Let's see your trains: inside and out, an open thread

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Anything and everything to do with the railways.

To start off, an Austrian locomotive with a name that may be familiar to the membership at large...

Panasonic G2_one 1190802.jpg
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Eye catching 'name' so had to look it up, Einsatzkommando though I read that it translates as Task Force it has Nazi era legacy of a most disturbing type.

PS the EKO COBRA is the tactical arm of the Austrian Police Force, so it looks like to spotted a special train service or at the loco of that service???
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it has Nazi era legacy of a most disturbing type.
Not in the least.

The train is in honour of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior's special forces unit which is the direct descendant of the Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando Bad Vöslau. Far from having anything to do with the Nasties, this unit was formed specifically to defend Jews imigrating to Israel via Austria.

COBRA was a name bestowed on the unit by the Austrian press in the early 1970s and the locomotive was named to commemorate the many actions that the unit has undertaken to protect both Austrian citizens and others.

ADDENDUM: the roots of einsatzkommando mean "commitment" (as in "commtted to") and "command" so the word translates to English (literally) as "Deployment Command". In German this is an adjective, so the whole might be best rendered as "Department Corbra".

Any corrections or complaints should be directed to Mrs F who's the one with the language degrees! :naughty:
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Not in the least.

The train is in honour of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior's special forces unit which is the direct descendant of the Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando Bad Vöslau. Far from having anything to do with the Nasties, this unit was formed specifically to defend Jews imigrating to Israel via Austria.

COBRA was a name bestowed on the unit by the Austrian press in the early 1970s and the locomotive was named to commemorate the many actions that the unit has undertaken to protect both Austrian citizens and others.

Thanks for the added insight and, of course, as a Task Force they bear no relationship to such a force of WW2.

It just struck me that having looked up the meaning of Einsatzkommando the references that appear relate to the war legacy of such a "task force". And it was that to which I was referring.
I really like that, but I can't help thinking that it needs brightening up a little bit. If you shot it in RAW it shouldn't be too difficult.

Yes its in RAW (Fuji X-H1, XF23mm F1.4 at F1.4, ISO 6400), really is at the limits of the camera!! I appreciate your comment, but I'm not going to fiddle with it, it was at night and I feel that my image reflects that.
It takes a lot of effort to keep a steam engine running at anything like full efficiency, even if it's one of the exhibits at the National Railway Museum in York...

Engineer maintaing locomotive National Railway Museum York Canon 10D 4675.JPG
Flying Scotsman at the Plant Works, Doncaster (outside the engine shed where it was constructed in 1923)

View attachment 324990


I remember those years ago, (in the late 50's and very early 60's) climbing over the wall into "the sheds", sneaking onto the platform to watch the "streaks" fly by, being chased out of "The Plant" - and train spotting from ??? bridge - the Ian Allen "combination" was the train spotters bible in those days.

I drove up to the DRI on Monday - just did not recognise Doncaster and would not have found Thorne Road without my SatNav - the town has really changed since we moved from Cantley in the mid 70's??
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I remember those years ago, (in the late 50's and very early 60's) climbing over the wall into "the sheds", sneaking onto the platform to watch the "streaks" fly by, being chased out of "The Plant" - and train spotting from ??? bridge - the Ian Allen "combination" was the train spotters bible in those days.

I drove up to the DRI on Monday - just did not recognise Doncaster and would not have found Thorne Road without my SatNav - the town has really changed since we moved from Cantley in the mid 70's??
- cheers for those memories of old Donny, Bill. The place really has changed over the years and, would you believe it, we now have 8 polar bears in the local Yorkshire Wildlife Park (more than anywhere outside Canada it is said).

- cheers for those memories of old Donny, Bill. The place really has changed over the years and, would you believe it, we now have 8 polar bears in the local Yorkshire Wildlife Park (more than anywhere outside Canada it is said).


8 Polar Bears - I know it's cold "up North" but that's pushing it!!!

I had to rush up to the DRI on Monday to see my Mum, (98 next month), I parked my car in the first car park I came to and then walked through the hospital until I found an "official" person - when I left at 2 in the morning it took me 30 minutes to find my car - being S Yorks I bet no-one pays to park in the hospital car parks - the DRI is just an enormous complex.
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Railways run on rails, which may seem to be a statement of the blindingly obvious...

Northampton railway station sidings R1_05631.jpg
More from Switzerland.

I was immediately behind the drivers cab, shooting through the glass.

1. Tunnel approaching.


2. Entering tunnel.


3. Tunnel Light Effects.


4. The other side.
