Your favourite computer games.

What Lelkins said and the CoD players, awesome game.

Also Plants V Zombies is cool.
get yourself an N64! hook it up to an old crt tv :D
i still play on mine every now and again!

then get these games..
banko kazooie
zelda, ocarina of time
conkers bad fur day
diddy kong racing
f zero x
mario kart
perfect dark
jet force gemini

quite a random and varied selection, should cater for almost anyones gaming needs! that is, if you havent already played them.
hope youre well sarah!

i don't go quite as far back as the 64 but i still love what most people consider to be retro games/consoles (y)

apparently "the occarina of time" is rated as one of the best games of all time!
i have a cube version i got in a limited edition set but have yet to play it :naughty:

i have 2 (working) Sega Dreamcast consoles with over 100 games :naughty:
(some great titles on the DC & a lot of exclusives (y))
a lot of the games were coin-op conversions or had a very japanesey look/feel to them

plus i also have a couple of Nintendo Gamecubes with around 40 games on that format (y)

some people "poo poo" the older consoles because like everything today if its not the "latest & greatest" then its not worth having! but their loss is my gain

i was a latecomer to gamecube as i had so many dreamcast games & never ever really seemed to play it anyway so i never bought one. my apprentice at work used to beat on about his cube quite religously so on a whim i looked on ebay, found a nice lot & had a punt. well i have to say it was pretty good & definitely got me interested again :love:

for me gaming is more about the actual gameplay rather than the most realistic graphics etc
when i want to unwind i don't necessarily want to participate in a graphic simulation of war i'd rather go with some good old fashioned escapism & manipulate a cartoon type character around a comic book world :D

if you can get past the kiddy style graphics of the gamecube you'll find quite a few games with really engaging gameplay
take a look at the hidden gems etc on this retro gamers website for a few suggestions etc
if you use his lists as a guide you will build a very playable collection & it will help you avoid some duds (there are many duds for every console)
even better news is you can buy a cube for a tenner plus post nowadays & with games starting around £2 (obviously more for rare or collectible) you can build a library quite cheaply (y)

i'm half tempted to fire it up tonight now :bonk:
how'd you play for ages without killing your arm? (I suck at red steel)

I don't, I just end up with a really painful arm :LOL:
Weirdly, I am pretty good at sword fighting. Maybe it's my calling?

Haven't tried Red Steel 2 yet

Does anyone on here play Call of Duty "World at War" online on the PC?
I got a copy just the other day for a few quid. Loving it, especially dedicated sniper arenas!
I am surprised I didn't post in here yet.

Most of what I play regularly pre-dates the year 2000, except for the left 4 dead series on Xbox, I quite like them. My other favourites are DooM 1 and 2, Duke Nukem 3D and Quake 3. I've never really been interested in modern games as much as the older ones, the left 4 dead series and one or two early-ish PS2 games being the exception to that.
mario kart on snes, n64, GC and wii
of course
and all mario games, bright and colourful
Mine were

Elite early 80s

Doom mid 90s

Can't remember the last game I played on a PC.
I picked up a replica USB SNES pad last winter and an emulator. Super Mario World, DKC 1-3, Mario Kart. Good stuff.
On the PC, my favourite is Backgammon (of any variety, although I've yet to find any of the (many) variants other than 'Portes'), but I keep getting dragged in to Solitaire!

For the Playstation, I quite enjoy the view while following Miss Croft around, as well as enjoying a few laps in Grand Tourismo.