"Best DSLR Deals" scam...

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Well I never thought i'd fall for a scam.

I searched online for the best price for a Nikon 16mm. And this site, www.best-dslr-deals.com , came in miles cheaper than anyone else, yes I should have known...,

Their site looks pretty convincing, I guess the alarm bells ring when it asks for payment by bank transfer, luckily I opted for credit card payment. When I entered the details, a message popped up saying it didnt recognise the first four digits of the card, unusual for a barclaycard?

I contact my card who confirmed it probably was a scam aimed at you transferring money from your account rather than the card.

No money taken but now have to wait for new card to be issued.

Just thought i,d share with everyone else.
These guys used to trade under the name "Yorkshire Cameras", just type that name into google and then be thankful you walked away.

I just typed there address into google and guess what that must be one huge office there are about 40 companies sharing it.:eek::LOL:
Everything from management consultants to car traders and florists (on the 4th floor !) even a company called "Exploding monkey.com" (don't ask) After a little more searching here is post by some unfortunate who bought a car from said traders and appears to have lost 9,200 euros. :eek::eek::eek::eek:


You lucky lucky boy Philip.
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When I entered the details, a message popped up saying it didnt recognise the first four digits of the card

The site may not have accepted payment, but now they have your name, address, credit card number and security code. ;)
The site may not have accepted payment, but now they have your name, address, credit card number and security code. ;)

no they dont as the bank stopped them, as for the address i,ll just have to live with that for a while.
Added new info to my post, 'Always do your research' seems to be the message for today.
Took the time to look at there site

Canon EOS 7D with 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens Kit £837.18 with a free 5 year warranty :cautious: :nono: :LOL:

I am sorry if anyone reading this has been scammed but tbh its kinda hard to have any sympathy with anyone who falls for these kind of ridiculous bargains. If these prices were genuine the forums would be littered with people saying "Don't buy anywhere else" and the classified section here would be empty.

Good Call Philip
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I have to say that, without even looking at the site, their name alone would have set my spider senses tingling.
I'd have to agree with Rob ^

That and (for future reference) profit margins on cameras/electronic goods are very small ~5-10% it's just not possible to sell them at big discounted prices and stay in business.

O.P. was very lucky and it's a good heads up for him for the next time.
strangely enough there is already a thread about them on this site:

Possibly not enough folk have been conned by the too good to be true prices so they have reduced them even further :LOL:

has anyone got anymore news on this? my wife tried to order a camera on http://www.best-dslr-deal.com/testimonials (notice deal and not deals) is this the same website as everyone else has been talking about?

While searching the forums i found this website http://www.dontilo.com which is the same. The number on best-dslr-deal.com dosn't work so I googled the address and it is an accounts, so I phoned them and they confirmed to me that they are an accountants and have no idea about the camera website.

Anybody have anymore info on this?

Thanks very much!
Bloor 24 - yes that is the scam site. Contact your bank and card providers as quickly as possible to sort everything out.