Clud17-52-2010 Wk 27 Art

Week 1 Great water feature, fits the theme to a T.

Week 2 Love the idea, well thought out and executed.

Week 3 Nice idea, agree with other comments just needs a little more impact

Great stuff so far, looking forward to the rest.

The idea is sound but the execution lets it down badly. The 5 slices are not real wood and look crass. With a little more effort this could have been a really good image. Cut the log into pieces and then place them around the cutter would be an idea, not the copy and paste used. Sorry to be negative.

The idea is sound but the execution lets it down badly. The 5 slices are not real wood and look crass. With a little more effort this could have been a really good image. Cut the log into pieces and then place them around the cutter would be an idea, not the copy and paste used. Sorry to be negative.


I think that's the point isn't it Chris? The 2-D to 3-D Escher-esque that you mentioned? If so, I do like the concept, but would agree about the impact comments. Well done though :clap: - wish my brain would work like that - all I can think about at the mo is chopped mushrooms and I wanted something a little more 'out of the box' than that :LOL:
I think that's the point isn't it Chris? The 2-D to 3-D Escher-esque that you mentioned? If so, I do like the concept, but would agree about the impact comments. Well done though :clap: - wish my brain would work like that - all I can think about at the mo is chopped mushrooms and I wanted something a little more 'out of the box' than that :LOL:

yep exactly right Kristy, the slices are actually 5 prints of a photo of a slice i sawed off the log. The idea being that the subject is a paper trimmer which my father used for trimming photo's, so i wanted the slices to be photo's and not the log.

I think if the prints were a better quality it would look better or maybe the whole think taken with a more topical backdrop.

Dont worry about the negative comments Allan, i prefer it to be called constructive criticism and its how we all learn, although i have to say a lot of effort did go into the project.
I like the shot (week 3) and the idea is great, the only thing i think (dont listen to me to much as im no good) is that the bits you have cut off look a little to green?
The idea is sound but the execution lets it down badly. The 5 slices are not real wood and look crass. With a little more effort this could have been a really good image. Cut the log into pieces and then place them around the cutter would be an idea, not the copy and paste used. Sorry to be negative.


I think it ok
Brilliant idea, I like it lots. Oh and well done on the processing, I had lots of ideas that would have reuired something other than a tweak in PS and so wimped out. Kudos to you.
:D I love the way that your mind works Chris
I'm a big fan of Escher and the concept is just fantastic. . . you've got another level going on with the paper from wood thing too. (y)

I did get a little confused when I looked at it before reading the words though. It isn't immediately clear that the disks of wood are intended to be paper and I wondered what was going on with them.

I think it might have been a stronger image and stood alone without explanation if the fact that the disks were made of paper was obvious at first glance.
:thinking: Maybe if they weren't cut out and were scattered around printed on actual sheets of paper instead . . . or if the one coming out of the trimmer was curled over to reveal that it really was 2D and had blank white paper on the rear side.
:D I love the way that your mind works Chris
I'm a big fan of Escher and the concept is just fantastic. . . you've got another level going on with the paper from wood thing too. (y)

I did get a little confused when I looked at it before reading the words though. It isn't immediately clear that the disks of wood are intended to be paper and I wondered what was going on with them.

I think it might have been a stronger image and stood alone without explanation if the fact that the disks were made of paper was obvious at first glance.
:thinking: Maybe if they weren't cut out and were scattered around printed on actual sheets of paper instead . . . or if the one coming out of the trimmer was curled over to reveal that it really was 2D and had blank white paper on the rear side.

yeh i think i agree Sarah, i did think about leaving the prints uncut and as photo's, my father used the cutter to trim his own prints so i guess that would have been more appropriate. To be honest i had several levels going on in my head and probrably got a bit confused :)
At first I thought "I don't like this picture", then I read, re-read, read again and re-read what you've tried to achieve and though "wow, this is b****y brilliant"!! You certainly achieved what you set out to do and although anyone is unlikely to go "wow" without understanding what you were trying to achieve, it's still a great effort, so well done!
My brain took a while to get this, but now it has I can see how well you've done to achieve the shot. Angle is perfect on the end of the log and makes you wonder if it's paper or log. Not quite sure about the arrangement of the other 2d pieces but very well thought out (y)
Well done Chris

like all three submissions so far Week 1 the best, a great composition week 2 the set up really does deserve some sort of award not to sure about end result week 3 again really your imagination seems to be running wild plus giving me other artist to explore, fantastic keep up the good work.:clap:
My brain gets the idea, but I still can't quite work out the image, but I guess that's the intent, so well done. Personally, it's not really to my taste though. It does work for the theme
Week 4 Street
this weeks theme really has endless possibilities, my routine when i get the theme is to get the pad out and jot a few ideas down. I have a list of about ten shots and Saturday morning i'm going to get into town to take a few. However, right from the start i had something like this in mind, How did i get to this, hmmm. My first thought on hearing theme was of the film "A street car named desire", i then started thinking about movies in general and i've always loved the look of 70's french cinema and the films of Alain Delon. I know it's a processed shot to get this look and this is not pleasing to everyone but thats the only way i know to get this cinematic look. Personally I'm pretty pleased with the end result what do you think? There may be more images added on this theme we'll see on Saturday.

Street Life on Film
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Hi Chris. Like the way you've framed him between the other heads, well seen and good reactions to grab the shot and nail the focus. Not so sure about the processing, although it might just be the white collar on the woman at the front of the frame that is distracting my eye.
Thanks Darren,
as i said in my description, the processing will not be to everyones liking but it is intended in that style. I think the framing was more down to luck really and it is a pretty close crop to make this image. The reason why the fellow walking forwards is in focus is down to the processing which i applied a lens blur as a mask to the whole image and then erased the blur from the focal point.
I like your street shot - it draws the eye & that is the main criteria for a photo in my book!

Some really creative shots here (y)

Street, I can see what you were aiming for, and the processing works for me but the white collar at the front right breaks my line of vision, but them's the breaks in street photography.

Great concept :clap::clap:
Not too keen on the processing, BUT the way the guy walking toward you is framed by the heads of the people walking away is a really nice touch. This is a clever image.
Just love the processing on this one. Not sure it would have the same effect otherwise.
Very nice image.

The processing makes it for me.

With the PP it would may have been a snapshot.

They wouldn't have a Greggs in 70s France though ;) :LOL:
Nicely done Chris (y) it works, and the PP is good to
Week 5 Speed
ok here goes for week 5, once again i had plenty of ideas for this one but didn't really have the time or tools to execute most of them, i started to struggle a bit and then it hit me. Every time i go out with my camera i have my mp3 player on, i love the pace of some fat funky deep house beats, around 120 beats per minute and i love mixing them up on my decks. So i approached the turntables once again (see week 2) and on went the vinyl at 33rpm, hence this image.

120bpm @ 33rpm.