Woah!! That was wierd

sue him for stealing your name... like in the secret window!
That guy did a Playmate shoot? :nuts:

You've got a lot to compete with Matt!
he was born first but thats just a minor detail.... lol
well our matt sayle did a photoshoot with his play mate lol does that count lol
This is what happens when you ask on a forum for people to suggest a domain name for you to buy... ;)

Wow, he's shot Penelope Cruz too.
Matt, he has an extra "S" - Matt Sayles, not Sayle, so technically not stolen anything from you. Although it gives you something to work for....at least your name can't hold you back.....
If he uses Google Analytics you may find he finds this thread, which will only add to his case against you :LOL:
I think it's a good thing....if you have a similar site address to his you might get some of his misdirected traffic .

Every cloud has a silver lining and all that guff ;)
Johhny Depp, Daniel Craig, Penelope Cruz, Adele, Angelina Jolie :love: and a few others I recognise.

You might have some competition Matt! :D
See, Mummy was right all along with her preference for calling you Matthew.
I had a similar issue (well the same) when choosing my site name, found out that JamesBetts.com was taken by another photographer so I then decided to go with James-betts.co.uk which was available.

I very much doubt copyright will ever be an issue, mainly because he shoots models/celebrities and you shoot cars going round tracks ;)

Regards, James
lol i could see matt sayle driving around in a yellow robin reliant :)
I bet he hasn't got a picture of a 3 wheel car though
I wonder if he spams forums and posts crap jokes? :thinking:

:D Joking, as always, Matt :p
Matt I was just about to compliment you on the Website and ----------------------then the penny dropped !!!!!
You could try applying to do a playmate shoot. :naughty:
Fly out to LA ,put an ad in the LA Times saying Matt Sayle has an opening for model work and see who turns up.:D
He can't be that good, his web site won't even open on my iPhone :LOL: