
Edit My Images
Shooting in raw,taking into Affinity photo,editing then exporting jpeg to apple photos for catologing, then thinking of deliting the raw,so just jpeg in apple photos,
Good idea or not,?
I wouldn't. Disk is cheap. Photographers are fickle, you'll come up with a new process and decide to reprocess some stuff eventually and you'll wish you'd kept the RAWS.

Might be acceptable for some pro workflows however as once the product is delivered it's done and there's no expectations you'll have to re-edit them. But even then I think most people keep the RAWS.
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Shooting in raw,taking into Affinity photo,editing then exporting jpeg to apple photos for catologing, then thinking of deliting the raw,so just jpeg in apple photos,
Good idea or not,?
There's a balance to be struck, last year I started deleting all the RAW's that I knew I wouldn't ever process again,going back 12 years. I only kept the RAW file of my best images in a separate RAW folder within the picture folder for that month.
Well with analogue photography we have film development, which is done once per film, but let's leave that aside and say that raw processing is akin to the enlargement / print development stage. When we print (or re-print) a given neg, we might vary the exposure / development. Equally, we might vary how we process a raw file. I do this often. To get a different result. So I keep raw's as I do negs. Simple as that.
Another reason to possibly keep the RAW files is that editing software is constantly improving, so maybe, somewhere down the line, you may be able to edit your images and get even better results.
It seems that the concencus is to keep the raw files,well at least the decent ones anyway.
Interesting to hear points of view.
Thanks,and if anyone else wants to chime in feel free.
If i do decide to keep the raws my thinking is to make a folder say for feb 2018 and save them there.then take them to affinity one by one.have a folder for the exported jpegs and once sent to apple photos delete the jpegs from the folder.any raws that are not worth keeping i will delete.
How does that sound?
Shooting in raw,taking into Affinity photo,editing then exporting jpeg to apple photos for catologing, then thinking of deliting the raw,so just jpeg in apple photos,
Good idea or not,?

I would never get rid of the Raw files.

If you use Capture One as an example, their process engine is upgraded on every release (which now seems to be annually) and a common comment from reviewers is that having used the most recent release they now want to go back and re-process all their previous images. Or you may change RAW processor and want to re-process old files. Affinity Photo, has a reputation of not being a particularly good RAW convertor, which I am sure will improve (and already has improved in latest beta) , but its current reputation would seem a particularly good reason to hang onto your RAW files for possible future re-processing.

More important for me is that my skills are constantly improving, and I regularly re-visit old files, not only to take advantage of any software improvements, but also my improved skills.

You also never know, what use you might want to put an image to in the future, and its going to much easier to get a high quality large print if you go back to original Raw, rather than work from a JPEG.

So, you will gather, I'm in the not a good idea camp.
I've got all my raw files, less those that are obviously rubbish, shots of the floor, hugely out of focus etc.

Sometimes you go back to a set and try something else. As said, storage is actually cheap. In the old days you'd never have thrown away the negatives
Ok ,im convinced lol.
Graham,AP has improved as you say and the latest beta is apparently improving the highlight and shadow bit.LR is superior on that score but having played around with both
I havent seen with my efforts a lot of difference in the finished(to me) photo ,i just think you have to edit a bit more carefully with AP as it stands at the moment but i dont
do a lot of alterations to be honest and i must be easily pleased lol
Ok ,im convinced lol.
Graham,AP has improved as you say and the latest beta is apparently improving the highlight and shadow bit.LR is superior on that score but having played around with both
I havent seen with my efforts a lot of difference in the finished(to me) photo ,i just think you have to edit a bit more carefully with AP as it stands at the moment but i dont
do a lot of alterations to be honest and i must be easily pleased lol

I find it very subject/lighting dependent. Most of the time very little difference, some of the time a big difference.
My current non-work process is that I process in Lightroom - my current workflow is to

Import with my standard preset
Choose those raws worth processing and delete the rest
Process my chosen raw images and output quality 10 jpeg
Touchup any of those in Photoshop
Save final edits as jpegs and batch process those for display in Facebook
Think of those to print for my wall, but never print any
Hope I one day learn how to process them properly and go back to... Process my chosen raw images and output quality 10 jpeg

So for me - delete anything you're not happy with re composition, focus etc. - basic technical or artistic issues - and keep the rest for the future, just in case
