Zoom lens advice!!!

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Hi!! Im new to digital photography and just purchased my first dslr a canon 500D ive got the basic lens that came with the body but am looking to expand my lens collection. In particular looking for a good priced zoom lens mostly for sport photography. ive got a small budget (being a student) so anything under £100 would be great, i realise this may be a tall order. would be really greatfull for any recomendations or views on the Canon EF 80-200mm II Zoom which if found for around £70. Thanks!! :)
There is a 70-300 at the moment just under your price bracket at £99

have a look here

but you have to remember its at that price for a reason.
My advice would be to stretch the budget (even if it means waiting) and get a lens with Image Stabilisation (or whatever other manufacturers call it).

The 55-250mm from Canon is IS and it's noticeable how much difference it makes when you turn it on at the long end of the zoom....

You can get a canon 70-210 (3.5-4.5) old lens for £70 which is very good.I still have it and it is a good one and i plan to keep it for my film camera.Someone was trying to sell this in the classified section of this forum a month ago.It is a sharp lens for the price.

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Thanks everyone the advice is much appreciated, I will indeed get saving!

Good. The 55-250 is really quite a good little lens and excellent value. Nothing else comes near it.
Another vote for the 55-250mmIS, cracking lens for the money, I picked one up for £100 off e-bay

My dad picked one up for £130, but has since bought the 70-300is which he dropped on for a bargain, so he maybe interested in getting his money back for the 250 if you're interested ?
If you can afford it go for the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 canon fit, great lens and without OS (MK 1) will help you learn to use it as a lens, £300 approx secondhand.