Why do you post your photos?

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So any other suggestions as to what we would discuss if pictures were not posted
on a ( this) photography forum :shrug:
I post pics on here, as it is good to see what other photographers think.

Sometimes I get praise, and sometimes I get slated, and as someone above said one occasionally gets ignored.

Praise means you've ticked the photographers box and then some.

Slated, tends to mean you've deviated from the norm, or have made a stupid mistake.

Ignored imo, means the pic is so so.

It's all good though.
I post on here for advice and constructive criticism, nothing more.
But if all I get is "I don't like it" I'll just dismiss the comment as pointless
as I'm not interested in other peoples personal taste.
I post to get crit and hopefully on the odd occassion to give a little bit of pleasure if and when I manage to produce an image that some enjoy looking at.

The fact that everybody's view is subjective is very important as it means you can end up with a wide ranging list of enhancement ideas.
Criticism. Interaction. Encouragement and Faith.

The thing that worries me is I'm seeing a lot of the 'I don't really care for crit too much, if my paying clients are happy then I don't care what other folk have to say about my pictures'.

I think that stinks.

Sorry but with all due respect to our cherished and beloved clients, they don't know diddly about evolving or what is important about how to survive or push ones self as a photographer. That's our job!

If they did, they wouldn't be hiring you would they?

Clients care about the end result, they won't give a flying one if someone pops along who can do better than you, they'll just hire them instead.

It's up to you to stay afloat.

I've not one client complain but I've had a few jobs that have upset me as I wanted to give my best but restrictions, time sensitivity or budget has prevented me from doing so.
The client was still happy, I was not.

The thing is, if either you selectively subject the fruits of your work to only one audience or if you hide your work away from the whole waking world then it makes a very clear statement:

'I can't handle it'.

If Joe Bloggs who has a dibble in photography whenever he gets a chance but hasn't the time to learn or progress as fast as someone who takes a living from photography and they make a comment on your photo, your basically guaranteeing that his/her opinion is worthless?

What if they happen to be to be a very skilled carpenter or similar and they understand and appreciate the shape and tones of beautiful craftsmanship?

Who says what they say about your work isn't going to strike a note with you or maybe change the way you perceive what you were trying to achieve and your methods?

They make make a comment that makes no sense and has no merit or use to you but what's the problem?

What's the risk? What's the damage?

What your saying is 'I can't be helped by anyone other than my clients'.
I think crit is the wrong word - photo-development is better.

Incidently I read the bit about comments by 10 professionals. There is nothing to say a professional is going to give better comments than someone who does not make his money from the art

I also like the social side of the forum especialy when there is a bit of a scrap over views :D

Say it ain't so :LOL:

I post mine because god phoned me on my mobile and i insisted i do so IMMEDIATELY!!

Ashers? Is that you? :cautious: :LOL:

And of course "inspiration and ideas from others on here" (c)Ajophotog

Yep, I pick up a lot of ideas from here, usually locations rather than techniques though.

So any other suggestions as to what we would discuss if pictures were not posted on a ( this) photography forum :shrug:

Jade Goody? :naughty: :exit:
I can see what you're saying tomas but personally i don't have the patience or want to listen to other peoples opinions on my photos that i already like and think are fine.

i like the photos thus it makes me happy
the client likes their photo it makes them happy

garnering criticism from an intarweb forum isn't the only way to improve your photography, infact i'd say it'd gear more towards staleness as it's the same rules and generalisations used again and again by the masses.

and i'd definately have to disagree with the can't handle it statement

just because i can handle idiots trying to give me a kicking in the street doesn't mean i want to :p
I can see what you're saying tomas but personally i don't have the patience or want to listen to other peoples opinions on my photos that i already like and think are fine.

i like the photos thus it makes me happy
the client likes their photo it makes them happy

garnering criticism from an intarweb forum isn't the only way to improve your photography, infact i'd say it'd gear more towards staleness as it's the same rules and generalisations used again and again by the masses.

and i'd definately have to disagree with the can't handle it statement

just because i can handle idiots trying to give me a kicking in the street doesn't mean i want to :p

I think you're wrong about the 'stale criticism'.
People offer tips mostly on composition and technique.

Contextually your photos might be stunning, but if you can't figure out how to expose both your subject and the background correctly, then you're in a bit of poo.

I post my photos first and foremost for tips on composition and technique.

People know what's aesthetically pleasing to them, it's not as if they have a set of BBFC guidelines that say "no that's not right, do this".
If it works, it works.
If it doesn't, figure out why, and comment on it.

People on here aren't stupid, and while some of them might still be learning about the formal elements, it helps to get feedback from a big audience so that when the day comes when your photography becomes stale, you'll have somewhere else to help you other than your clients who aren't hiring you because someone can do it better!
garnering criticism from an intarweb forum isn't the only way to improve your photography,

No, it's not, but it's a very good way to do it.
Some of the first photos I took were ridiculous.
I thought they were amazing, but looking back now, they're pretty dire. Both in concept and technique. Compositionally they were pretty much fine because I always knew, right from the off-set, what made a good shot. I just had the eye.
What I didn't have however was the know-how. I had no idea how to create the image, I just knew in my head what I wanted it to look like.
The thing is, if either you selectively subject the fruits of your work to only one audience or if you hide your work away from the whole waking world then it makes a very clear statement:

'I can't handle it'.

If Joe Bloggs who has a dibble in photography whenever he gets a chance but hasn't the time to learn or progress as fast as someone who takes a living from photography and they make a comment on your photo, your basically guaranteeing that his/her opinion is worthless?

What if they happen to be to be a very skilled carpenter or similar and they understand and appreciate the shape and tones of beautiful craftsmanship?

Who says what they say about your work isn't going to strike a note with you or maybe change the way you perceive what you were trying to achieve and your methods?

They make make a comment that makes no sense and has no merit or use to you but what's the problem?

What's the risk? What's the damage?

What your saying is 'I can't be helped by anyone other than my clients'.

Amen bro. You always talk sense. There are one or two on here whose photos I choose to ignore, due to their "can't / won't take crit" Bull ****. Some of the episodes on these forums in the past, as a result of the "Throwing the dummy out the pram" after a photo is CONSTRUCTIVELY critisized have been insane. Grown individuals having a tantrum because a few people trying ot help have one or two snippets of input, which MIGHT help improve the photo.

It's a sad state of affairs, and ultimately, the people who take that approach only have themselves to blame when all they ever get is "Oooooh GREAT shot". Really bugs the hell out of me.

This thread will certainly save me some time and thinking that's for sure!

I have read now about some who imply that they would not value any comments I have to make. I am nothing other than a learner and hobbyist, who has taken a great deal away from other peoples constructive comments and help.

In turn, I feel that I should try to put some of that back, otherwise how will people ever see anything than their own perfection - Clearly with some I won't even try to bother :|
I will not lie... I post for two reasons...

I post pictures that I think are good so I can get other people to reasure me that they are good... or tell me with that idea ...its rubbish dont waste any more time on it!

I post pics where I have a technical problem or an issue... simply to get the answer on how to solve the problem.
Do you need the criticism?
Aren't you happy with what you produce?
Do you want smoke blowing up your arse?
Are you just taking part for the social element?
How much weight do you put into the opinions of fellow forum users?
Would you prefer criticism from 1000 hobbyists or 10 professionals with a large understanding of your field and proven skill?

Blah blah blah... :)

There is no positive or negative slant to this btw it's merely for discussion and all that (considering it's a friday and none of you will have anything better to do) :p

Pretty much all of the above in various degrees!
Do you need the criticism?
Only the most arrogant person would be of a belief that he could not improve. I always welcome criticism from others as it helps me to see what I may have missed, how I may improve in the future and to what level I feel am currently attaining.
Aren't you happy with what you produce?
Pretty much, but what suits me may well not suit another, and I can gain an insight into what may be required in my photographs to appeal to more people.
Do you want smoke blowing up your arse?
Not particularly, although good comments help to reassure you that you are on the right road and this breeds confidence to attemp new things.
Are you just taking part for the social element?
Yes, very much so, I have a very small circle of friends (few of which are particularly interested in photography) work long hours at times and find the various forums an escape from the crap that is usually on the TV.[
How much weight do you put into the opinions of fellow forum users?
For the most part I accept any criticism (good or bad) in the manner in which I hope it has been given. All criticism even that from relative newcomers to photography may benefit me, and any discourse on the critisism may well help others as well as myself to understand how to improve, or maybe why something was done in the way that it was.
Would you prefer criticism from 1000 hobbyists or 10 professionals with a large understanding of your field and proven skill?
Don't mind, I have seen many hobbyist's work which far outstrips some professional's work, I have listened to professionals judging competitions and some are so arrogant and far up their own arse as to be ludicrusly bad at giving helpful positive criticism. Everyone has an opinion, and just because someone gets paid to take pictures does not mean that they are always right or better than someone who's interest in photography is purely a hobby.
Do you need the criticism?

I post my pics mainly to share the ones I like and occasionally to get another opinion on something I'm not sure about. I'll happily take all the crit I'm given as I'd also like to improve my photography.

Aren't you happy with what you produce?

Not always (in fact, I'm rarely completely happy), but I tend not to post those ones anyway.

Do you want smoke blowing up your arse?

No. But it's always nice to get positive comments if that's what you mean. When I first started posting, getting positive comments gave me the motivation to keep trying.

Are you just taking part for the social element?

Definately. As others have said, I don't have many friends who are into photography and it's good to "chat" and share with like-minded people. I have also attended meets and met some great people - and got some good advice and help.

How much weight do you put into the opinions of fellow forum users?

Normally, a good deal. I particularly value opinions given by those whose work I admire. I don't get hung up on it though.

Would you prefer criticism from 1000 hobbyists or 10 professionals with a large understanding of your field and proven skill?

It doesn't really matter either way, providing the crit is constructive. It is nice if they know what they are talking about though :LOL:

Blah blah blah... :)

Overall, joining this forum has been and continues to be a positive experience for me.

There is no positive or negative slant to this btw it's merely for discussion and all that (considering it's a friday and none of you will have anything better to do) :p
I can see what you're saying tomas but personally i don't have the patience or want to listen to other peoples opinions on my photos that i already like and think are fine.

Interesting, Can you tell me why you would you need patience to receive open criticism?

You also chose the word 'fine'. Are fine photo's really good enough for you? That's 'fine', it fills the gap, it serves a purpose and does the job kinda fine?

i like the photos thus it makes me happy
the client likes their photo it makes them happy

Ok, no offense but how can you or your clients know it all?

Garnering criticism from an intarweb forum isn't the only way to improve your photography, infact i'd say it'd gear more towards staleness as it's the same rules and generalisations used again and again by the masses.

No, but receiving thoughts and comments from the masses as you put it is one way of improving and your closing off it off and shutting it down. Variance of perception is invaluable, to shut it out in any form is to encourage one way traffic don't you think?

and i'd definately have to disagree with the 'can't handle it statement'

just because i can handle idiots trying to give me a kicking in the street doesn't mean i want to :p

A kicking?, a revealing choice of analogy there.

Personally, I would like to see your work, I can't see your work because your not allowing it to be open for discussion.

How does that sound to you?

The fact that you posted this thread and posed the question in the first place suggests that you do actually care what the 'masses' think.
I post mine because they are not brilliant,I know it,but need better photographers to tell me where `im going wrong.Lots on here do,so gradually i`m improving,I think............:wacky:
I post mine because they are not brilliant,I know it,but need better photographers to tell me where `im going wrong.Lots on here do,so gradually i`m improving,I think............:wacky:

Nah! :p
Interesting, Can you tell me why you would you need patience to receive open criticism?

Because i'd probably have to wade through a lot of standard "you're not using the rule of thirds" type stuff and although there are a lot of nice people on this forum there are a lot of ********s as well (i'll cover this later)

You also chose the word 'fine'. Are fine photo's really good enough for you? That's 'fine', it fills the gap, it serves a purpose and does the job kinda fine?

Fine to me is like good, i'm rarely amazed at my own work or others tbh, stuff is either ok/fine or mindblowingly good. I'm probably overly judgemental

Ok, no offense but how can you or your clients know it all?

They probably don't but without getting into a theoretical debate about time invested/improvement gained/money earned etc the short of it is if they pay then i'm happy...in much the same way as if i'm dj'ing i'm playing a shed load of music i hate but the chimps are loving :p

No, but receiving thoughts and comments from the masses as you put it is one way of improving and your closing off it off and shutting it down. Variance of perception is invaluable, to shut it out in any form is to encourage one way traffic don't you think?

Yes and no, as i've said before this place has a mixture of personalities good and bad, and frankly this is somewhere i come for a relaxing read if i'm honest.

I'm not really saying i'd never post a photo on here i've just not had a need to so far that outweighs dealing with the stuff that comes with it.

A kicking?, a revealing choice of analogy there.

Well basically it's something that isn't pleasant, in the same way as dealing with people being arses about photographs on here means that i might improve my photography, fighting with arses in the street means i get to practice my forearm smash :p

either isn't pleasant and relaxing though which i suppose is my main aim when i'm reading this forum :)

Personally, I would like to see your work, I can't see your work because your not allowing it to be open for discussion.

You've got an email with a zip file now :p

How does that sound to you?

The fact that you posted this thread and posed the question in the first place suggests that you do actually care what the 'masses' think.

I was in irc and asked the people in there so figured might as well include the community at large so made the thread, rather than actually caring what the masses think it's more a curiosity, if i cared it'd be because i'd have an aim at the end like developing the forum to help people better in some way but i don't so it's just curiosity :)

You make a lot of sense and i rarely disagree with you, i think it's basically down to people using the forum for different things..apologys if i seem blunt in any way i'm not trying to be an arse i'm just not very good with dressing my words up. :)
I enjoy sharing my photos with like-minded people. I look forward to reading what they think of my efforts.
I love to see other peoples images, and see and learn how to do things differently.

I like the fact that this site is well grounded, with down to earth members.
Because I'm neurotic, insecure and a psychiatrist dream and just want to be accepted and loved.
Like everyone else I like showing off.

I'm interested in constructive criticism, but people that "state facts" about "wrong" or "bad" photography are wrong - professional or no. One can only ever offer a subjective opinion.
It's mostly to get other people's opinions . Some photos that I like get a negative review, whereas other shots that I do not rate much can be given a very positive response.

Sometimes others see things good/bad in a photo that I had not realised were there. You learn from it.

Do you need the criticism?
Aren't you happy with what you produce?
Do you want smoke blowing up your arse?
Are you just taking part for the social element?
How much weight do you put into the opinions of fellow forum users?
Would you prefer criticism from 1000 hobbyists or 10 professionals with a large understanding of your field and proven skill?

Blah blah blah... :)

There is no positive or negative slant to this btw it's merely for discussion and all that (considering it's a friday and none of you will have anything better to do) :p

To share - 'I thought this looked cool, take a look'. Personally I don't see much point in taking a photo and no-one else being able to see it. If someone wants to crit them, thank you very much. My job is getting paid to share what I see, can't be bad.
I post mine because they are not brilliant,I know it,but need better photographers to tell me where `im going wrong.Lots on here do,so gradually i`m improving,I think............:wacky:

Same as above i would say, although i don't take enough photos to improve myself, which is obviously down to me, one thing i don't like though is when someone is up there own arse and thinks there photos are great when they are clearly not, and then tries to give advice to others on how to do it, fortunately it's only a couple who do that, and that's not just my opinion by the way, as i'm sure i'm opening myself up for a slating for saying that :puke:
, one thing i don't like though is when someone is up there own arse and thinks there photos are great when they are clearly not, and then tries to give advice to others on how to do it, fortunately it's only a couple who do that, and that's not just my opinion by the way, as i'm sure i'm opening myself up for a slating for saying that :puke:


Several reasons for me. Sometimes I am chuffed with one and want to share it with others or maybe its an unusual subject matter such as my reptiles that I think others may like to see, other times I want constructive critiscism to help me to learn in that area of photography. I hate getting replies that just say lovely image or similar,Ii would rather get a reply saying how I could improve it.
I also really enjoy looking through other peoples images
I post for numerous reasons.
Some pictures need criticism so I can improve. Some how my improvement. Sometimes I participate for the social aspect. Some pictures I think are good enough to share and may even put a smile on someone's face.
As to who looks at the pictures, it really doesn't matter to me. If those 1000 hobbyist enjoy it more than the 10 professionals or vice versa, it's ok for me.