Yikes I've had a...

Personally (and this is a comment on the general issue not a criticism of the OP) I'll only give work away free to charities and good causes and even I usually find that it lubricates a relationship and you get something in exchange - for example i've given various wildlife centres and zoos rights released CDs and have subsequently been offered behind the scenes and into enclosure access

That said i will give non exclusive use of shots to good causes when i think its warranted even if the only thing i get in return is the feeling of being a nice person - for example i donated a variety of wildlife shots to a local school for kids to use in project work.

but as far as profit making magazines, books, websites etc go , theres more chance of finding an honest politician than there is of me giving my work away free - if they are getting paid they can send some it my way, its not like they are going to give the magazines away just for a credit after all.