

Right ok ... but whats the point of them,i'm not being a smart ass ,i just don't get them :shrug:
People blog about anything. Its a case of finding the one you're into. Photoblogs. Photography blogs. Tech, life, news, sport, porn, girls, guys, TV, anything.
http://BANNED/petemc. Doesn't seem to be anything like what ianm79 said it is. I chat to friends and tell people who follow me what I'm up to which sparks conversation.

well it must have evolved from what it was at the start.
I might as well add mine to the list too


then after you have added me (y)

Once you have Twitter.

Then sign up for Twitpic so you can post pics from your phone/computer onto your Twitter.

Then sign up for Twitterfeed and link it to your photo blog so it posts new blog entries on to Twitter.

Then install the Twitter app on Facebook so that it takes your twitters and posts them as your status on Facebook.

Then create a second Twitter account and make it private, follow it with your first account and use Twitterfeed to take the RSS feed from your friends statuses in Facebook and feed it into it.

Finally get yourself a smartphone or Iphone and install the relevant Twitter app onto it.

Ta da job jobbed :clap:

I'm sure I can do something else with it next, suggestions on a postcard please :thinking:
Now that's a pretty comprehensive Twitter workflow lol

Oh yeah, http://BANNED/PaulDale67 btw :)
Not been a twitterer for long, but loving it so far.

Hi Guys,
Just twittering since today and have strted to stalk, I mean follow, a lot of you guys. Not sure if I will get to like this, but lets see how it goes. If you wanna follow me I'm at:
I'm not on Twitters, i'm not on facebook and i'm not on MySpace...

i have no friends :(


I have had a look on the twitter website and i really don't understand what it's all about? What is Twitter?

I have some friends :LOL: but I still don't get the whole facebook, myspace, twiter, bebo thing - waste of time if you ask me, people know too much about people, I like a bit of privacy in my old age
Not really sure I get it yet, but signed up with a page for my band: http://BANNED/angrybadgerband
Is it just me or has twitter taken off at a suspiciously quick rate, it was all over the news two weeks ago like it was being advertised as the new thing, surely facebook and myspace never had this amount of attention?
I've been using it for a while, no idea why, but it's something else to keep track of :)

I don't know anyone who uses twitter and thus I don't have any plans to use it either. I don't believe it's a fad but I don't think it's much use to me either. I've got to admit, that they call the messages people post "tweets" doesn't sit well with me. I don't tend to use the internet beyond work related use, talkphotography, flickr and a handful of other sites (bbc iplayer and a few other news sites). I used to love it and would spend far too much time looking at this and that site, and then following links to other sites but I think the novelty is wearing off. I'd rather talk to friends and family on the phone or in person. But when you spend 8 hours a day building web sites, I think that does turn you off using it in your free time too. Or maybe it's just me.
Is it just me or has twitter taken off at a suspiciously quick rate, it was all over the news two weeks ago like it was being advertised as the new thing, surely facebook and myspace never had this amount of attention?

Probably something to do with the fact that the talentless, self-obsessed Chris Moyles kept jibber-jabbering about it (inbetween talking about himself and forgetting that radio stations used to play records).... :D
I twitter @markp.

My house twitters @markpHome.

I use it to keep updated on things that interest me. Most celebs don't have anything interesting to say, despite all jumping on the bandwagon together, but it's nice to see what friends are up to and keep up to date on technology etc.
Tell all who have influence in this world to prepare for my arrival

I have been using twitter for awhile - nothing to serious. seems to be a lot of people who use it for 'work' and such...

Although i think it's a complete waist of time, i have made an account as i want to follow a company and keep up with what they are doing so here's my address:

I'm really getting quite addicted to Twitter now :)

I've just found Andy Rouse on there!


Im on the Twitter scene
