Oh no... Another 365!

Fantastic water drop there Cyclone, got me worried now I have the same Lighting kit never had the opportunity to use it yet as it's still at my parents house from christmas.

amazing water drop :clap: one of the best I've seen.
Super water drop! Well done! :)
Thanks Dave :D

Fantastic water drop there Cyclone, got me worried now I have the same Lighting kit never had the opportunity to use it yet as it's still at my parents house from christmas.

Don't want to worry you, but thats both heads now, first one blew up in first week after about 50 flashes, I've done everything else with the one head and now that's gone too. At least I have more to take back now!

fantastic water drop , i need to learn how to do them
Cheers Liss, it's not that difficult, but a remote and an off camera flash helps a bit.

amazing water drop :clap: one of the best I've seen.
You're too kind, but I should be fairly happy I guess, I don't have a macro lens so have to make do with my 18-200.
Todays is another idea from the mag. To be fair, a window lit portrait is not exactly a new idea and I can't process it the way they did because I don't have new enough PS.
Gave us something to do indoors on a chilly day :)

Nice shot there mate really like the lighting and the black background.

I like that, especially the fact that the reflection on the glasses doesn't obscure her eye. (y)
There is a technique for that, called luck:LOL:

Nice shot there mate really like the lighting and the black background.

Cheers mate, I feel lost without my strobe handy. Didn't use it all that much but you know you can if you need to.
Love the water drop :)

A workmate once told me something very improtant about electronics that i've remembered to this day.

ALL electronic devices are 'smoke dependant'.

Once the smoke escapes, they stop working!

I suppose this just helps to prove that theory :LOL:
Yep, I have a mate whose first job was fault finder.
When something blows up, "the smoke came out" and to fix it all you have to do is "put the smoke back in".
Oh well, we'll see what interfit have to say about it this week, if I get round to it.
love the contrast between the sharpness of the reflection in the glass and the softness of the furry collar (which sounds much ruder than it is :p)
Cheers Kitten, it's a furry cushion, you can see them on page 4 of this thread, the one where I had my friends round.
Thanks mate!

Snap shot today really, I was in the garden, waiting for some wildlife to appear and this flew over.


I'll be busy later so it's probably as good as it's going to get.
Far better than any of the helicopter shots I've taken well done mate (y)

nice capture. But more importantly, where the HELL did you get blue sky from??:shrug:
Yep a shot's a shot :)

Blue sky was there, didn't make it warm out though, was freezing!

Busy day today, managed to stop for some chocolate cake though. Never shot food before, I'm sure it could be better.

That deserves a "Nom Nom Nom" :LOL: I think its a good shot looks very appetising.

Thanks peeps,
it was nice.

Desperate measures today, got home at about 10 without a photo.
So meet cat no.2, trying to eat dinner in peace.


Took about 50 shots and still didn't get a sharp one :thumbsdown: Should have bounced the flash...
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I thought she was about to fall asleep in her dinner :LOL:

yeah she kept pausing to crack one of the biscuits, there are a couple funnier ones but all blurry.
My Kit.

This all of my kit, the only things not here are a pretty good tripod and a monopod. Oh, shot it with the Sony P&S.


Not feeling great today, so it's probably the best I'll manage.
Like the way you have lit that shot mate, been thinking of doing a kit shot myself... maybe one day :LOL:

Hope your feeling better tomorrow bud.

You guys would be surprised if I showed you the original :D

Didn't feel like internetting last night, so here is yesterdays.


Light trails in reverse, well... forwards actually, chucked the camera on the dash, manual 30s exposure f/11, manual focus set to infinity. Something to do on the way to see a customer.

Feel a bit better today, we'll see if that remains when work is finished.
Work took up more time than I anticipated today, so a quick SP I'm afraid.
Trying to keep it relevant, we are expecting cold weather, so a quick addition of a hat and scarf.


Will try harder tomorrow.
Cheers peeps,
off to work again in a minute, so hopefully will have time later to actually make a proper photo.
Yep is the 18-200VR.
Then 70-300VR, SB-600 and 50mm f/1.4.
All I want now is a D700 and 17-35 f/2.8. And... and... and... oops.
Liking the last 2 shots there mate, really nice light trails and thats a great self portrait you look how I feel at work most of the ime... bloody freezing :LOL:

Back to Star cat today :)
I wanted to capture the snow, but it was pretty boring as my back garden, so I got her out for some fun.

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