Oh no... Another 365!

I just missed it today. At least we agree it's crap!
Could be a masterpiece tomorrow, you never can tell eh?
Wouldn't say it was crap far from it, just not very interesting especially compared to the ones that have preceeded it.

I like it, looks like a hairy sunrise :LOL:
Well guys, you're all angels. I guess we don't always like our own work but other people see good in it :)
Hi Chill,
it says 6 on my clippers, but I think it's a different measurement, much more like a grade 2 in my book!

Today went badly, had to go up north to Bradford, I was planning a scenic route back, maybe Halifax or something but I've never seen so much rain! Took a couple but no good.

So I have gone with this, I need a bit of colour in this thread.


These chaps kept me going through Christmas and New Year, think (hope) I had my last hot lemon and honey yesterday.
Lost a bit of sharpness getting it below 200k, oh well.
I like it lemons (well lemsips ;) ) have been my best friend for the last 5 days (y)

This picture reminds me.......

Why is it that lemon juice contains lemon flavour, while washing up liquid contains real lemon juice :thinking:
Just a quick snap today I'm afraid,
only just got back home from work, but I'm happy :D


Took it while helping my mate fix his car lights.

Had a busy day today, will catch up with all the comments tomorrow, which is nearly later today :eek:
I like it lemons (well lemsips ;) ) have been my best friend for the last 5 days (y)

Yeah, isn't winter great. I prefer to make my own though, half a lemon 2 spoons of honey some paracetamol and if it's late, something strong.

Cheers mate lol.

Ooh, zesty! :D Love anything lemon flavoured!
I totally agree, yummy.

This picture reminds me.......

Why is it that lemon juice contains lemon flavour, while washing up liquid contains real lemon juice :thinking:

Because we live in a world gone mad lol.
Not a bad shot...I like the vivid orangeness :)
Cool, did it in a rush, would look better with a nice sunset not my road as a BG lol.

An unusual shot there. Glad you're happy! (y)
Thanks mate, good day (evening) at work, tired now though.

I like it (y)
Cheers, I'll keep it in mind for improving it at the right time.

Certainly a 'different' shot, and i like the hint of a reflection on the bumper (y)
I didn't notice the reflection until it was in PS, I thought it looked good aswell :D
3 weeks down!
Oooh yeahh! :woot:
I wasn't sure about my ability to last 1 week, so today is another good day :)

This represents my life at the moment, it has it's plus and minus points. I'm at home with my cats and surrounded by the things I like. I'm waiting for a phone call then it's all go. Yesterday I worked 7.30pm - 10.30pm, not bad for a days work?
The downside is that this is going to be a regular thing and the worse half works normal ish hours, so we won't see much of each other. But you know what they say, beggars can't be choosers, and I need this job.


Mono version in my 365 gallery.
You're just trying to cover up the Jack Daniels label, aren't you? :D

It's a bugger when your shifts don't match. I remember many years ago when I worked shifts, Sue and I wouldn't see eachother for weeks! :(

One question. Why does your mobile look like all the buttons are zeros? :thinking:
That's the bokeh, it's a full qwerty keyboard.
Much better for texts, which I hate.
just caught up with this, i like the lemon one it make me smile for some reason , its like big sun :)
Ouch 7.30 - 10.30pm thats a bloody long day mate do you have to do that 5 days a week, 8.45 - 6.45 kills me, dread to think what I would be like if I was working those hours.

NIce shot mate.

Yep, my job in retail was 7-7 for 3 days plus 2 half days 7-1 total 48 hrs, and I used to work extras. Sitting here waiting for a phonecall is a wholesale change.
3 hours will be rare though and I will need more, that was one appointment and typically I think I'll be doing 2 or 3 a day and probably one on a Saturday to get a 6 day working bonus :)
22/365 What a Spectacle!


Vicki got her new glasses yesterday, I just noticed these 2 cases on the table and it struck me how much more effort specsavers are making. 2 years ago (when everybody could get credit) they came in this crappy plastic thing, now it's a well made bright, heavy cardboard box, with a crepe paper lining!
I know it's a Red or Dead box, but the 2 pairs 2 years ago were designer frames too.
Are Specsavers making more of an effort in difficult times?
I get mine from a local wholesale supplier who supply a lot of opticians usually works out about half the price of the highstreet stores, not quite as conveniant though as you have to get your perscription elsewhere but saves a few bob. Nice shot like the contrast of the purple and orange.

Hopefully a few more people will like this one...

Late starts, late finishes.
Short working hours but feeling tired.
I don't know if I'm coming or going?


An adaptation of an idea by a photographer I respect a lot.
I like that a lot great shot mate, really portrays what your trying to get across'

Cheers guys, as I said, not 100% my idea but I was really happy how it came out, even with the dodgy harsh shadow.

I'm breaking a personal rule here, it's supposed to be ONE photo a day.
Struggling for ideas, I turned to DC mag for inspiration, thought I'd give this a go.


Got a couple o.k. ish ones, but not massively happy, so I carried on.
Then this happened.


Thought somebody was shooting at me haha!
Hehe, I hope not too.
Bought less than a year ago, both strobes have given up now, still have receipt so I guess it'll be a warranty job. I hope!