YN560(ii) HSS

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A bit knowledge I discovered today. May be useful to some, others may already know. That the YN560 and YN560ii can still be triggered for hss as long as it's at full power. Provided is triggered by either a hss radio trigger or is running slave.

Handy to know if you don't already as like me in currently looking at buying the YN568ex. Obviously with the yn568ex you can adjust the power so have more options and you also get ttl amongst other things. But as a stop gap because of funds or as a back up. It's handy
This is not high speed sync (HSS - stroboscopic light pulsing method), what you describe is Tail method sync (effectively continuous lighting) and can be achieved with many flashguns, especially those that have longer flash durations.

Each have their advantages and disadvantages.

Guide here:

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Yeah I know the difference between them. The power of a strobe Flash isn't actually the amount of power or bright the bulb is but the duration of the flash ie. The full power Flash lasts longer than 1/8th power. Which is why normally when out of sync you get the dark area along the bottom of the image as it's only catching the back end of the flash.

This post is more for people that may want to achieve a faster shutter speed and still get synchronisation without the use off a hss (peak Flash) speedlight. Albeit with its limitations. If they didn't already know.

Also for listing yongnuo flashes this is because that's what I currently have. Better for more people who don't have them.
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Lol. I know it's the curtain. The first curtain at the bottom and the second at the top. I'm not arguing do don't take it the wrong way. This post was purely for people that are new to flash. I don't know everything myself and probably never will as you don't stop learning.

At the end of the day not everyone knows that you can still use a non high speed sync speedlights to achieve high shutter speed shots.
No, absolutely, learn something new every time you pick a camera up.

This technique has long been known about, maybe it isn't common knowledge though.

I used to do it back in the old days with an optical slave on a Viv 283 that would fire from the first (of many) flashes of the HSS enabled flash on top of the camera. You just need to trigger the remote early and rely on a long burn; and that was one of doing it. Studio lights do it so much more efficiently however, typically having longer burns (shallower bell shaped peak output) than hotshoe guns.
What about Yn560-III?

So if I set my 270Ex to HSS and trigger it optically S2, I can sync at faster than 1/200s?
If you can set you 270ex to hss. Your yn560iii should also fire on s1 as long as it's full power
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