weekly Sam_W Project 52 for 2013 - Gluttony and Time added.

Sam, really interesting take. I prefer the third one, as I found the first two rather disquieting. A bit like a fat red tongue poking out.

How you catch these micro instants is beyond me! Well done...

That's a strange take on the wine/water ;) cheers for your comments :)

Hi, Sam, #1 for more me. You've really frozen the wine. Good idea.

I'd like to see the wine a bit further out. If you had a nice crisp white BG it would be much better.

1/80 second..I thought it would be faster. Did you use any flash?


Yet I used an off camera flash to the left of the camera, the sync speed is 1/250 but with the appature I needed a lower shutter. Also keeping the iso aslow as possible to avoid noise.

second wine shot if the BG was better the 3rd one is ok too but for the hand in view might be better if it was cropped out but nice work anyhow (y)

Kitchen Worktop was the only area I cold pour the liquid with the other half going crazy :) so I couldn't change the background unfortunately

Hi Sam

loe the Tree shot for Seaon...really good exposure , lovely POV & a few splashes of color...lovely (y)

Gravity....#2 for without a doubt...you've frozen the motion perfectly , good color & crop... (y) Backgropunds are what they are but maybe a large baking tray could help ?

Cheers for your comments :)
Hi Sam, I like the 2nd one best - funny how liquids look when frozen in motion eh?

Coulours are good and the focus is spot on, the close composition really works too, but would be better with a cleaner background imho.

Perhaps it would look more daring and dynamic without the tray beneath?
Hey Sam :)

Gravity - Another vote for the 2nd shot for me, like the closeness of the shot and such a great colour (y)

Cheers :)

Hi Sam, I like the 2nd one best - funny how liquids look when frozen in motion eh?

Coulours are good and the focus is spot on, the close composition really works too, but would be better with a cleaner background imho.

Perhaps it would look more daring and dynamic without the tray beneath?

Yer it caught my eye when viewing on the camera :)
There isn't a tray underneath that's my kitchen Worktop :s
The wine on the first background would have been absolutely great, I prefer the first of the wine glass shots with the hand included - shame the bg is split otherwise it may have been possible to replace it with something else.

But the colour and freeze of the movement is spot on!
I love the 2nd, it's slightly creepy and I like it :D

Agree with the comments about the background though.
Hi Sam. Season is a fabulous shot looking up through the trees, colours and contrast, spot on. Gravity, I prefer no.2 with the focus on the wine falling, colour and crop.
The wine on the first background would have been absolutely great, I prefer the first of the wine glass shots with the hand included - shame the bg is split otherwise it may have been possible to replace it with something else.

But the colour and freeze of the movement is spot on!

Thanks for your comments, a background/stand is on the list of things to buy. its not very high due to engine parts for my track car taking up the top section.

I love the 2nd, it's slightly creepy and I like it :D

Agree with the comments about the background though.

Cheers :) When I did the closer crop, I wasnt sure what the reaction was going to be.

Season - a bit blatant but it works

Gravity - the second shot for me by far much - the first has too many distractions. The third I feel might be better if it was just the top/bottom of the bottle and the drip rather than trying to fit the whole thing in

Cheers, to be honest I never tried a closer crop on the third image. I liked the idea of the whole bottle being in the shot. It was a shame I couldent clone out my hand to a level that would have been acceptable.

Hi Sam. Season is a fabulous shot looking up through the trees, colours and contrast, spot on. Gravity, I prefer no.2 with the focus on the wine falling, colour and crop.

Thanks for your comments, Ive said it a few times the tree shot for Season was a complete fluke. I was testing the GoPro to see the results.
Week 4 - Wild

This week I'm having to use an old image (Nov 2012) due to not having any inspiration for this theme, my mind was just blank. Also having no car since Tuesday hasn't helped.

My dog goes 'Wild' when he see his tennis balls coming out of the draw and knows its play time.

I will reshoot Wild when we get the reshoot card :)

1: With low light I was struggling with shutter speed, I would have prefered the ball to be frozen but on the other hand a bit of motion blur never hurt anyone :)

Week 4 - Wild 2 by ES Walters, on Flickr

2: I caught him mid shake after getting out of the sea.

Week 4 - Wild by ES Walters, on Flickr

Comments as always are welcome and appreciated :)

Last edited:
My only issue with this is that the collar and harness show him to be domesticated rather than wild....

I would perhaps prefer to use a slower shutter here too, to capture some of the motion of his shaking
My only issue with this is that the collar and harness show him to be domesticated rather than wild....

I would perhaps prefer to use a slower shutter here too, to capture some of the motion of his shaking

Cheers fo your comments. I wasn't trying to show him as wild just that he goes wild for the tennis ball. It was a random photo to get him shaking, didn't have time to change settings.
Week 5 - Space

First thing that came into my head when I saw this weeks theme was Star Wars/Star Trek. But wasn't sure how to get the shot I wanted, in my head I wanted to recreate the view when the enterprise going light-speed.

Here's my two pictures, first one shows a sign on the entrance to a local carpark indicating the number of spaces left. I took this while walking the dog late at night so it was a case of camera out, one photo and hope for the best.

Second photo is the 'Light-speed' photo, I just couldn't get it right hence this photo being my second.

Week 5 - Space by ES Walters, on Flickr

Week 5 - Space (b) by ES Walters, on Flickr

As always comments are appreciated :)

Cheers for looking

Sam :)
I really like the ASDA car park shot and the desaturated style of it
I may have been tempted to clone out the pedestrian crossing sign that is showing just behind/below the car park spaces sign though
2 good shots sam, I might crop out the "ASDA" at the bottom, makes is less distance to the subject sign, and the arrows help guide you there.

Had to look for the sign chris mentioned so it's not that obvious - but now I've seen it........

Wonder if a heavy vignette might help on the zoom shot - to try to draw you into a tunnel type thing???
Wild #1 for me. Been pondering getting a dog recently :D

Liking th position of the dog and shame about the BG.

Space is very much to my liking and I took a while looking at it to see if I liked the colour and I do. I can't work out whether you are stood up or not but the angle works well.

Now, crit, not sure about your thought on altering photographs but I'd have been really tempted to turn the 191 into 1 :D

I do like the ASDA shot, and didn't even notice the pedestrian crossing sign. But to me there's too much space on the right, especially as the eye is drawn leftwards with the signs. The light trails oe also appeals; kind of warp speed!
I like your wild shot and it reminds me when my goldie was younger how she used to go wild for balls!

Also like the asda space shot, nice take on the theme.
Thanks for all your comments, I wasn't sure about the editing of the Asda photo but I'm glad people like it :)
Week 6 - Work

So week six is about to finish and I finally got around to getting the photos ive been thinking of getting all week :)

After finishing a a long 12 hour night shift I had a spark of inspiration for the first photo. My work wear consists of overalls and steal toe cap boots. I was trying to get a point of view photo.

Photo two was my first idea when I seen the topic last Saturday.

Comments are appreciated as always :)

1: Work/Work Wear

Week 6 - Work by ES Walters, on Flickr

2: Homework

Week 6 - Work (b) by ES Walters, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
Both good takes on the subject. The point of view works well, but I hope you didn't press the shutter button with your tongue. :)
Hi, Sam, Work #1 for me. Great perspective.


Agreed, looks really good and a great angle.

Well done :clap:

Thank you for your comments :)

Both good takes on the subject. The point of view works well, but I hope you didn't press the shutter button with your tongue. :)

Cheers, it took ages to get the tripod into the right position as the dog was not very useful he just wanted to play with his toy! I used a cable trigger on a 2second delay.
Hi Sam

Wild.....ignoring the collar & harness I think #1 is a great shot ...beautifully sharp on the pooch with motion on the ball...:clap:

Space...Carpark shot for me...love the pp on this one (y)

Work.....#1 for me also...great POV & sharp focus on the boots....nice work mister :)
Week 7 - Gluttony

One of my many fast food leaflets that gets dropped though my door on a weekly basis :s

Week 7 - Gluttony by ES Walters, on Flickr

Week 8 - Time

Using the theme of time, I thought of the amazing song by Coldplay: Clocks. Found it on my Ipod and setup a quick photo.

Week 8 - Time by ES Walters, on Flickr

Cheers for looking
Top work on gluttony - perfect use of DOF and focus here to draw the eye exactly where you want it to be! Well on theme, like the sea of other leaflets surrounding it, making for an interesting background.

On your Time shot, nice interpretation of the theme... the folds and creases of the tablecloth background distract a bit, as do the white specks. Also wondering if the ipod is too small in the frame, and the earphones are using up space that could be given over to a tighter crop / shot of the ipod itself?
Gluttony, on theme but not too inspiring IMO.

Time, cracker, really good connection and Coldplay :clap: With the black Ipod and white headphones the BG was never going to be easy. Good detail but a cleaber BG would have elevated it somewhat.

As others have commented, a great idea - good execution and almost spot on.

Nice one! (y)
Cheers for your comments. With regards to the Time picture I just couldent get the surface 100% flat, everytime I moved one bit it moved another :(
Hi Sam

Time....took me a while to see the connection but got it now ! Nicely set out , good focus ...black card or paper is the way to go for backgrounds (y)

Gluttony...oh yes, must get about 10 of these a week through my door...not too inspiring as a shot but we all have those weeks...great use of DOF though....just in the right place :)