weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

As a photograph, I like it, nice lead in, like the processing but, IMO, doesn't scream, Rustic.

Then again, as with all these themes it's ones personal idea and interpretation.

Good show for a quick post (y)

Hi ya

Angles...yup ,works for me , lovely n sharp where it counts , great expression on his face & good use of DOF :)

Rustic...this is going to be another of those themes that really push's your imagination...I found the following 2 definitions : Charmingly simple or unsophisticated & Made of unfinished or roughly finished wood so on that basis yup , it's on theme for me .Like the pp as well...is that a texture you've used ? Good work getting in early...now relax & watch the rest of us struggle :LOL:
Lol, ta :)

Yeah it was an old paper texture I found that I thought looked like a creased photo
Hi, John. Angle - what a lovely photo, and very much on theme.

Rustic - that really works well, very "cornish fishing village", and the processing adds a lot.
Good shot - well processed. The creased paper and old look allow you to get away with the bright areas to the top and left.

Good composition and well done for being first - even if the photo is a month old. :naughty:
lol, good catches on all points.

I'm taking the weekly challenge in a much more relaxed manner than the 356 of last year, the rigidity of it must be on the day was hugely inflexible and was a big part of me giving that up.

The other bit you spotted was the blown out corner, quite deliberate - in part to make it look like an old photo, which after a spot of trawling the net I found old pics were often that way, but another part (a bigger part if I'm honest) was to hide the massively wonky horizon :D
thats a really different angle for angle i like it (y) I was going to comment on the horizon on rustic but you have mentioned it, There is nothing wrong with putting a slightly older pic in now and again (y)
Good composition and well done for being first - even if the photo is a month old. :naughty:

Well, :thumbsdown: looks like you tricked us! - quick post eh? :razz:

Still, it's a nice photo and you have processed it well. I like the crumpled paper effect. (y)

1/3 of the way there!
you;re so right about the bottom and I noted that too - if I didn't always seem to take photos at about -7 degrees I would have had a tiny bit of clearance.

Totally real too - almost all of my kids shots are.
Thanks to you both and yep it is the new lens, it almost never comes off the camera nowadays.
That's a great shot John. Very 70s/80s family album (in a good way!). Bottom crop has been mention, but apart from that, fantastic.
One of my favourite shots so far in this years 52. It tells a lovely story, the light is great, the DOF and positioning of the kids in the frame is ideal. It really is a shame about the clipped foot but it still doesnt spoil it in my opinion.
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Thanks again :)

There was a small series of these, but this one stood out.

I may try sorting the foot in PhotoShop and see how it works out.
another (y) for this one - processing really makes it stand out... what was the story behind the little lad being led back by his big sister, kind of expect to see fallen over bikes in the background and a scuffed knee.....
It was that he's just been having a major sulk, complete with lying down screaming - she went to get him so he could come back and apologise.

Its is with deep regret that I'll be stepping away from the forums for a while (at least until I've retrieved my dummy :D) - I had a bit of a run in with a mod, of course we both think we are right but he will no longer reply to my PMs and I have given him a couple of days to do so, that I feel is the saddest part of it all and I know that he will care much less if I ever return than I will.

I will not go into detail as that is not really relevant but just wished to explain to you of that have helped me grow over the years why I'll not be posting for a while, or if I find an alternative second home possibly not at all.

I will say that I have loved my time here and have truly enjoyed meeting all of you even if only virtually.

Take care,


Its is with deep regret that I'll be stepping away from the forums for a while (at least until I've retrieved my dummy :D) - I had a bit of a run in with a mod, of course we both think we are right but he will no longer reply to my PMs and I have given him a couple of days to do so, that I feel is the saddest part of it all and I know that he will care much less if I ever return than I will.

I will not go into detail as that is not really relevant but just wished to explain to you of that have helped me grow over the years why I'll not be posting for a while, or if I find an alternative second home possibly not at all.

I will say that I have loved my time here and have truly enjoyed meeting all of you even if only virtually.

Take care,



Suspect you may never see this :)

well, sulk over... now back to it!

Bad timing though, about to go away on a course for work then leave the house sitters in for a two week holiday... I will catch up though, just probably in three weeks :D

Can anyone remind me where the week list is?? EDIT- NM found it here - hell of a catch up to do!
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oh yes - that works for me. :clap:

lovely strong vertical, love the yellow, the DOF, the sea wall curving in and through the frame, the little fella completes it, with that look of - "I got up here fine, now how am I going to get down!!! :eek:"
Thank you, I was very pleased with the shot... and he got down fine too :)

Still catching up before I leg it half way down the country to go do a SQL course, but heres one more (not as good though, but it was taken with pattern in mind even if I didn't know it was the theme at the time!):

Week 20 - Pattern by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Welcome back John

Missed your spin on the world, liking the last 2, a great restart!

Hi John :)

Welcome back...

Vertical -

oh yes - that works for me. :clap:

lovely strong vertical, love the yellow, the DOF, the sea wall curving in and through the frame, the little fella completes it, with that look of - "I got up here fine, now how am I going to get down!!! :eek:"
You have summed it up perfectly Graham - Cracking image John :clap:

Pattern - Excellent texture, pattern, detail and well lit, and what a great piece of timber - Your back with a BANG (y)
Being on a course near a park is helping. I've images (only on the lx7, so not as pretty) for the next three weeks plus an idea for process, so looking good :)