Clud17-52-2010 Wk 27 Art


What a lovely shot. Great lighting and composition. And really really good use of DoF to blur those background cards but still let you know what they are. How many shots did it take? Did you know what to set your aperture to to get the DoF spot on like that? Or were you just lucky? :)


Thanks Ian, the aperture was fairly easy to get right and took 1 adjustment to get to f9. The problem was figuring out where to put my 2 SB600's and the reflector to reduce the harsh shadows the chips cast and the underside of the cards, that took about 8 shots, i then had to reshoot as when i looked at the results on my laptop i noticed my thumbnail was a bit mucky and that annoyed me so i cleaned up and took another:LOL:
That works really well Chris. Well lit, excellent colours, good composition too. The DOF works perfectly. :clap:

How's the moving about ? Are you recovering ?

thanks John, my knee is improving daily and im out and about again which is a great feeling. i need to build up my muscles now to get some stability in the knee, thats going to take a lot of effort. I then have the second stage of the reconstruction in 6months time:crying: so it will be back to square 1
That's perfect for me, Chris. Everything about it works. The composition, lighting and execution are ace. Don't go all in though or they'll all smell a rat! ;)
A nice clean shot for play. The blue sets everything off well and you've used the DoF nicely. Only thing that spoils it is the title added to the bottom :)
I really like the card shot - great detail and the blue looks great

A nice clean shot for play. The blue sets everything off well and you've used the DoF nicely. Only thing that spoils it is the title added to the bottom :)

thanks guys, i re layed this card table myself last year and chose blue as i think its a more pleasing colour than the usual green.
Nide idea, good use of colours and the lighting and composition is spot on.
Well that works :)

Nicely composed, bright colours and the DOF (as others have already said) is spot on fella.
my knee is improving daily and im out and about again which is a great feeling. i need to build up my muscles now to get some stability in the knee, thats going to take a lot of effort. I then have the second stage of the reconstruction in 6months time:crying: so it will be back to square 1

That's good to hear Chris... yeah knees are a right mare for that aren't they as for building up the muscles... that's a lot of work... And then to do it all over again.... Sure you didn't upset the doctor :D
great light and colours on play.. know nothing about poker but it looks a great composition to my eye :)
Lovely image, I think you got the DoF spot on too, the focus is where it needs to be but you can still tell what the hand is.

Nice work :D
Chris, Sorry I've got so behind with your thread :shake:

Glad that I've caught up again though : "Pea Pull" is absolutely brilliant. It's still got me smiling :LOL:
And actually, on top of the comedy factor it's really well executed. Very sharp (not at all mushy . . . sorry :coat:); nicely composed and I love whatever you've used for a backdrop. :clap::clap::clap:

Mechanical : It's a mystery to me too. :shrug:
I like the flame thrower idea, but I can't quite work out where the flames would come out - hopefully not too close to the gas tank !!!!
The individual elements in this shot are great. The rusty texture of the "thing" and the rocky bank that it's on. As others have said though, the two seem to be merging together a bit. It would have been nice if you could have got a bit more distinction between them - just not quite sure how.

Play : Now that really is a dream hand (y)
The composition and DoF are both spot on - just enough to give it some depth, but still maintaining enough detail in the b/g cards.
Very good use of colour to give it some impact too.
Thanks everyone for dropping in and taking time to post, im trying my best to keep up with as many of you as possible i know its an effort so i appreciate it.

Chris, Sorry I've got so behind with your thread :shake:

Glad that I've caught up again though : "Pea Pull" is absolutely brilliant. It's still got me smiling :LOL:
And actually, on top of the comedy factor it's really well executed. Very sharp (not at all mushy . . . sorry :coat:); nicely composed and I love whatever you've used for a backdrop. :clap::clap::clap:

Mechanical : It's a mystery to me too. :shrug:
I like the flame thrower idea, but I can't quite work out where the flames would come out - hopefully not too close to the gas tank !!!!
The individual elements in this shot are great. The rusty texture of the "thing" and the rocky bank that it's on. As others have said though, the two seem to be merging together a bit. It would have been nice if you could have got a bit more distinction between them - just not quite sure how.

Play : Now that really is a dream hand (y)
The composition and DoF are both spot on - just enough to give it some depth, but still maintaining enough detail in the b/g cards.
Very good use of colour to give it some impact too.
interesting you comment on the backdrop Sarah, its a small painting that a friend did for me of a desert sunset, its a great piece which actually works each of the four ways up it can be placed. Thanks to you too for keeping up:clap:
I'm liking the play shot Chris, very good use of DoF and the colours are nice.

Not usually one for borders but think it compliments the shot nicely.
Week 10 Chemistry

I had a few plans this week and was going to post a couple variations and see what you thought. The first was messing about with some Ferrofluid but the neodymium magnets havn't arrived yet so that one is out. I then thought about going into the woods at night donning a chemical mask and doing some strobist stuff. I gave up on that one too as i'm not confident yet with my knee on that kind of terrain in the dark.

I've settling for an indoor shoot again and chose to do some oil on water with a holagram for the backdrop. I took a few shots and this one pleased me the most so with a crop, a sats and contrast boost in raw and a frame, i give you...

Hydrophobic Chemistry
That's a lovely shot for chemistry. Colours are great and I like the way the bubbles get smaller as you move up and out of the frame :clap:
fabulous.. something i've been meaning to try myself.. love the colours and the bubbles are perfect
Hi Chris,

Just stumbled across your 52 - apologies only found it 10 weeks in......... though there are what seems like hundreds of them.

Some really nice photo's there.

Love the DoF on Play. How lucky to get the Royal Flush on the flop! :LOL:

Mechanical - no idea what it is or more appropriately was........ nice colours though

Chemistry - very nice abstract - going to have to have a play with oil and water. What did you use as the background? I know you said a hologram but of what? Size?
Hi Chris,

Just stumbled across your 52 - apologies only found it 10 weeks in......... though there are what seems like hundreds of them.

Some really nice photo's there.

Love the DoF on Play. How lucky to get the Royal Flush on the flop! :LOL:

Mechanical - no idea what it is or more appropriately was........ nice colours though

Chemistry - very nice abstract - going to have to have a play with oil and water. What did you use as the background? I know you said a hologram but of what? Size?

Thanks mate, i bought a small sheet from my local craft shop, the holograms are some kind of star pattern they are A5 size and were 5 sheets for a pound). I Placed the glass of water on the sheet and had two lamps for the light. Camera with a macro lens was directly above on a tripod.

The colours are .... er ....... quite hypnotic. Well something about the picture is I keep looking at it, there's an almost 3d feel to it, it's quite mad really :D
:agree: with Rob... Excellent work Chris. Love the colours and patterns...

Probably a good call about not going into the woods in the dark with a bad knee... How is it healing ?

The colours are .... er ....... quite hypnotic. Well something about the picture is I keep looking at it, there's an almost 3d feel to it, it's quite mad really :D
thanks Rob, it is a bit hypnotic and fun to do, i think ill be having another crack soon

:agree: with Rob... Excellent work Chris. Love the colours and patterns...

Probably a good call about not going into the woods in the dark with a bad knee... How is it healing ?
thanks John, the knee is doing pretty well and physio is helping strengthen it but it wont be truly stable until after the second operation in the summer.
Week 11 Candid
I had a lot of fun with this weeks theme, a morning wandering through Sheffield taking some candid shots. I had no end of strange looks from the masses, obviously having a DSLR camera makes you some kind of weirdo/terrorist/peodophile. Who cares as all I like doing is taking photo’s of life.
I have a choice of 3 images for this weeks theme but I’ve settled for this one. Sheffield has a number of big issue sellers all very friendly and willing to let me shoot them selling their magazines( i now have six copies of the latest Big Issue). One of the guys told me Monday mornings were usually miserable as not many people even acknowledge them. I think we are as a nation very good at charitable work but often we forget about our own backyard, and this winter has been a cold backyard.

The title of the image works on three levels for me, does it for you?

We Have Issues
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Great candid shot Chris. Particularily the middle guy. Nice one.

I would have to agree with you about forgetting about our own backyard as well.

Cheers, Rob
Nice idea for chemistry, have seen a few of these in the macro section and you have done a great job.

(y) for getting out there to do some candid shots, still dissapointing to hear you got some strange looks though. The centre shot is the stongest of the 3.
Great candid shot Chris. Particularily the middle guy. Nice one.

I would have to agree with you about forgetting about our own backyard as well.

Cheers, Rob

Nice idea for chemistry, have seen a few of these in the macro section and you have done a great job.

(y) for getting out there to do some candid shots, still dissapointing to hear you got some strange looks though. The centre shot is the stongest of the 3.

Cheers guys, i think the middle one of the three is my favourite too
Loving this weeks Chris.

Any of the three shots would have worked on their own but together they are really powerful.

The play on words for the title is inspired (y)

You certainly have no issues with this weeks theme :LOL:

Love the candid - we have a very cool BI seller in Norwich - has the prime spot and a totally cool labrador who wears the BI seller badge on his collar... always have a chat with him, and sometimes buy a BI. Usually have a treat for the dog, from the market and sometimes a coffee for him... Damn, why the #### didn't I think to ask him to be my candid model!!!!! doh doh doh!
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Nice one, very powerfull!!!! We used to live in London for three years and there was a BI seller who always was very nice to the girls (who were 1 and 3 at the time) so one day they insisted on bringing him lunch. He loved it!!!!
Well done Chris. A powerful three shots, excellent expressions, the middle is the best, but as a Triptych with that title, works very well together.

Glad to hear the knee is heading in the right direction. I guess not too long to wait till the op, then do this all over again and be right as rain by what Christmas ?
Nice work. The triptych works great. I wish I could think of decent titles for my shots like you though. Makes such a difference.
Nice shots Chris - I partcularly like the middle one, it's an unusual expression, well done.