Show us yer film shots then!

thanks chaps :)

That was at the top of Castle Crag, a disused slate quarry. That side was looking over the Borrowdale valley, the other shot was looking the other way over Derwent water.

It looks lovely up there but i did have to lump my LF gear up this first...

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thanks chaps :)

That was at the top of Castle Crag, a disused slate quarry. That side was looking over the Borrowdale valley, the other shot was looking the other way over Derwent water.

It looks lovely up there but i did have to lump my LF gear up this first...

Ouch. Hopefully I'm headed up that way for a couple of days this week so I'll add it to my list of possibles, although with that climb...
Both of those a really good, but the one looking down Borrowdale is excellent.

Chris if you walk up to Castle Crag from Grange its a fairly steady climb, only the last 200 feet to the peak of Castle Crag are like the photo. If you follow the path past the Crag and go to the left there are some very similar views without having to risk life and limb on the last bit.

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Both of those a really good, but the one looking down Borrowdale is excellent.

Chris if you walk up to Castle Crag from Grange its a fairly steady climb, only the last 200 feet to the peak of Castle Crag are like the photo. If you follow the path past the Crag and go to the left there are some very similar views without having to risk life and limb on the last bit.


Sounds like an excellent plan :D
Indeed, it's basic contest..a £24,000 Fuji Frontier ver £170 V500 :)

Brian, if only it were a simple contest, my experience over about 50 rolls in last 6 months suggest it is far more about who is in the driving seat than the cost of the scanner;)
Jao said:
Brian, if only it were a simple contest, my experience over about 50 rolls in last 6 months suggest it is far more about who is in the driving seat than the cost of the scanner;)

Someone who knows what they're doing on a cheap scanner will probably get better results than someone who's clueless on an expensive scanner. Get someone who knows what they're doing driving a high end scanner and there simply isn't a contest anymore!
Brian, if only it were a simple contest, my experience over about 50 rolls in last 6 months suggest it is far more about who is in the driving seat than the cost of the scanner;)

Someone who knows what they're doing on a cheap scanner will probably get better results than someone who's clueless on an expensive scanner. Get someone who knows what they're doing driving a high end scanner and there simply isn't a contest anymore!


I don't believe I've seen any kind of half decent scan from a supermarket, posted here....ever
They're all low res low quality poorly managed crap...they only seem to produce something remotely accident.

I don't believe I've seen any kind of half decent scan from a supermarket, posted here....ever
They're all low res low quality poorly managed crap...they only seem to produce something remotely accident.

:crying: :crying: you don't like my pictures over the years :crying: :crying:
Someone who knows what they're doing on a cheap scanner will probably get better results than someone who's clueless on an expensive scanner. Get someone who knows what they're doing driving a high end scanner and there simply isn't a contest anymore!

True Paul as it depends where you go, but there are two long time girls where I go and going by the number on the folder they have scanned 65 X 24 (or 36) exp films in 8 months which equals at least 1560 frame scans...dunno if that includes people who just want photos? Well by now surely they must get good results just by experience :shrug:
Ahem, this is the film shots not scanner comparison thread, no?
:crying: :crying: you don't like my pictures over the years :crying: :crying:

Love your pictures Brian..:love:

Scans ?.....not so much

tbh scans, from anything, just don't cut it...:( but if you want to flik it, twit it, book it or post it, its all we have..
Maybe not interest for you as it's not landscape but my last post is
"Asda process and Scan "
The original files look better then this Flickr compression.

Not with you Fred

I'm interested in everything and I can't find your asda process and scan
True Paul as it depends where you go, but there are two long time girls where I go and going by the number on the folder they have scanned 65 X 24 (or 36) exp films in 8 months which equals at least 1560 frame scans...dunno if that includes people who just want photos? Well by now surely they must get good results just by experience :shrug:

I can't comment for specific places but if it's high street/standard scanning they're probably quite unlikely to be spending much time getting the best out of each individual frame, it wouldn't surprise me if the entire process were automated. Much of the high street scanning I've seen has a very 'auto' look to me! Either way, they won't be giving the scans the kind of attention you'd get from a more professional scanning company or doing them yourself at home.

Ahem, this is the film shots not scanner comparison thread, no?

Surely there's a little teeny tiny bit of room for crossover? :)

Just quickly while we're on the subject of scanning, I'm very much looking forward to scanning some of your Dufaycolors tomorrow!
Well about 12:30 decided I'll have a go at some "great" cough night shots, but after 10mins decided it was chaos and gave ended up with just some snaps.

Near Ibiza town and let the T70 work out the exposure.
I can't comment for specific places but if it's high street/standard scanning they're probably quite unlikely to be spending much time getting the best out of each individual frame, it wouldn't surprise me if the entire process were automated. Much of the high street scanning I've seen has a very 'auto' look to me! Either way, they won't be giving the scans the kind of attention you'd get from a more professional scanning company or doing them yourself at home.

...but if you have a winning shot shot you then you take your neg to a good lab and have a 16 X 20" print done (my son did this for a 35mm shot of my grandaughter and it looks great)...lets face it most of us are taking shots reducing them to 1000px uploading them to someone like Photobucket, then posting here to be viewed on yer average computer screen.
Yep, and the vast majority of high street scans I've seen look woeful even at those tiny sizes!

:LOL: cos people can't be bothered to adjust in Photoshop to reduce brightness\contrast\colour or whatever and clear up spots......I can do this very quickly for most Asda scans that need it :shrug: And it's worth spending this time as they dev and scan while you shop in about 35mins. Mind you, today I had a roll to be done and the machine had broken down and needed spare parts :eek: so a home scanner can be useful :)
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:LOL: cos people can't be bothered to adjust in Photoshop to reduce brightness\contrast\colour or whatever and clear up spots......I can do this very quickly for most Asda scans that need it :shrug: And it's worth spending this time as they dev and scan while you shop in about 35mins. Mind you, today I had a roll to be done and the machine had broken down and needed spare parts :eek: so a home scanner can be useful :)

To be honest I've kind of lost track of the original point here! I've only ever had one set of 35mm images scanned when they were devved at Boots and the scans were tiny and looked terrible, most of the scans I've seen from similar places have had a very similar look.

It isn't my place to tell you what your requirements are; if such scans serve a purpose for you and you can get the quality you need with a little editing then great, I can only speak for myself giving my own opinions but the results I get from even my V500 put standard high street scans to shame.

In fact, thinking about this more closely, the general look I've seen from most high street scans is almost like they're trying to make the images look digital. It's kind of like people are generally used to seeing the sharpness of digital images these days so the scans have their sharpness and contrast pushed to the point of tearing the image apart. They're certainly not processed in a way that preserves the character and integrity of the film!
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Well a scanner turns you neg into pixels with all that possible aliasing carp problems, and the point was Fuji frontier ver best to use B\W negs and print with chemicals, or use slide film just to be projected at home :)
Thinking about John's post in that he doesn't like any scanned posts here, well after we have scanned our negs we need a program that can simulate film :)
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Not sure I can compete with all this rich colourful landscapes! Some super shots all.

A couple from the seaside here;

Thinking about John's post in that he doesn't like any scanned posts here,

I know I'm only seeing 20% at best, of any scanned film frame posted here.
In that respect, scans are a very poor rendition.

well after we have scanned our negs we need a program that can simulate film :)

with film simulation, without simulation, what does it matter, its still a scan and a very poor rendition.
Thanks for the comments all. Made me think of a Bond villain's lair!

It's the Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone. The first one is the same place looking south down the beach.
