2014-2015 Slimming Thread

Do it Kelly!

Update from me...

Yesterday was my birthday which consisted of pizza and chocolates...and a red velvet cupcake and you know what...I DON'T REGRET IT!!! LOL.

All done and happy belated birthday :D
Fats been the enemy for the last 50 yrs but they got it wrong, its sugar. Forget calories counting and feeling miserably and hungry. Sugar blocks a hormone that tells you when you are full up. Give up sugar and nothing else and you will lose weight. You will no longer be a slave to sugar crashes. When i say give up sugar i do not mean just in your tea. Everything that has refined sugar (sucrose) added which is basically every processed product. I did discuss this in another thread last year where i lost a stone in about 6 weeks. As of this week i'm back on it.

Watch this lecture, as featured in 10 videos that will change your life in the guardian last year.

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I managed to watch 30mins of it and but will get through it all.

Sugar, like anything, isn't a problem if people consume it in the right amounts at the right times. There are times when sugar beomes a very good source of fuel, example: when working anaerobically. By consuming sugar you will immediately store glycogen which is readily available for the work out.

The problem is, like he says, people drink it in soft drinks and it's far too easy to consume lots.

If I have a sugar in my tea will it hurt? No.

If I have 21 sugars in my coke drink will I slow down my fat usage? Yes.

Leptin isn't the source of obesity though, these days people eat for enjoyment and it's a case of enjoying ourselves too much...
Well so far I haven't made any attempts on my goal to get fit and healthy as I have been poorly with a horrid flu. I am starting to feel better so one of the first things I need to be looking at is my diet, which if I am honest is very poor I don't eat any fruit at all. I do like fruit but it's not something I subconsciously think off adding to my weekly shop. I don't always have breakfast but if I do it's your normal coco pops, bite size shredded wheat or belvita bars that kind off thing. A main meal could be anything from a tikka masala, korma, pizza, pork chops with baby spuds and peas and carrots. Or some kind of micro ready meal. Sundays is always a roast dinner off some kind. I don't eat puddings only now and then and I don't have lunch unless I have been invited out by friends.
He is! I knew it. What an inspiration.
Yes, same guy. It takes some bottle to admit you were wrong, although in his case what kicked it off was not simply questioning, but his own experience of what was happening to him. I wonder what would have happened if he had been like his wife, and been much more tolerant of eating high carbs? Most likely he would never have begun researching, and would have disbelieved people saying what he now believes!

Still, he did have that experience, and fortunately for us he's a complete science geek as well as a background in nutrition and medicine. So we can see the results of experiments he does on himself (living in a metabolic chamber, stress test cycling while giving blood samples every few minutes!). It was his experiments that answered many questions I had about diet, metabolism, how the body uses fats and carbs, and most especially his research on blood lipids and what actually happens in your body when you eat a high(er) fat diet - the 10 part series on cholesterol is hugely eye opening, as well as the tests he did on himself relative to HDL, IDL, LDL, VLDL, chylomicrons etc., as well as LDL-C versus LDL-P. A bit heavy for bedtime reading, but very important to know.
If I have a sugar in my tea will it hurt? No.
If I have 21 sugars in my coke drink will I slow down my fat usage? Yes.
Leptin isn't the source of obesity though, these days people eat for enjoyment and it's a case of enjoying ourselves too much...
I agree - 21 sugars will certainly slow down fat usage. Indeed depending on the person (how insulin resistant) having 21 sugars in their tea it will likely totally eliminate the possibility of burning fat until such time as their body has their blood sugar back under control, and insulin level is down again.

As you say a certain amount of sugar is "fine" and will be used for glycogen replenishment. But once that is exceeded (blood circulation at any one time is about one teaspoon of sugar) you get a rise in blood sugar and insulin is deployed - the liver turns the sugar into triglycerides, and insulin dumps those triglycerides INTO fat cells. As long as insulin is raised and putting things IN to fat cells, obviously it's not possible to get any stored fats OUT of fat cells - therefore our bodies cannot run on stored fat as long as insulin levels are high.

It's fine when we are younger - we are insulin sensitive, and insulin levels drop quite quickly. As we get older a lifetime of high sugar makes tissues insulin resistant (early low level steps toward diabetes), and it takes longer and longer to come down. Which is longer and longer we cannot access fat, hence weight continues to go up, as we're constantly putting things into fat stores, but never taking out.
I found myself in the same boat about a year or so ago. For 5-6 years I was telling people how HIIT would make their metabolism faster and how this exercise would be best for fat burning and then I questioned how much it does effect fat loss...then I did my research, came to the conclusion and got demotivated for about a month because I knew I couldn't work the same again.

Sonce then I have still taken on clients and achieved the same results without them training 6 times a week so from that point of view...

Anyway, onto Peter - I've sparked a bit of conversation with him about methods so waiting to hear back but we do things the complete opposite.

He is big into his ketogenic diet and I'm not (although I understand the science of it). He is using ketones to produce energy vs my way of using glucose. To assess which is best one would need to go head to head but from a biochemistry point of view: both methods would induce lipolysis.

I think more people should be like this - be open to question what you believe in order to find the truth. Really good attitude to have IMO.

I would like to see a ketogenic dieter perform anaerobic activity at a very high level (85% +) because I can't see how they could perform well...
Agree, also on the need to keep an open mind and fuel for what you need. At the moment with icy roads I cycle very little, and mainly doing weights (squats etc) to keep leg muscles ticking over. That kind of exercise is even not fat or glycolitic, but ATP-CP. But when going out cycling for sure I'll eat a bit higher carb.

Peter seems to consider he performs as well on the bike fat burning as when carb-fuelled - but there's a difference between "going out cycling" and really racing. If it gave a true overall pace advantage I'm sure the TdF guys like Contador would be using it, which they're not. They only restrict carbs on rest days, to avoid weight gain. I can see the value such as for the Aussie cricketers as has been reported recently, but not so sure for other sports.

From my own viewpoint I don't really mind the performance aspects, I care more for health. The theory is that high carbs cause high LDL-P (apo-b48 LDL) and the higher numbers and greater longevity of that LDL variant increase the risk of oxidised LDL, increasing risk of heart disease and other AGE related problems. That's more where my interest lies - if I'm a few mph slower average on the bike I'm not too worried, it's more to understand the long-term health aspects. That's a research journey I'm still on.
As you say a certain amount of sugar is "fine" and will be used for glycogen replenishment. But once that is exceeded (blood circulation at any one time is about one teaspoon of sugar) you get a rise in blood sugar and insulin is deployed - the liver turns the sugar into triglycerides, and insulin dumps those triglycerides INTO fat cells. As long as insulin is raised and putting things IN to fat cells, obviously it's not possible to get any stored fats OUT of fat cells - therefore our bodies cannot run on stored fat as long as insulin levels are high.

Excess glucose is converted to glycogen, primarily in the liver. Then skeletal muscle & a bit of lipogenesis and finally when glycogen is plentiful, lipogenesis is the only way to remove blood glucose. You have to eat quite a lot before excess is stored as fat...

You are right about not using fatty acids / glycerol (breaking down from fat cells) whilst in an anabolic state.

It's fine when we are younger - we are insulin sensitive, and insulin levels drop quite quickly. As we get older a lifetime of high sugar makes tissues insulin resistant (early low level steps toward diabetes), and it takes longer and longer to come down. Which is longer and longer we cannot access fat, hence weight continues to go up, as we're constantly putting things into fat stores, but never taking out.
Insulin isn't normally effected as age rises.

I also remember reading this in one of my physiology text books a couple of days ago. With insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome - we don't know the cause so can't say for sure on what is the best cause to prevent. One could also argue that a high protein / fat diet could be a cause of MS or insulin resistance in that case since it all has an effect on insulin anyway...but like I said, jury is still out on the cause so it's just speculation.
Agree, also on the need to keep an open mind and fuel for what you need. At the moment with icy roads I cycle very little, and mainly doing weights (squats etc) to keep leg muscles ticking over. That kind of exercise is even not fat or glycolitic, but ATP-CP. But when going out cycling for sure I'll eat a bit higher carb.

Peter seems to consider he performs as well on the bike fat burning as when carb-fuelled - but there's a difference between "going out cycling" and really racing. If it gave a true overall pace advantage I'm sure the TdF guys like Contador would be using it, which they're not. They only restrict carbs on rest days, to avoid weight gain. I can see the value such as for the Aussie cricketers as has been reported recently, but not so sure for other sports.

From my own viewpoint I don't really mind the performance aspects, I care more for health. The theory is that high carbs cause high LDL-P (apo-b48 LDL) and the higher numbers and greater longevity of that LDL variant increase the risk of oxidised LDL, increasing risk of heart disease and other AGE related problems. That's more where my interest lies - if I'm a few mph slower average on the bike I'm not too worried, it's more to understand the long-term health aspects. That's a research journey I'm still on.
Sounds like your exercise is mostly anaerobic glycolysis - everything is CP since that fuels the first 6-15 seconds before glycolysis (glucose from glycogen) can take over.

I very, very much doubt Peter (or anyone) can perform the same at 85%+ *remember in his video about performance on youtube he talked about 70% which I would consider med-high and probably on the wall of dipping into a glucose debt.
Hi.... my name's Russ and I'm an alcoholic..... ooppps sorry wrong thread :LOL:

Fell off the fitness wagon in September (see Fitness thread) and the excesses of Christmas has seen me hit numbers on the scales I've never seen before. I'm 5ft 11in and am fairly muscular but I'm weighing nigh on 16st at the moment which is over a stone more than want to weigh.

I'm firmly back into 38in waist trousers and some of them are getting a little snug.

My target over the next few weeks is to cut a lot of the crap/nice things from my diet and start exercising more as I feel fat and very unfit at the moment. My initial target is to get to under 15.5st.

In the longer term I want to lose my belly which is now very noticable, fit comfortably back into 36" waist trousers and by that point I hope to weigh around 14st 10lb which is what I weighed when I got married nearly 2 years ago.

We're expecting our first baby in July so my aim is to be fitter and healthier by the time he/she is born which will hopefully help me cope better with sleep deprivation and looking after my wife & baby :)
Well it's been less than a week since I adopted the approach suggested by Phil. The weekend was difficult as I went out with a group for a friend's 30th Birthday and ended up eating a 3 course meal and drinking a reasonable amount of alcohol, however.......... Since chaning my eating habits last Wednesday, I've lost 4lb and my trousers are already feeling a little more comfortable :)

It's been difficult as there are still lots of treats in the house left over from Xmas and the missus does like waving a box of chocolates under my nose after dinner :LOL:
Fantastic result mate well done!

You can indulge in the odd treat as you can see, as long as most of the time you are good.

The way I look at it; if you're losing 14,000 calories of fat a week, you can afford to put a bit back in ;)
Fantastic result mate well done!

You can indulge in the odd treat as you can see, as long as most of the time you are good.

The way I look at it; if you're losing 14,000 calories of fat a week, you can afford to put a bit back in ;)

Cheers Phil.

I think being more conscious of what I'm eating and when I'm eating it helps too.

Managed to hit the Gym 4 times last week and will aim for the same this week too. Decided to leave Insanity until I've lost a little more weight at I found it quite hard on my knees, the theory being that whilst I can lose weight by controlling my diet and do moderate exercise, I'd rather do that than try more strenuous exercise and get injured ;) (or that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :LOL: )
Week one day 1 30 min swim
day 3 30 min swim
day 4 20 minute walk (not far but still more than I normally do would have swam as well but the pool was closed :( )
day 5 30 min swim
weight loss 3.5lb
Have eaten less bread and potatoes more high fibre food ,more fruit no oil or spreads ,chicken did have some beef but no a huge 16oz steak lol watched portion control going on my plate as if it is on my plate I wont waste it !! had no booze not missed anything I haven't eaten so all good
Well at christmas I was 13 stone exactly and getting conscious of my excess weight I was quite sensible over the christmas/new year period and managed to get down to 12,10 before my diet and training started last Monday.

On Monday which was exactly a week from first weigh-in I was 12st 4 pounds so I had a loss of 6 pound last week which I'm very happy about and had a sneaky weigh-in this morning which I'm currently at 12,2 so I'm very pleased! That's a 12 pound loss since christmas and 8 pound loss in 9 days!

I believe that training hard helps me to loose weight but as you mentioned it does nothing so it might be in my head ha ha!!

Anyway seems to be working for me and I feel a lot fitter in myself!!
Well at christmas I was 13 stone exactly and getting conscious of my excess weight I was quite sensible over the christmas/new year period and managed to get down to 12,10 before my diet and training started last Monday.

On Monday which was exactly a week from first weigh-in I was 12st 4 pounds so I had a loss of 6 pound last week which I'm very happy about and had a sneaky weigh-in this morning which I'm currently at 12,2 so I'm very pleased! That's a 12 pound loss since christmas and 8 pound loss in 9 days!

I believe that training hard helps me to loose weight but as you mentioned it does nothing so it might be in my head ha ha!!

Anyway seems to be working for me and I feel a lot fitter in myself!!
Great work.

Just be aware that you won't lose that amount all the time. explanation below.

You've dropped 6lbs in a week so we can assume that previous weigh in of 12.10 was with a full glycogen storage (say 350g) and for every 1g glycogen it's stored with 2.7ml water so around 2.9lbs was actually glycogen depletion and water.

Bottom line is: don't be suprised if you lose 2-3lbs per week on your current diet from now on and if you do have a big meal and notice the scales go up a bit don't worry - it won't be fat (for the first 2-3lbs anyway!).

Keep the exercise up, you'll live longer ;)
Yeah I'm not looking forward for the weight loss to slow down! Just got to keep at it I suppose!

I've read all sorts on diets etc and so many mixed opinions and by the end you get so confused and start contradicting yourself. So I believe the more simple it is the easier it is. I go off the principle you eat more than you use you will get heavier and if you use more than you eat you will then use stored fat as energy.

I try to still eat a balanced diet with fats/carbs/proteins but choose better options and portion control is crutial. I also like to train hard as I believe this burns off more calories if you have had a bit too much to eat.

It seems to be working for me and just hope the weight loss keeps up!

Saturdays are my re feed day and only 3 more days to go!! ;)

Thanks for all the useful information aswell makes a change someone trying to help other people!!
Well had my Training programme sorted today OMG how hard lol Although I felt very negative as kept saying oh that bothers me as I broke this that and the other ( broken scafoid and fractured knee which took 6 months for RAF DR to send me for an xray) . However I also explained that I didn't want to get so I couldn't go to the gym .
Then we went on the treadmill walk for 2 mins at 6 then run for 1 at 9 tried 9 didn't like it as it was the wrong speed for my pace ( does that make sense ? ) so stupidly I turned it up to 10 !! so its now set at 10 as the trainer reckons I managed well . Picture the scene me running cant breathe trousers falling down so having to pull them up oh dear lol
Phil, what can you tell me about getting a six pack?!
I'm 28 and cycle at least 75miles a week all year for my comute so I figure that if I'm ever going to do it then now is probably my best chance, lol.
Is it all to do with diet, or are ab exercises the key?
Phil, what can you tell me about getting a six pack?!
I'm 28 and cycle at least 75miles a week all year for my comute so I figure that if I'm ever going to do it then now is probably my best chance, lol.
Is it all to do with diet, or are ab exercises the key?
Diet mate.

Do you know what your current body fat percentage is? Can you post/pm a photo of where you're at now to give a good idea?
Diet mate.

Do you know what your current body fat percentage is? Can you post/pm a photo of where you're at now to give a good idea?

Thought it was probably diet. I don't know my bodyfat - I'd guess somewhere in the 15-20% range. I'm about 5'7" and weigh 62kg, but the main place my fat seems to sit is on my stomach :(. I know I've got a long way to go but thought that now might be my best opportunity.
Well getting your body fat measured is a really good place to start because this is the most important figure in visible abs. It's a good way to show what you're doing is working and estimate how long it will take.

Various methods, some more accurate than others.

Keeping low calorie and small meals often is the key. If you can do that without a problem religiously then you'll not have a problem...but life gets in the way a lot for everybody I guess :)
Abs are made in the kitchen. Never a truer word said.

I heard that one the other week and I quite agree!!!

This time 3 years ago I started going to the gym 4-5 times a week doing a mixture of fairly intensive cardio and weights. I lost about 1/2 stone but as soon as I stopped going to the gym as regularly or went on holiday the weight would go back on.

I even tried the Insanity workout last year and only lost 3-5lb in 6 weeks. I wasn't expecting miracles as I'm not massively overweight but I did expect it to help a bit.

Recent articles I've read and the stuff that Phil's been writing on here made me decided to look at my diet rather than trying to lose weight through exercise. I made some relatively small changes to my eating habits last Wednesday and I'm 5lb lighter than I was this time last week!

I've started going to the gym again but only doing moderate cardio just to help the fitness levels.
I heard that one the other week and I quite agree!!!

This time 3 years ago I started going to the gym 4-5 times a week doing a mixture of fairly intensive cardio and weights. I lost about 1/2 stone over the course of 3-4 months but as soon as I stopped going to the gym as regularly or went on holiday the weight would go back on.

I even tried the Insanity workout last year and only lost 3-5lb in 6 weeks. I wasn't expecting miracles as I'm not massively overweight but I did expect it to help a bit.

Recent articles I've read and the stuff that Phil's been writing on here made me decided to look at my diet rather than trying to lose weight through exercise. I made some relatively small changes to my eating habits last Wednesday and I'm 5lb lighter than I was this time last week!

I've started going to the gym again but only doing moderate cardio just to help the fitness levels.
week 2 exercise
day 1 swim 30 mins
day 3 didnt get much done more trying machines out with the trainer so he could work out my programme
Day 4 30 min swim
day 5 1st day in Gym I have 3 workouts this is work out 1
warm up recline excite 2 min level 2 3 min levell 4
kinesis gamma Arm adduction standing 10 rep plate 5 x 3
Alpha Scapula girdle retraction standing 10 rep plate 5 x 3
Beta reverse fly standing 10 rep plate 5 x 3
treadmill goal in time
2min 6km/h
1 min 10km
2 min 6km
1 min 10km
2 min 6km
synchro excite : exercise goal in time
8 mins at level 5

have changed the synchro and it will be stepped up in levels next time I do workout one as I found it too hard ( I know exercise isnt meant to be easy but my heart rate was too high and i really struggled )
followed by a 30 min swim
The Kinesis is to strengthen my body for swimming as I really enjoy swimming and as long as I get to swim after a gym session I will be happy ( ish !!!! )
the programme will change as i get fitter (Which I will )
Hi.... my name's Russ and I'm an alcoholic..... ooppps sorry wrong thread :LOL:

Fell off the fitness wagon in September (see Fitness thread) and the excesses of Christmas has seen me hit numbers on the scales I've never seen before. I'm 5ft 11in and am fairly muscular but I'm weighing nigh on 16st at the moment which is over a stone more than want to weigh.

I'm firmly back into 38in waist trousers and some of them are getting a little snug.

My target over the next few weeks is to cut a lot of the crap/nice things from my diet and start exercising more as I feel fat and very unfit at the moment. My initial target is to get to under 15st 7lb.

In the longer term I want to lose my belly which is now very noticable, fit comfortably back into 36" waist trousers and by that point I hope to weigh around 14st 10lb which is what I weighed when I got married nearly 2 years ago.

We're expecting our first baby in July so my aim is to be fitter and healthier by the time he/she is born which will hopefully help me cope better with sleep deprivation and looking after my wife & baby :)

First target met..... This morning the scales showed me 15st 6.75lb :)

Happy with that result after about 10 day of simply modifying my eating (thanks to Phil's great advice)

I'm under no illusions though, I've got to keep up the good work and the weight loss will more than likely slow up from now on but at least it's happening :)
Cheers guys :)

Still got a way to go to get to my ultimate goal, mainly posted so I've got a record of what I weighed and when :LOL:

Did once track my weight on a spreadsheet but that went by the wayside....
I posted in the fitness thread but I thought I would pop my goals in here too.

September 2013 weight was - 12st 7lbs
December 31st 2013 weight was - 14st 0lbs

Aim is to be at 12st of fairly lean muscle by the end of April. I've modified by diet recently with Phil's help and I am now eating 5-6 meals a day with a total calories consumption of 1450-1750 depending on whether it is an exercise day or not. In theory it should be about possible but yet to see any weight movement in the last 10 days (have yet to cheat eat so 100% clean) but I'm going to stick with it and see what happens. Have noticed a bit of change in body composition and general fitness/energy levels in the last 10 days so worst case scenario I will get fitter.
Jake, that's strange. I'd expect a 3-5lb loss in your first 10 days.

I'd suggest taking a photo of everything you eat tomorrow and upload it at the end of the day, just to confirm if you are at the 1450kcal mark or not.
Jake, that's strange. I'd expect a 3-5lb loss in your first 10 days.

I'd suggest taking a photo of everything you eat tomorrow and upload it at the end of the day, just to confirm if you are at the 1450kcal mark or not.

Hi Phil

I can give you a break down now because it's virtually identical daily:

2x medium seeded slices of toast with 1tsp of jam per slice

1 cup of low fat natural yogurt, 1tsp of honey, 1 apple

1 whole meal wrap, 75g of chicken, few bits of red pepper and a handful of spinach

30g of wholewheat spaghetti, 50g of feta, 200g of steamed veg

1/2 tin of mixed beans (either kidney or black eyed), 1/4 tin of chopped tomatoes, 1/2 onion, 1/2 pepper and then either a single wrap, 100g of potatoes or a 50g cooked portion of rice

1 x 250ml of semi skimmed milk

MyFitnessPal works that out at around 1660-1750 depending on what brand bread I buy etc. I'm then doing 45mins 6d ays a week of insanity which apparently burns 300-450 calories (don't have a HR to check exactly but it's high intensity). According to my food diary I've been keeping my average net calories has been 1335 for the last week (with insanity at 415kcal). Any chance the lack of weight loss could be water retention?