weekly Blondie606's 52 2013 Wk 52 Water-The End :-(

Praise indeed...even got the crop right :D WB maybe your monitor as just been and checked the worktop & jars...yup , true to life :p

I stand corrected. I viewed on my Ipad, now on laptop and it's bang on. Now, how to change WB on iPad....

....Google search.....and the answer is, I can't GGGggggrrr

"Due to the fact that Apple lock the iPad down, and there is no access to the system, there is no way to change how the iPad renders colours for all applications."
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Got me thinking there...Fawlty Towers...which episode ?

The way I see it, any one with Basil Fawlty in it :LOL:

Don't be so hard on yourself - this is great, everything as what Nicky said.
Like dof and the way the lines in background seem to echo the jars.
Nice shot, cant add much to whats been said already
I'd maybe try a black/dark/white background just to seperate subject from background a bit as it kind of merges (on laptop so might be wrong)
I love the dof too, good effort (y)
May the Schwartz be with you.....name that film :D

Simple and effective shot and you have pretty much given yourself all the crit you need :LOL:

Hi Lynne, think you've been a little harsh on yourself. Background, focus and lighting all work well. Without you pointing out the iffy cloning and out of place 4th jar I would never have noticed. Wouldn't look out of place as an ad with some text added to the rhs (y)
i like the image overall Lynne! great use of DOF (y)

Might just be my screen but on the last jar at the bottom on the right hand side there's a darkish semi-circle - is that just the shadow on the side of the jar?
I like both the composition and depth of field - works well in my opinion.
It looks like the first jar is not quite straight, other than that spot on.

Hmmmm.....have a feeling that it might be an illusion...the label isn't straight on the jar ?

The way I see it, any one with Basil Fawlty in it :LOL:

Don't be so hard on yourself - this is great, everything as what Nicky said.

Cheers :LOL:
Hi Lynne, love this, Great how you got the DOF, may need to look into getting one of those lenses(y)

Tamron 90mm.....very good & very frustrating...macro can be soooo fiddly !

Like dof and the way the lines in background seem to echo the jars.

Thanks (y)



.....nevermind I'll get me coat! :)

I got there in the end :LOL:

Nice shot, cant add much to whats been said already
I'd maybe try a black/dark/white background just to seperate subject from background a bit as it kind of merges (on laptop so might be wrong)
I love the dof too, good effort (y)

Cheers Bruce.....see what you're saying but fed up with black & white BG's...fancied something that blended for a change :D

bang on theme.. nice focus and DOF, like the warm tones

Ta muchly (y)

Hi Lynne

Season - spot on theme. Good arrangement , dof, crop and colour. Agree with you about the 4th jar - mainly I suppose beause the blue logo shows

Good shot for one so uninspired.:)

Thanks Al...dammed inconsiderate of Shwartz to make the labels slightly different :bonk:
Season: Certainly hits the theme Lynne.
Shame about jar 4, as you say.

Still think you're mad for doing a 3rd year!

Ta Neil.....says the man who did 100 shots of pencils :LOL: See ya in a few weeks matey (y)

May the Schwartz be with you.....name that film :D

Simple and effective shot and you have pretty much given yourself all the crit you need :LOL:

Cheers mister (y)


Hi Lynne, think you've been a little harsh on yourself. Background, focus and lighting all work well. Without you pointing out the iffy cloning and out of place 4th jar I would never have noticed. Wouldn't look out of place as an ad with some text added to the rhs (y)

Spaceballs ........ now what have I missed ? thanks for popping in :)
i like the image overall Lynne! great use of DOF (y)

Might just be my screen but on the last jar at the bottom on the right hand side there's a darkish semi-circle - is that just the shadow on the side of the jar?

Nope...that'll be my iffy cloning :eek:

I like both the composition and depth of field - works well in my opinion.

Thanks Phil (y)
3 weeks in & I'm begining to wonder why I started this ...again !

Gravity...only the 1 idea, something I saw last year ( possibly Marsha's 52 ) & fancied giving it a try .

Against the law of Gravity.....

WK 3 Gravity by llj666, on Flickr

Things learnt :

1 ) I never seem to have a big enough sheet of paper for the BG's !
2 ) To take more care when checking live view...I could have sworn the glass's all looked to be the same angle
3 ) Balancing 3 1/2 full glass's on a slippery surface ( even with the aid of blu tac ) then trying to slide more mags underneath to get more angle is not easy :bonk:
4 ) Bg's drive me to distraction...couldn't get this one totally smooth for love nor money
5 ) Trying to sort a shot in 1/2 hour is a mistake....off to work in a minute so had to be done

Other than the above I'm quite pleased :D
Off to work....you really need to get interviewing for more staff :D

Nice Gravity. I haven't done one of these yet and I imagine it's quite tricky. A photograph of this type, as you say, doesn't help if rushed. Never the less it works for me. Blue was a nice choice.

Polariser would have removed some of the reflections from the glass. BG isn't too bad, never easy to remove creases.

It would have been bang on if the right 2 were same as the left one.

Good show.
Nicely on theme, like the blue against white. Nice idea.

Not sure if you know but your link to this thread isn't working on the picture only thread.
Hi Lynne, firstly apologies I missed your week 2 submission, I thought I'd commented but obviously not :(
You are indeed too harsh on yourself but then that could apply to most of us eh?
Season is bang on theme and minor crit which you've already mentioned aside, its perfect. I love the natural lighting, the shallow dof and the sweeping composition. To satisfy the critic in you, it could easily be shot again, could it not? I would be tempted to have more of a sweep to the jars. Bring them round from front left to almost right back, then that way there would be less need for cloning the background join.

Gravity, again you've added your own crit :LOL:
I find with these type of shots that time is your friend so if you were in a rush this wouldn't have helped.
I like this a lot, the bright vivid blue is particularly appealing.
More carefully lining up, probably camera position more than glasses I suspect and it will be bang on.

Good work Missus, see you soon ;)
As has already been said you have added your own crit at least you are aware of what you did wrong thats always a good thing.

nice work as usual :clap:
Really original idea and well executed - the only problem is it needs to be perfect to really pull of the illusion and it isn't quite. I'd be tempted to clone the one glass so they're all identical.

You obviously took a lot of time in with this shot. I think it's nice and sharp and love the blue colour. (my fave colour) so a little biased there. Look forward to seeing more of your pics. Good inspiration for others.
I like the colours in this. It'd be nice if all glasses were at the dead on angle of the first one.

I have to ask.. how do you do this?! I figured a table on a slant with the camera also on a slant.. but how do you stop the wine glasses slipping off!
thats brilliant Lynne i really like it. i take it by the way your describing you put the glasses on an off level surface and fill with liquid and then put the camera at the same angle?

Really nice shot and ive nothing to add than the above (y)
I was thinking of trying this for gravity.. different coloured liquid tho.. but was too much like hard work so went for an easier option.. like the bright blue, its nice and sharp.. pity the levels are slightly different but it doesn't detract too much for me.. well done!
Well worth the effort I reckon. I suppose if I was being really picky, absolute uniformity of the 3 glasses would be nice, but it's a really impressive shot as it is.
Hi Lynne, WOW
I looked at trying this with one glass and you pulled it off with three, as for FB not in any position to give crit as still looking at everybodys work and finding out how I can even get close to doing some of the stuff I'm seen:clap:
Off to work....you really need to get interviewing for more staff :D

Nice Gravity. I haven't done one of these yet and I imagine it's quite tricky. A photograph of this type, as you say, doesn't help if rushed. Never the less it works for me. Blue was a nice choice.

Polariser would have removed some of the reflections from the glass. BG isn't too bad, never easy to remove creases.

It would have been bang on if the right 2 were same as the left one.

Good show.

ta mister....:bang: this is a DEFINATE for a reshoot...I have got a poariser filter for the small as well , never thouht to use it though :bonk:

Nicely on theme, like the blue against white. Nice idea.

Not sure if you know but your link to this thread isn't working on the picture only thread.

Thanks for the heads up on the link...hopefully I've sorted it now ?

Hi Lynne, firstly apologies I missed your week 2 submission, I thought I'd commented but obviously not :(
You are indeed too harsh on yourself but then that could apply to most of us eh?
Season is bang on theme and minor crit which you've already mentioned aside, its perfect. I love the natural lighting, the shallow dof and the sweeping composition. To satisfy the critic in you, it could easily be shot again, could it not? I would be tempted to have more of a sweep to the jars. Bring them round from front left to almost right back, then that way there would be less need for cloning the background join.

Gravity, again you've added your own crit :LOL:
I find with these type of shots that time is your friend so if you were in a rush this wouldn't have helped.
I like this a lot, the bright vivid blue is particularly appealing.
More carefully lining up, probably camera position more than glasses I suspect and it will be bang on.

Good work Missus, see you soon ;)

Thanks Iain...if nothing else I'm getting better at self crit :LOL:
As has already been said you have added your own crit at least you are aware of what you did wrong thats always a good thing.

nice work as usual :clap:

Thanks Al....yup...my middle name is " I know what I've done wrong " :D

Really original idea and well executed - the only problem is it needs to be perfect to really pull of the illusion and it isn't quite. I'd be tempted to clone the one glass so they're all identical.


Thanks Phil....my knowledge of pse is not yet good enough to clone big things like that...but I'll learn , probably the long way :LOL:

You obviously took a lot of time in with this shot. I think it's nice and sharp and love the blue colour. (my fave colour) so a little biased there. Look forward to seeing more of your pics. Good inspiration for others.

Many thanks (y)

I like the colours in this. It'd be nice if all glasses were at the dead on angle of the first one.

I have to ask.. how do you do this?! I figured a table on a slant with the camera also on a slant.. but how do you stop the wine glasses slipping off!

Cheers , yup the angle bugs me as well !
Had the glasses stuck to the white card with little bits of blu tac
, chopping board underneath raised at one end to get the slant . Shot it straight on then straightened it in PSE...could've shot it on the angle I guess -might try that on the reshoot (y)
thats brilliant Lynne i really like it. i take it by the way your describing you put the glasses on an off level surface and fill with liquid and then put the camera at the same angle?

Really nice shot and ive nothing to add than the above (y)

described above how I did it...never thought to put the camera on the same angle :thinking:

Yet another great shot Lynne! This is fast becoming one of my favourite threads :)

Kind words indeed...thank you :love:

I was thinking of trying this for gravity.. different coloured liquid tho.. but was too much like hard work so went for an easier option.. like the bright blue, its nice and sharp.. pity the levels are slightly different but it doesn't detract too much for me.. well done!

Wanted to do this since I saw it last year & was gonna use 2 different colors...but the co-op only had blue food coloring :bonk:

Well worth the effort I reckon. I suppose if I was being really picky, absolute uniformity of the 3 glasses would be nice, but it's a really impressive shot as it is.

Cheers Nick (y)

Hi Lynne, WOW
I looked at trying this with one glass and you pulled it off with three, as for FB not in any position to give crit as still looking at everybodys work and finding out how I can even get close to doing some of the stuff I'm seen:clap:

Thanks for popping in...any crit is useful..though I do try to self crit ( saves everyone else time :LOL: ) .
Right...been messing about trying to clone the LH glass...failed miserably...need to learn more about PSE :thinking:

I did however come up with this....even more Against the Law of Gravity....

WK 3 Gravity 2 by llj666, on Flickr

Having spent this evening at work & then messing with this shot I've got some mega thread catching up today during the week (y)
Great idea for the original, but as you say, a few details let it down a bit. That edit really looks good to me though, I like it a lot.
Great thinking behind these
Have to agree the 1st attempt was a little off and seeing the surface of middle and right one was a bit distracting
Love the retake, can see this as a huge poster in a ships dining room to confuse the passengers haha