Perfect Effects 9.5 FREE!!!!!

I have v8.0, have'nt done much with it yet but I like the software and it integrates well with my PSE11. It does need a high spec computer to run, a 64 bit Operating System and a minimum of 8gb RAM.
Looks a good programme,will give it a try,cheers for that,watched a tutorial on it,i take it the backgrounds that it showed on it you have to make your own & import them,like bokeh & such.:)
I downloaded this and have received a couple of emails telling me the trial period will be ending soon. Anyone else had similar?
I downloaded the one in the link in the opening post - version 9.5.
Perfect Effects 9.5 is free but is just a taster to get you to download and purchase the rest of Perfect Photo Suite which is now at v9.5, but not free. You might be able to find the whole of PPS at version 9.0 for free as this has now been superseded but you will have to search around.

Generally, if you let them bombard you with emails for a few months they will come up with a very good deal when you might crack and buy (or just delete). Expect to pay around £100 for the full suite, but you might be luckier than that.

Its called clever marketing !
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its says free trials...does that mean it will only be usable for a few weeks.?
I think there must be some sort of glitch. Have now been informed that my 30 day trial period is up - but I only downloaded it this week. It still seems to be working OK though. A serial number was inserted automatically when I downloaded it too.
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Strange that. It seems to be fully operational to me - loads of different effects, tools and adjustments.
I'll uninstall this version and download the trial, I doubt that my serial will work though.
Edit: The version I downloaded was called Perfect Browse, so it's probably a different version anyway.

Andy, there have been two different links posted to two different free downloads in the last couple of days. I think you're referring to the free copy of Perfect Browse 9.5 posted on another thread, while this thread refers to Perfect Effects 9.5 Free.
The whole of On1 Perfect Suite programmes, both current and past shown here:-

Thankyou.... :ty:managed to get version 9.5 for free from above link without difficulty - I previously had version 8 from an earlier offer, so its a useful upgrade... but it still doesn't really do much more than a collection of Lightroom presets.

Dfx is much more useful, but...that isn't free :banana:
There's quite a lot that LR can't do in the suite (glows, blending a second image behind the first, dynamic contrast, split tone is much more controllable, perfect brush more flexible etc.). It's a very useful addition, but can encourage OTT development - it's sufficiently good that I bought the suite too, and I'm glad I did.
Had PE8 for some time but got the email earlier today, inc the free license #, so just installed 9.5. :cool:
My antivirus kicked off the other day saying there's malware in my copy of perfect effects. "Malware: Gen:Variant.Adware.Mplug.39" not a big deal for free software having adware in it but still.