Critique required Kell's 2023 TP52 - WEEK 52. Shots(s) of the year.

Week 36 -URBAN + TECH: Motion Blur.

Not too much to say other than it was a handheld shot. Canon G5 X.

Motion Blur by Kell, on Flickr

I did also spot this Checker Cab in the morning. Which I took a shot of as it was cool. But it wasn't specifically for this theme (even though it was shot on the same day).

NYC Checker Cab by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Checker Cab by Kell, on Flickr

NYC Checker Cab by Kell, on Flickr
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Nice one.

The theme is "Urban" - this fits too. :)
A good urban shot Kell. I like the play of colour from the right of the shot with the blurred sign in the background.
Week 37 - HOLLOW

Had to take my parents down to Hamworthy yesterday and had a bit of time to kill while waiting for them. So went to visit Kingston Lacy Country House.

Read that the theme was 'hollow' and figured bronze statues are hollow...

Critiquing my own work...

I'd say the lighting meant I used too shallow DOF. The key is sharp, but her features are not. I'd have been better off with a higher ISO and greater DOF. This was the only shot I took, so no playing around. Felt a bit self-conscious as there was a guide stood right next to me.

Shot it in aperture priority at f2.8 and the shutter speed dropped to 1/30. That's because the ISO was on auto and set itself at 125.

So no wonder it's not 100% sharp. It's one of those things I keep forgetting to change.

This is Lady Mary Bankes. She holds the symbolic key to the Castle (Corfe Castle - under siege at the time) and a sword in her other hand symbolising that it was she that held off the Parliamentarian attack in 1643. Her husband, Sir John Bankes was with the King (Charles I) in Oxford at the time. This act of bravery was clearly a pride of the Bankes family. She prepared for a siege and held the Parliamentarian soldiers off from the 23 June 1643 until they departed on 4 August 1643. Her daughter and female servants joined in the defence of the castle by dropping rocks and hot embers onto the attackers. It was another siege in 1644 that saw the castle surrender. The force went on to demolish the castle, which is why it is in a ruinous state today

5D3_3638 by Kell, on Flickr

I also processed a B&W, but I don't like it as much.

5D3_3638-2 by Kell, on Flickr
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I think that I like the colour version best Kell. You're probably right with your self-critique but I really enjoyed the commentary about Lady Bankes.
Week 38 - Solid:

Spent a 'boys' weekend in Fort William to climb Ben Nevis and picked the worst day to climb, but the best rest day for sightseeing. Which is where some of these shots of the Glenfinnan Viaduct come from.

-5 at the top, with strong winds bringing the rain in sideways. I last did it as part of the three peaks challenge some 25 years ago. This time, I could hardly walk for 2 days after, let alone climb another two mountains.


Glenfinnan Viaduct (otherwise known as the Harry Potter Bridge)

Unfortunately, we went at the wrong time to see the Jacobite Train crossing it. Which would have made for a more interesting (if slightly cliched) shot.

IMG_3708 by Kell, on Flickr

IMG_3713 by Kell, on Flickr

This is probably my fave of the three - because at least it has 'a' train on it.

IMG_3724 by Kell, on Flickr

But my chosen shot for this week is this one of Ben Nevis from near Corpach with the old boat of Caol in the foreground. Just lucked into this location on the way back from viewing the viaduct.

IMG_3786 by Kell, on Flickr
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Yep best of the bunch for sure!
On a catch up.
Urban - great capture with the name and colour pop.... not that I miss travelling on those trains!
Hollow - I like the slightly angled pov that creates a feeling of grandeur
Solid - Wow... gorgeous shot. And well done on the climb. I did some clambering in and out of Yorkshire coves last week... leg ache indeed!
That;'s a cracking set Kell - your chosen shot has lovely light.
And congrats on getting up Ben Nevis - no mean feat!
Solid - great set of pictures, well done on the climb. Coming down worse on the knees than going up?
Such a lovely shot Kell, I could see it hanging on a wall for sure.
Solid - great set of pictures, well done on the climb. Coming down worse on the knees than going up?

Thank you.

I have to say going up was, in some ways, easier than coming down. I’ve had two knee operations (one each) and my right knee was clicking and popping for a couple of months before we went.

According to my phone, it’s picked up an imbalance meaning I was limping a lot coming down. Climbed it last Friday and my left calf is still a bit sore. Which makes sense as I was coming down harder on that knee.

For anyone else contemplating it, defo do as much training as you can.


Such a lovely shot Kell, I could see it hanging on a wall for sure.

That’s very kind. Pleased we decided to stop and see if there was a better view to be had.
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Few to choose from this week and weirdly, the one I thought I was heading out to capture didn't make the cut.

Toddle along the Thames Path from Marlow to Temple Lock. You used to be able to cross the river here, but unfortunately, the footbridge has been condemned. So you basically have to turn around and come back.

This is a close up of the gate I set out to capture: Definitely thinking that whatever dog they put that sign up for is now running in the big field in the sky.

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_04 by Kell, on Flickr

Weirdly, even though I knew I was heading towards the Lock, I'd completely forgotten that Locks have gates...

(You can see the condemned bridge in the background of the second shot).

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_03 by Kell, on Flickr

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_02 by Kell, on Flickr

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_05 by Kell, on Flickr

Below is my favourite from that set. I think the evidence of the human element makes it for me. Technically it's not a picture of the gates, but it's on the controls for the gates. And if you zoom in, you can just about make out where GATE is written on the control panel.

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_01 by Kell, on Flickr

This one I took because the light was very flat and having this reflection worked better than having the gate itself against an almost white/grey sky.

Had I not come across the cow image, I think this would have been my chosen shot.

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_08 by Kell, on Flickr

This one I took because I don't think I've ever seen so many warning signs...

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_07 by Kell, on Flickr
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But these were my faves. Partly because I had a bit of interaction/play with the cow. When I arrived on scene, the first image I took was with the top of the gate in shot and the cow's head above it, but as I bent down to see if I could shoot through the gate, the cow also ducked its head to keep an eye on me. Wherever I moved, it moved to ensure I was always in view. It was like a game of Peek-a-boo. So when I see these, it makes me smile.

The other reason being that I figured that this week's theme lends itself to some quite literal shots and I wanted to try and avoid direct comparisons.

Was undecided on B&W v colour, so gave it the overnight test before posting. In the end, I went with the B&W.

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_06 by Kell, on Flickr

TP522023 - WK39 - Gates_09 by Kell, on Flickr
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Nice moooody gate shot Kell. The mono works for me :)
Lots of gates there- good set, agree with your choice. The cows eye in the mono shot has much more pop or impact.

Which app are you using for walking, looked on Apple store but didn't find anything. TIA
Lots of gates there- good set, agree with your choice. The cows eye in the mono shot has much more pop or impact.

Which app are you using for walking, looked on Apple store but didn't find anything. TIA

Thanks Keith.

As for the app, do you mean the one that detects imbalance?

If so, it's in the health app. So long as you have your phone on you it will pick it up. LINK
Thanks for that, just looked and my phone says I’m walking ok, must show my wife as she keeps telling me I’m a clumsy git
Some lovely and interesting shots in there. However, I really like the cow.. especially in mono. Great capture.
All crackers Kell. I like your chosen one, but personally I'm drawn to the first one of the lock gates
A really interesting set of images there, any of them could have been the first choice. Great job!
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Good stuff Kell. This year I'm enjoying introducing my 2 1/2 year old Grandson to the joys of conkers :)
Good stuff Kell. This year I'm enjoying introducing my 2 1/2 year old Grandson to the joys of conkers :)
Any techniques for hardening the conkers?

We always tried soaking them in vinegar or baking them, but I’m not sure it ever worked.

I’m sure I read the other day that they were thinking of trying to get ‘ conkers’ in to the olympics.

Or maybe that was some sort of cheese dream. I know it’s currently the world Conker championships.
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Two fantastic set Kell, the very first Gate shot really grabbed my attention but you chose the right shot to post in the main thread. Love the commentary.

Your Memory03 shot ticked all the boxes for me.
Great technique in the first (focus stack) picture, but for me the 3rd shot has character and context. Love the colours !
Fantastic conker shots, really nicely done. And great memories too of course.
Beautiful set of images from Ben Nevis, my favourite is the 2nd one of the curving bridge.
Gates - another great set, I think the reflection is my favourite
Memory - the 3rd one is a clear winner for me as the lighting is so much more interesting.
Excellent set of images and evoking memories here too!

Thanks Simon.

Two fantastic set Kell, the very first Gate shot really grabbed my attention but you chose the right shot to post in the main thread. Love the commentary.

Your Memory03 shot ticked all the boxes for me.

Thanks Bill - I liked the idea of not showing the whole gate TBH. Plus in that instance it was a much less interesting shot.

Great technique in the first (focus stack) picture, but for me the 3rd shot has character and context. Love the colours !

Thanks - it's amazing how well a 20 5MP camera can still perform.

Fantastic conker shots, really nicely done. And great memories too of course.

Thanks Jim. I don't think I ever got more than about a 'fiver' out of a conker. TBH, for me it was more about the fun of going to collect them. Climbing tress etc.

Beautiful set of images from Ben Nevis, my favourite is the 2nd one of the curving bridge.
Gates - another great set, I think the reflection is my favourite
Memory - the 3rd one is a clear winner for me as the lighting is so much more interesting.

Thanks Nicky. It's strange as the lighting set up was exactly the same in them all, but two different cameras pick up different aspects I guess.
I'm with Nicky on #3 for the lighting.
Brings back many memories of chucking branches into the trees to try and dislodge those that hadn't dropped!