Panorama - Apple's broken promises


worker conditions ultimately wont stop me buying something, it might make me pause and think about it. but apples supposed fair worker policy makes it very hypocritical. thats what most people are getting at.

I agree.
I suspect the list of companies not indulging in a little hypocritical conduct somewhere along the line is, well, non-existent.
right having read the telegraph article, its good that Apple are being "transparent" on this.

i think they (and the other big players sourcing/manufacturing goods in the far east, im not going to single Apple out here before anyone gets their painties in a knot) have much more influence than they believe/want to admit. Those factories will be getting a large wedge of cash doing this work, there could be more "convincing" (read: negotiating) done to further improve conditions.
Nobody is disagreeing with part. We also mustn't forget the enormous improvements that have already happened during be last decade or so. Sustainable cultural change doesn't happen overnight ;)

Nice veiled dig yet once again
well, there was some definite knotted panties earlier in the thread. no denying that, and im not veiling anything.

unless youre insinuating something else? but you'll have to tell me what that is because theres no hidden message in there.
@neil_g You do realise you are displaying all the signs of an immature person who has lost an argument? Snippy little insults like a schoolboy, are you having a bad morning? Poor boy, I hope things improve, afterall it is Christmas tomorrow.

Merry Christmas ;).
wow......good will to all seems to have gone awol here.
@neil_g You do realise you are displaying all the signs of an immature person who has lost an argument? Snippy little insults like a schoolboy, are you having a bad morning? Poor boy, I hope things improve, afterall it is Christmas tomorrow.

Merry Christmas ;).

Anyone else's "pot-kettle-black" meter going off the scale at that one? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Anyone else's "pot-kettle-black" meter going off the scale at that one? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Where have I insulted anyone? Looks like you are getting "knotted panties" on Neil's behalf ;)

You don't think he's big enough to respond himself that you need to jump in?

im genuinely confused.

Oh well, I suppose that solves that then...
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Calm down....have a drink....and look up what one of these :ROFLMAO: denotes.
right okay. so there seems to be hinting that ive insulted someone or am subtly trolling or something?

other than asking one person to "wind it in" after being accused of having an agenda i dont think ive done that. in fact looking back at my posts ive not directly said anything negative about apple, ive said several times that many companies could do more to improve conditions. ive said a few times that i own apple product and for what its worth for the most part i like their products (horrid glossy screens aside ;) ). sure some people have gone OTT with the defense or accusations toward apple and I have said as much in this thread.

i think the only thing i was critical of was apples "supplier responsibility". and yes that was before i read the telegraph article and i openly admitted that and subsequently after reading said it was good of Apple to say more needs to be done.

and yes it is very pot and kettle dave, with the little childish retorts.

so, kindly - can we put the snide comments (on both sides) to bed now please? if anyone feels comments were made to take the thread off topic or directed at them (unless where obvious) i apologise, there are no other veiled digs, insults or trolling.
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and yes it is very pot and kettle dave, with the little childish retorts.
so, kindly - can we put the snide comments (on both sides) to bed now please? .
Thats a great idea, peace on earth and good will to all men and all that.
Besides you do realise that Santa reads TP while checking his list (Twice) don't you?
Pretty sure my name's on the master copy of that list!

As evidenced by the fact that he didn't stop here as he went over a few minutes ago. Poor Mrs Nod... :(
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