

Nutcrack Rapids
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You may remember a few days ago I posted that 1stCameras had charged me for a lens the didn't have in stock.

Well I went looking for someone who does have them (Sigma 10-20mm Canon fit) and yesterday I found Fotosense, phoned them up to check that they had it and when the guy said canon fit? yes definately I ordered it straight away. He was most apologetic, said we'll do our best to get it to you tomorrow but it may be tuesday with the way the post is just now. I said that's ok as long as you have it, next day delivery usually means 2-3 days up here.

Anyway 7:30 this morning the doorbell goes and there is a nice man with a parcel for me, less than 24 hours later I'm the proud owner of a 10-20mm! :) so thanks and kudos to Fotosense for good service!

I only got the chance to take one shot with it during the day, if it turns out I'll post it.
I've used Fotosense (I got my BGE3 battery grip from them when they were still like rocking horse poop) and their service was absolutely superb.
I got unprompted updates from them and they delivered after I had cancelled an order that was in place with Jessops for 3 months with no feedback from them whatsoever.

They get a big :first: from me.
digitalfailure said:
Nice to hear about good service :clap:

i agree, i have just seen this company too, as i am still looking for a "cheap" battery grip, and they definately have the cheapest one available.
Have fun with it.
i got my tamron from them, first class service and excellent feedback at all times, another good one was a tripod i got off ebay, late in the evening ont he 28th, 48 delivery, arrived today, so thats pretty good too!
And to think this chap started selling gear from his home, using his staircase as his store room.
Fotosense and Warehouse express are my two preferred stockists - I've never had a problem with either of them.
I got my BG-E3 grip from these, at a bargainlicious price.

And they're local to me too :D Nice friendly people, and would recommend them to anyone.
bookmarked for the future, thanks Steep :)
Oh good, I might have to go back and buy a flashgun now, the 300d onboard flash doesn't cover half the width of this lens at 10mm :)
You could have at least waited for me to get in a comment about who i'd like to find a BG-E2 for under 100quid......with a second battery :innocent:
Every bit of equipment i have, minus the 70-200, is from fotosense and from the experience i've had i really cannot fault them at all.

I got my BG-E3 from Fotosense, and again i honestly cannot fault them.

I placed the order the afternoon before, and at 8am the next day i was the owner of the battery grip :)

Very good service, top notch :)