Woodland composition.

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I am relativly new to photography and my preferance is landscape.

However I regually walk my dogs round the local woods and have taken my camera a few times but only ever manage to get good pictures in the surrounding fields not in the woods.

Any hints on composition and how to capture the light and feel of being deep in the woods.
A tripod and a lens on the wide side is useful...also early mornings and late evenings with plenty of light...but it aint easy
Early or late the sunlight is at a good angle to give interesting lines and shadows. Early morning mist can also add interest as can sunlight illuminating a clearing. Also try a low angle.

Although the light level in a wood is often low, where the sun does get through the dynamic range can be huge, but you can use AEB to get a number of shots that can be combined.

With the K5 you can push the ISO up quite a bit before you get noise problems, but a tripod/monopod or somewhere to rest the camera will help.

I find woodland a difficult subject - there is too much going on in the background and I'll often concentrate on a close subject and use a small f number to limit the depth of field.
