DPOTY 2023 - Chat Thread

Thanks @LeeRatters @TimHughes correct, you can do a Big Stopper or as per the entries already in, it's loose. A 1 second exposure is long for some subjects, 30 seconds (* 60 stacked) is pretty normal for deep sky astro, 2 minutes plus is short for pinholes...
Thanks @lindsay, challenge entry posted. It's long enough to show the motion blur of the sparks but not so long that the scene is blurred.
I think I was way too far out of the box!

I have got a backup photo for this month, albeit with a faster shutter speed that I was happy with.
Choosing 'long exposure' is already difficult and it's only the 20th.
I’m out with my kit tomorrow with some ideas in my head, fingers crossed :)
It's very quiet here.

Only four more days to go before February end.
I was thinking that Martin, but we’re in ;)
I've really struggled to put something together for this month. Had a week away, and now this weekend I've got a nasty cold and no chance of doing the image composite planned.
Maybe the theme this month was too much of a stretch? Still, there are a few days left so hopefully we'll get a few more entries.
I don’t think so Lindsay, some of future themes have me more worried! ;)
Ive got an idea and ill execute it but it wont be polished
I already have ideas for next months. I don't think the themes are more, or less, difficult than any other theme might be. I'm trying to look at it from a Shutterstock or Alamy point of view in that I'm pretending I have a commission and I have to go any get something to fit. I find it keeps my interest high as I have to try to think a little outside the box. Same with the 52 challenge, which I'm trying to do again this year. I did finish it once :) and I'm optimistic for this year as my attitude to everything has changed in the last six months.
I'm happy to still be in the game, I tried the 52 a couple of times and failed miserably. I have a chance of finishing this one.

@lindsay are there any restrictions on post-processing? Looking ahead to March, I'm thinking "symmetry" is asking for a photoshop assist ;)
I have a some shots, but looking to improve if the weather is not too cold in the next few days
I'm happy to still be in the game, I tried the 52 a couple of times and failed miserably. I have a chance of finishing this one.

@lindsay are there any restrictions on post-processing? Looking ahead to March, I'm thinking "symmetry" is asking for a photoshop assist ;)
Ooh, not sure a Photoshop assist is Cricket old chap. :ROFLMAO:
I'm happy to still be in the game, I tried the 52 a couple of times and failed miserably. I have a chance of finishing this one.

@lindsay are there any restrictions on post-processing? Looking ahead to March, I'm thinking "symmetry" is asking for a photoshop assist ;)
It's not against the rules, and I would expect all entries are likely to have had a degree of photoshopping. I think creativity is the key to a challenge like this, and it's not a competition as such, so it's what the voting public think of the entry that will define the acceptability of the degree of photoshop assist that is employed.
It's not against the rules, and I would expect all entries are likely to have had a degree of photoshopping. I think creativity is the key to a challenge like this, and it's not a competition as such, so it's what the voting public think of the entry that will define the acceptability of the degree of photoshop assist that is employed.
Thanks Lindsay, this helps.
My entry is crap, never tried long exposure before and probably won't again.
Just grateful there isn't a bird in flight category, tried that once and all I got was dizzy.

Got something in mind for next month that should hopefully be a bit better.
My entry is crap, never tried long exposure before and probably won't again.
Just grateful there isn't a bird in flight category, tried that once and all I got was dizzy.

Got something in mind for next month that should hopefully be a bit better.
I like the challenge themes are going to force me to do some new styles of pictures I haven't tried before. My decay effort was fairly crap in the end, but I posted it all the same.
I like the challenge themes are going to force me to do some new styles of pictures I haven't tried before. My decay effort was fairly crap in the end, but I posted it all the same.
I still posted mine even though its rotten.
It is good to try new things and helps me to realise what I will never waste my time on again.
I've had to go with my back up entry - I wanted a slower shutter speed pan, but between my poor hit rate and limited cooperation from my model that was the slowest one that looked good.