Cloudforest's 52 for 2022, Week 37- Looking Up

Superb puddy tat pic :)
A very well composed image Pete. Perfectly focused. I only have to ask if she was Purring at the time?
Thanks Bill. She was purring shortly afterwards once she had eaten.

Liking the depth of field and she demonstrates perfectly why it’s called a cat walk. On point :)
Thanks Bebop

Superb puddy tat pic :)
Cheers Dave

Aww, lovely puss shot.
Thanks Helen

That's a "coming home for dinner" look on the face!
You’re spot on Alan!
That's lovely Pete and looks to be very well taken. Well done :D
Nicely done Pete. Exposure can be tricky for this type of shot but you've nailed it.
Beautiful stained glass window Pete, perfectly exposed.
That's lovely Pete and looks to be very well taken. Well done :D
Thanks Alan, much appreciated

Well framed and great lighting.
Thanks Peter

Well exposed, getting all the details in the window and some of the brickwork. Is it an HDR?
Thanks Bebop. Its not an HDR but quite a bit of processing in Lightroom, taking down the highlights and boosting the detail in the shadow areas.

Nicely done Pete. Exposure can be tricky for this type of shot but you've nailed it.
Thanks Simon.

Great shot for snappers Pete, love these old church windows.
Cheers Dave. I'm lucky that I get to visit quite a view churches in my job.

Beautiful stained glass window Pete, perfectly exposed.
Thanks Bill.
The symmetry and the tones in the window are beautiful!

One Half confuses me, I can't work out whether the greenery at bottom left is a distraction or adds something. My first though was that it's unnecessary, then I thought, no, it needs to be there.... now I keep switching back and forth.
This is very well composed Pete. I like how the roundness of the tomato mirrors the roundness of the bread in the background and plays against the straight lines of the cheese and the more organic shape of the greens.
The symmetry and the tones in the window are beautiful!

One Half confuses me, I can't work out whether the greenery at bottom left is a distraction or adds something. My first though was that it's unnecessary, then I thought, no, it needs to be there.... now I keep switching back and forth.
Thanks Nick, know what you mean about the green but it looked odd without it ( in my eyes anyway) :)

I like the composition and depth of field you've chosen. The other ingredients give it context.
Thanks Bebop.

Good bokeh and layout there Pete.
Cheers Peter

Making me hungry :D
Thanks Alan. I did shoot it around lunchtime and some of the picture then disappeared :)
This is very well composed Pete. I like how the roundness of the tomato mirrors the roundness of the bread in the background and plays against the straight lines of the cheese and the more organic shape of the greens.
Thanks Bill. The piece of cheese was perhaps too big but I didn’t want to cut it and risk it crumbling.

Nice tight frame and good bokeh. Works for me!
Thanks Simon. I kept it tight because I didn’t have a suitable background. In the end I just used a piece of white card and overexposed it with a flash.
Nice work Pete. Fits the bill perfectly. As an aside, they're some posts!!!!
Thanks Simon. I‘m not sure how old the gate posts are But they’re certainly solid. The earliest burial in the churchyard dates back to the late 1700s but the church dates back further than that.
Great shot Pete. Love these old gates. I'm assuming that they lead to a cemetary?
Nice one that Pete :)
That's great Pete. Well executed, the reflections in the droplets are brilliant!
That's really good Pete, I had something similar to start off with but didn't like the final result. Yours is much, much better than mine was.