Wooooo hooooo, I've only gone and won a regional camera clubs competition!

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How surprised was I last night that I heard I had won a regional camera clubs competition.

It was a projected images competition that involved my club, the New City PS, and the Leighton Buzzard PC, the Oxford PS and Focus.

There were 62 entries and I scrambled to the top of the board :woot: Quite chuffed really.

The first image was the one that won. I also entered the second image, but that only got 19/20 :bang: . Odd thing is, I prefer the second one, but I'm not arguing with the judge :p


Artistically I can see why they went for #1, but in terms of nature photography #2 is a stunner.
Beautiful photos. Thoroughly deserved prize, well done.
Im a number 2 fan.

Although Im not sure how that sounds :confused:
Congrats, both good, but agree, prefer the second :D
Congratulations! Both are more than worthy of such a prize. For me #2 is the winner.. But only marginally (y)
Well done mate, I too prefer #2, because the detail is crazy with the water droplets. I think the colour is really nice is #1 though, which may of pipped you into winning.
Well Done - :clap:
Well done again Nigel. I also like #1 but both are excellent. Which lens did you use for this on your 7D?

Not sure which I prefer, I like them both. Both stunning pictures and well deserved.
:clap:Congratulations :clap: I like both of them. No.1 I can see in a butterfly book, but the 2nd one is brilliant with the water droplets.
Congratulations, nice colours in the first one and good DOF
Congrats to you! Knowing camera club judges, the second will have been docked a mark due to the beastie being a bit close to the right hand edge and too much space on the left, but regardless both are lovely.
Both very good. Nice colours in the 1st and great detail in the 2nd... I'd say either would be worthy winners :)
They are both fabulous. The little blue guy's fur reminds me of Monsters Inc.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Well done Nigel !!!!
And having seen these and some of your other wildlife shots this year, it doesn't surprise me at all that you won (y)
Have you still got a great big grin on your face?

p.s. I prefer the second one too, but from a technical perspective I guess you may have lost a mark because it doesn't obey "the rule of thirds". From what I hear, judges get more hung up on that sort of thing than the aesthetics of the shot.
Either way, both would have been worthy winners in my eyes . . . stunning shots.