Working with Lightroom on IPAD and Desktop Classic

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Hi All,

Racking my brains as to whether there is a solution to my exact issue or if you know of a best workaround that would only slightly change my current workflow, here goes:

I currently use Lightroom desktop, i transfer photos from the SD card to specific folders directly on the hard drive which are in a neat system i.e lightroom photos/ london/2020/April/....cr2 So i can go straight to a location to find a specific shot. Once on the hard drive i then import the photos to lightroom and a specific collection for that shoot. The photos then sync to the creative cloud to be available on my IPAD.

What i am looking to do when away from home is to utilize the IPAD to begin editing and then finishing them off on the IMAC once home. I thought of purchasing an ssd and using the same file system i have on my desktop, download photos to the IPAD via an SD card adapter and then move them to the SSD so i can plug it into to both the IPAD and desktop. I cant get my head around the mechanics of this between lightroom mobile and desktop and whether it would work? Main issue that is worrying me is how both versions of the software would know the originals are on the ssd.

Also if anyone has any workarounds for a similar process i.e download to IPAD > part edit on IPAD > finish on desktop and store on Portable SSD they could share it would be appreciated.


I have just been having a play with LR on my tablet ( Android) and I can get photos from the tablet to PC by selecting the photo and then the share option (looks like this < with full stops on each arm) and selecting share with google cloud / one drive they can then be downloaded to PC and imported into LR Desktop.
I have not tried importing into LR on the tablet but this seems the way to do it How to Import Photos into Lightroom CC | Lightroom Tutorials
Hope this helps
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Hi All,

Racking my brains as to whether there is a solution to my exact issue or if you know of a best workaround that would only slightly change my current workflow, here goes:

I currently use Lightroom desktop, i transfer photos from the SD card to specific folders directly on the hard drive which are in a neat system i.e lightroom photos/ london/2020/April/....cr2 So i can go straight to a location to find a specific shot. Once on the hard drive i then import the photos to lightroom and a specific collection for that shoot. The photos then sync to the creative cloud to be available on my IPAD.

What i am looking to do when away from home is to utilize the IPAD to begin editing and then finishing them off on the IMAC once home. I thought of purchasing an ssd and using the same file system i have on my desktop, download photos to the IPAD via an SD card adapter and then move them to the SSD so i can plug it into to both the IPAD and desktop. I cant get my head around the mechanics of this between lightroom mobile and desktop and whether it would work? Main issue that is worrying me is how both versions of the software would know the originals are on the ssd.

Also if anyone has any workarounds for a similar process i.e download to IPAD > part edit on IPAD > finish on desktop and store on Portable SSD they could share it would be appreciated.



I have been working like this for a while. As long as you stay within the 20Gb cloud storage limit when you load onto the iPad you're fine. In Lightroom Classic, if you go into Preferences you can tell it exactly where to put files synced from Lightroom Mobile, and it puts them in date folders. If you don't do this it puts them somewhere very obscure IIRC

So, create a new album on the iPad, named however you like, and import your photos to it. Edit away on the iPad and let the files sync to the cloud.

When you're back at your desktop, open Lightroom Classic, and it will start downloading the files you imported from your iPad. The album from your iPad will appear as a collection under "From Lightroom CC" in LR Classic. Let it download all the files, which will go into the folder your specified in your Preferences.

Now, in Classic, create an empty, new Collection, named however you like again, but DONT tick the Sync with Lightroom Mobile box (Very important this, otherwise you'll end up with duplicates). Add the images downloaded from CC into this collection, and select them all so they're highlighted.

Now, in the sidebar in Classic you will see an option called "All Synced Photographs". With your images still selected, go into this all synced photographs section, right click and choose Removed From All Synced photos. This will delete the images from your cloud storage, and your iPad, but leave them remaining on your hard drive and Lightroom Classic. Make sure you've taken backups before you do this as you could lose your images here, you're deleting them from the cloud.

Once this step is complete, create Smart Previews, and then tick the Sync With Lightroom Mobile box in your new collection. This will sync the smart previews from your desktop to your iPad. Smart Previews do not count towards your cloud storage limit, leaving you with access to the images on your iPad, the originals on your desktop, and your cloud storage empty for your next shoot.

That said, once we can go out again I'm just going to pay the extra tenner a month for the 1Tb cloud storage to save having to do the above process.
Hi Richard,

many thanks for your reply, looks like you have a good process there I will give it a go. Didn’t realise you could tell classic where to put the files which is a great option
Hi Richard,

many thanks for your reply, looks like you have a good process there I will give it a go. Didn’t realise you could tell classic where to put the files which is a great option

It's completely unsupported by Adobe and you won't find any online documentation on it which is weird, as they've obviously built Lightroom and Lightroom Mobile to talk to LR Classic. Like I say I've been running like that for about 18 months but I'm going to bite the bullet and get the 1Tb option for £20 a month once the motorsport season starts. It's worth a tenner a month extra not to have all that messing about and worrying about how full my cloud storage is