weekly Pikestar 2013 52 thread Week 7 Gluttony Added

I like the two Rennie in the foreground with the wrappers at the back. Although the reflection from the top left quadrant is a little distracting. Diverse take on theme and well executed.
Hi,John, Work, there is a real sense of angst here. The perspective is good and add to the theme. I'd like to see a tad more of your head and if your OCF had been playing you might have got a more even lighting.

Gluttony, good idea and the focus on the Rennie works well. I'd like to see the Rennie an inch or two further forward to seperate them from the sweet rappers (the left one if just touching the wrapper), perhapds a slight crop to loose the top blown bit. I do tend to notice small things and noted the 2 very small white bits on the surface.

Have you sorted your flash out?

that works for me nice composition it is slightly blown at the top but i find my eyes are drawn to the rennies anyway so not a worry for me
Hi Jon, liking this one, throwing something diff into the theme, the focus for me is draw to the Rennie, this works for me :)
There's some dust on the table that I would have removed but that said, good idea and well shot. (y)
hi ya

different but very apt take on Gluttony....my eye is also drawn straight to the tablets & DOF is great :) Simple job to clone out the 2 stray bits & it's sorted :)