Would this be good for a beginners first camera?

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Sony DSLR Alpha 100

It was very strange for me, as when in one of my spontaneous moods I find myself in at 4am, I thought "Hey, why don't I get a camera for christmas?". It has been almost eons since I've had to go and research or look into something I know absolutely nothing about, so it was unsettling but inspiring. I've done a fair amount of reading and understand where I want to be going, so now I've come to this. I've always loved taking photographs but never had something that made me want to go out of my way to do it. I find myself with large sums of disposable cash lately, but I'm trying to save and limit myself so I thought this camera would be great.

Basically, I'm not really looking for advice on the camera, (unless you have a strong overwhelming opinion that should prohibit me buying it), but how much I should spend on it. For that particular A100 that I'm hoping to buy second hand from eBay, at the time of writing, currently has my bid of £125 on it. There are 5 days left on the auction so I can expect that to rise considerably. I am thinking of setting my cut-off-no-further point at £250. Would that be too expensive? The camera comes with the Sony 18-70mm lens as standard, but also with the case, strap and 2x memory cards (those 3 accessories as I've found out from shopping around come to a total of £90, so even if by chance I found a brand new A100 for £250, which is impossible as they're out of production, I'd still have to spend almost another £100 on those extras). Is my limit of £250 too high or low? Or are we playing Goldilocks and I have it just right? I'm getting this for christmas but it's my own money I'm spending, a self-gift.

So, I ask of you (being new to the forum) if you think this would be a good deal. I've read a fair few reviews on the A100 and it's generally positive reception - it seems to be at the starter end of the high end spectrum which is what I want. (Would the A200 be better as it's an upgraded model, though it seems it would set me back more cash, or would I be fine with the A100?). I'm a man who loves to fiddle with things and I'd really love to have cameras with high shutter speeds for high exposure to get some really lovely, though cliche, shots of some cars round the circuit at Le Mans 24 Hours next year at night. That would be one of my primary reasons for buying this camera though don't let the outdoor sports edge throw of your opinion of "is this camera right for me". It would be one of the many things I'd want to try, as I'd really like to experiment with something with options and start having fun. Is this completely the wrong/right camera for me and how does the money issue sound?
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For motorsport you don't need long exposure. 1/300 - 1/400 is really the maximum you'll need.

You do need good optics though, one with around 300mm reach, and the widest aperture you can afford (smaller f numbers)

Night racing will require slower shutter speeds.
First of all :welcome: to TP :)

The A100, as you say, has been discontinued, ut that doesn't mean there aren't still some in the shops - I bought a "new" Nikon D70s last year, more than 2 years after it was replaced!

The A100 was quite expensive when it was introduced, so it's not a budget model, whereas the A200 was introduced at a lower price to start with, although, as you say, it is a newer model.

If you shop around you might just find a secondhand A100 for quite a bit less - one of the forum members here picked one up, complete with lenses for around the £150 mark. Keep your eye on the sales forum here on TP if it's a real bargain you're after, but you need to act quickly if you spot one as cheap gear doesn't hang around here for long!

Good luck whatever you decide to do :)
Sorry, I didn't clarify that. I meant for the "blurry lights" photos you see everywhere. This is an example of the Grand Stand at Le Mans which I was referring to:


I'd love to be able to find a nice frame and sit the camera down for 30 seconds (as I'm aware the A100 can capture at max shutter time) and get a few cars going past for that "blurry lights" effect. I didn't mean for precise photos, it really was just for that gimmick stuff... which I am still a complete sucker for. :bonk:
Ah. You mentioned high shutter speeds. Light trails require slow shutter speeds.

Forgive me... I'm still quite the noob. :)

It'll do that, you'll need a tripod though for a thirty second exposure

To appear as more of a noob... can you explain in more depth? Is it just to keep the camera in one position or am I completely off?
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Can you hold a camera "perfectly" still for 30 seconds without the camera moving at all? Even a tiny bit?

If you can, you're superhuman.
If you can't, you need something to rest the camera on, and a tripod is the answer.
I thought so. :D

As a matter of fact I have 47 pairs of chromosomes, so I can hold it perfectly still for as long as I like.

Haha, that's all I wanted to clarify, as you can see after reading the beginner thread for new users of DSLR cameras, I'd fall under B) Done their research but still quite obviously clueless.
If you're looking at spending around £250 on a second hand camera you have quite a few to choose from. I've seen brand new Sony 200 kits go on eBay for around £200, and even new they're about £270. Also you have the Canon D400, Nikon D40, Olympus 420, etc to choose from in this price bracket - these would be almost new at that price.

Best advice is for you to have in mind what type of photos you're interested in taking and work out the options on each camera that will help you achieve them.

Also, have a play with each of the cameras on your short-list - I did that and it changed my opinion completely. If a camera 'feels' right it can help you as you start out.

Just my 2p's worth :D
Also, have a play with each of the cameras on your short-list - I did that and it changed my opinion completely. If a camera 'feels' right it can help you as you start out.

This is important, IMHO do not buy any camera until you have physically held it, and others in your hands.

It's completely ,but only you will know which feels right, and has an intuitive button/switch layout that suits you.
Just to say, the A100 was my first DSLR. I have since bought the A700 but still have the A100 as a backup. It is a great little camera. Having said that, for the price you are willing to pay, you could easily pick up the A200 + kit lens new. The "extras" will certainly not set you back as much as you think. You can get a couple of 2gb compact flash cards for less than £20, cases can be got pretty cheap and the strap comes with the camera. Good luck.
i own the nikon d40 n its my first ever dslr and it really is a very good starting camera people often think that 6million pixels is not enough and will lower the quality of images but trust me it does not as the 6mp label it has only restricts printing sizes if your going to want to print up to A4 you'll be fine with a d40.lol i was looking at the a100 but i got swung to the nikon way and im so glad i did, not that i have anything against sony dslr i think there a nice bit of kit so i cant really comment on weather or not the a100 will be a good starting camera.
if your looking for a good but cheap tripod i have one for sale(see my sig). if your intrested pm me n ill send you some pics.
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Unfortunately I won't be getting to hold anything as I'll be buying from the internet, and the selection of cameras in my local stores aren't really for what I'm looking for. As I have no previous experience with DSLR cameras, would everyone's advice of "hold it and have a look at others" be that manipulative as to change my mind - or would there be something on the A100 that I really couldn't stand to the point where I'd regret buying it?

I ask because after reading reviews it seems like people regard it as an good camera and the features are what I'm looking for, but like I said I have to act fast due to eBay bids etc. and I don't have much time if I'm going to pull out/go all in for something. I think I have ended up having my heart set on the A100, and if you think that's a bad thing, why?
If you're willing to go up to £250, have a look HERE!. With cashback it's £238.99 and you get a free 1gb card, a samsonite case and a table top tripod!

That looks like a nice find, thanks, but £250 is really my limit (if I really have to go that far) and I'm not sure I want to bother with relying on cashback. Would you reccommend going into town and trying an A200 to give me a better idea of the A100? Things like this are hard for me since I work a night shift so my body clock and living hours and completely upside down to everyone else in the UK.
that looks like a very VERY good deal especialy with the cash back.i had the same thing with my d40 and as soon as i got it home i sent off for the cash back and i recived the money within about 5 days.lol id be very tempted by that deal mate it seems an ideal starter kit.
That looks like a nice find, thanks, but £250 is really my limit (if I really have to go that far) and I'm not sure I want to bother with relying on cashback. Would you reccommend going into town and trying an A200 to give me a better idea of the A100? Things like this are hard for me since I work a night shift so my body clock and living hours and completely upside down to everyone else in the UK.

I've never held an A200 so I can't tell you. If you are willing to go to £250, you really should go for the A200 offer. Cashback is usually very quick and you will be set and ready to go with a brand new current model camera.
:agree: go for it.lol
if it was me i would go and try out both the a100 and the a200 to see what there both like and to see witch one you prefer.
go for the a200! its just the a700's wee brother! very comfortable to hold, not heavy, and the kit lens is pretty decent!:clap:
I'm in a place called Tamworth, about half an hour from Birmingham. I know what you're thinking, "Go to birmingham and try as many cameras as you can". Like I said, I work a night shift so my body clock is 12 hours reversed to everyone else, which includes shop opening times and transport. I really am going to be buying blind, which is why I've been reading a lot of reviews and shopping around online.

I don't know why I think the A100/200 would be good for me, or why I want it, but I have a feeling I won't be disappointed, unless one of you guys have an objection to that? I can still be swayed, but this seems like a camera which is right in my range. I'm going to wait until Sunday to see how the bidding on the A100 in the link at the start of the thread goes, and I will not bid pass £250. If that fails, I am probably going to go for the A200 with the link provided, as that is a very good deal.

I think I could still be swayed in a direction if the wind is blowing strongly enough, but out of the cameras mentioned the only thing that appeals to me is the Canon D400. The SONY feels like a good choice for me since I really like the styling, and the fact that I already have a 4GB pro duo memory stick I can use in it. With non-sony models I feel less attracted to, and I may have to fork out some more cash for non-package deals. How does the D400 compare? Prices? Should I really change my mind about the A100/200? I am quite sure it is what I want, although I have pretty much zilch in SLR experience and I have seen the competition, it just seemed to be what I want. Would I be disappointed if I paid £250 for the A100/200 or could I get a much better deal for the same price? It seems more expensive for the 400D, is that a mover?

Edit: I'm looking around on eBay and although the 400D's seem to be for the same price (£350) there are A LOT of them, and I was wondering if I could maybe get a better haggling deal with them as A100's seem quite elusive in comparison. I'm wondering if I could maybe get this guy to sell for £300, but as there's two lenses I think that might be impossible: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CANON-EOS-400...3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:3|39:1|240:1318
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Actually I was thinking that if you were anywhere local to me, you could have tried my A100 out. As far as the 400D is concerned, I know very little about the camera, other than it has, like the A100, been superseded. I often do think that when it comes to second hand cameras, availability says a lot. The fact that there are plenty of 400Ds out there but precious few A100s says that people with A100s don't want to sell 'em! But then I may be biased. ;)

In the end, it's a decision only you can make and I can only hope that we have given you some info that will help you. BTW, the link I gave you to Best Camera? I have used them several times and have had excellent service each time so If you decide to go for a brand new camera, I can't recommend them highly enough. (y)
I think I'm going to be jumping in on the 400D as it seems like a deal and a half. The guy has said he will sell to me straight off without bidding for £280 which is great as it comes with an extra Canon 300m lens which goes for £250 RRP anyways! So I'll be getting the 400D WITH it's standard 18-55 AND it's EF90-300mm zoom lens AND a 2GB memory card.

The guy seems to be in a situation where he needs the cash. I think this is one of the best deals I'll find. Does anyone disagree? Quick responses please as I'm about to confirm buying! :)

Link : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CANON-EOS-400...3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:3|39:1|240:1318
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If you feel the deal is right for you, then go for it. If not I suppose you could always sell it on and still get the deal on the Sony A200. ;)

That's an excellent point. I'm still playing for keeps! :D

Well I've ended up buying the 400D. It was quite a rushed deal as the guy had to leave for work but I got it for £280 like I said. It is a lot more than I wanted to pay but I know how much extra lenses cost and that zoom lens could result in a lot of fun for me, I know it would be great for the racing festival in France next year! It means I miss out on the accessories like a carry bag and a tripod but I don't need them right away so I'll get them in a couple of months. It means I have had to retract my bid for the A100 but I'm sure the guy will understand as he still has until Sunday to get bids and I'm sure people go bid happy in the last day!

The 400D deal has gone very quick and I can actually pay him tonight and he has said he will post it out tonight, so I could be quite happy quite soon. I wasn't too happy with buying blind as I know a lot of you have said I should try the camera, but I think it would have to be overwhelming flaws to diminish my decision and how happy I am with my camera. I'll let you know how it goes and I'm sorry I couldn't take most of your advices... I do appreciate them though! :D
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Sorry to double post and re-hash the thread; I haven't gotten my 400D yet but I've been hearing bad things about the lens. I think I will use the kit lens for a couple of months at least to get used to DSLR cameras but I think after that I'll really be looking for the best quality I can. I'd probably look to buy a lens for about £100 or so depending on what I'm getting, I was wondering if anyone has reccommendations?

Would the 18-55mm be a good choice? I've heard a couple of people mentioning it, so I'd like to know if I'd be able to get a good difference with it from the kit lens. http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/s...ne=froogle&keyword=Canon+18-55mm+IS+DSLR+Lens

Would the 35mm do me better? http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Produ...c_2/2|cat_10198049|Camera+lenses|10198094.htm

Maybe even fall in love with macro? http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Produ...c_2/2|cat_10198049|Camera+lenses|10198094.htm

I think I would be looking for sharpnesses and rigidity, though of course, this is all prior to any experience and before I even have the camera... but a man has to have plans!
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Actually, that last post is still valid... but I just got my 400D.


I knew DSLRs were expensive and I've seen evidence of their work etc. but I am absolutely stunned. This camera has absolutely amazed me and I still have no idea what I'm doing. After spending a couple of hours snapping pictures of my guitar, my dogs as models, and trying out the zoom lens, I am amazed. This is honestly incredible. I may post pictures later but for now I am completely taken back, best deal I could have imagined, it's perfectly brand new.

I will spend a lot of time reading the manual and experimenting but for now I'm going to take great care of it and start to get past the honeymoon. Right now I can see myself really getting into photography for a long time... this is more than I would have ever expected and I am thrilled.
Actually, that last post is still valid... but I just got my 400D.


I knew DSLRs were expensive and I've seen evidence of their work etc. but I am absolutely stunned. This camera has absolutely amazed me and I still have no idea what I'm doing. After spending a couple of hours snapping pictures of my guitar, my dogs as models, and trying out the zoom lens, I am amazed. This is honestly incredible. I may post pictures later but for now I am completely taken back, best deal I could have imagined, it's perfectly brand new.

I will spend a lot of time reading the manual and experimenting but for now I'm going to take great care of it and start to get past the honeymoon. Right now I can see myself really getting into photography for a long time... this is more than I would have ever expected and I am thrilled.

So you're pleased then? :D