Show us yer film shots then!

I preferred your original post, thank you all the same :)
Don't want to create any problem but its true that is nice to see well though photos for once and not random one only posted to show that the photographer can use is camera.
Looking at all the post in this thread " how many i could live for more then a week printed and on my living room wall? "
Don't want to create any problem but its true that is nice to see well though photos for once and not random one only posted to show that the photographer can use is camera.
Looking at all the post in this thread " how many i could live for more then a week printed and on my living room wall? "

The point of this thread is just to post photos though. The very thing that has made this one of the biggest threads on the forum is that the photos in here aren't really for crit, more for the film nerds to post what they get out of old (sometimes VERY old!) kit. I treat this thread a bit like the photos for pleasure board.
WHS.....just for fun and kudos. There's the photos from film thread for crit.
The point of this thread is just to post photos though. The very thing that has made this one of the biggest threads on the forum is that the photos in here aren't really for crit, more for the film nerds to post what they get out of old (sometimes VERY old!) kit. I treat this thread a bit like the photos for pleasure board.

This is also my view of this thread. If I could only post shots good enough to hang on a wall I'd never post anything. :)
as has been pointed out, this thread originates from before we had a place for posting exclusively Film shots - so, it became partly a "test shots thread" for all us gearheads to show that we'd managed to get SOMETHING out of the camera we'd just found in the loft/bought at the car boot/been given by someone at work/(insert other random reason here) - HOWEVER it is also one of my favourite threads because a) some of the F&C people ONLY post in here no matter what the shot quality and b) occasionally we do get some pictures that to many will seem just a random snap, but really resonate with me for some reason.

Ideally, yes, now we DO have a F&C section in the Crit. section, It'd be preferable if people would post anything they want meaningful critique upon in that section, and treat this as a F&C version of the Photos for Fun (or whatever it's called this month/this version of the forum software) but I'm not about to start reading the :rules: or wielding the :bat: if someone decides that they would like to give a little critique on a shot - but - keep it friendly - this isn't the bear pit Business Section.
as has been pointed out, this thread originates from before we had a place for posting exclusively Film shots - so, it became partly a "test shots thread" for all us gearheads to show that we'd managed to get SOMETHING out of the camera we'd just found in the loft/bought at the car boot/been given by someone at work/(insert other random reason here) - HOWEVER it is also one of my favourite threads because a) some of the F&C people ONLY post in here no matter what the shot quality and b) occasionally we do get some pictures that to many will seem just a random snap, but really resonate with me for some reason. Ideally, yes, now we DO have a F&C section in the Crit. section, It'd be preferable if people would post anything they want meaningful critique upon in that section, and treat this as a F&C version of the Photos for Fun (or whatever it's called this month/this version of the forum software) but I'm not about to start reading the :rules: or wielding the :bat: if someone decides that they would like to give a little critique on a shot - but - keep it friendly - this isn't the bear pit Business Section.
Didn't know about the film critique section and have always followed this thread as it is really good for film, but when i started watching this thread you could see that an effort was made to post good stuff.
I do understand it as become a more tech minded thread and that suit me perfect as I'm not really in to critique and more about mastering my film camera that i'm using that month and get good tips if i'm stuck.
It will be nice to just have a wall or gallery were member can post there photo but only if requested by a mod.
well - there are certain developments going on behind the scenes - there's new software being worked on, and the last version I looked at had a VERY interesting gallery facility (unlike the frankly awful gallery we have in operation in this incarnation, which almost everyone bypasses in favour of Flickr or other hosting) - there's nothing finalised at the moment, Marcel's still at the spanners and bloodstains on the floor stage I think, but the phrase "watch this space" springs to mind...
well - there are certain developments going on behind the scenes - there's new software being worked on, and the last version I looked at had a VERY interesting gallery facility (unlike the frankly awful gallery we have in operation in this incarnation, which almost everyone bypasses in favour of Flickr or other hosting) - there's nothing finalised at the moment, Marcel's still at the spanners and bloodstains on the floor stage I think, but the phrase "watch this space" springs to mind...
Look at this guys , they run an invitation only posting system with member registration to.
I think the server cost is really high as i'm told.
Without sounding too confrontational; what are you trying to achieve with this post?
Try to found a new thing to ad to the forum with new technology coming up all the time it will be nice to see if something can be added to this forum.
Nothing wrong with the way it is now, but i do not see why new function or extension could be created to attract new audience and entertain the existing one.
By the way its a photography forum so finding a way to show members photo at there best in high resolution is not really that controversial :)
I have to say that the whole "posting only by invitation" runs pretty much contrary to the entire spirit of this forum - certainly I as a Mod wouldn't want to be setting myself up as an arbiter of what can and can't be displayed on here.

We DO on a weekly basis, as a team, have a "shot of the week" thread, where pictures that have taken the mod teams eye are submitted and from that shortlist, we pick a single shot of the week.
This is the best thread on the forum; good mix of gear talk, especially the very old stuff, from my perspective, and some bloody awesome photos from any given genre and all types of (film) camera.
I have to say that the whole "posting only by invitation" runs pretty much contrary to the entire spirit of this forum - certainly I as a Mod wouldn't want to be setting myself up as an arbiter of what can and can't be displayed on here. We DO on a weekly basis, as a team, have a "shot of the week" thread, where pictures that have taken the mod teams eye are submitted and from that shortlist, we pick a single shot of the week.
That sound a lot better then my idea :)
I'm not sure which, if any, of these have been posted before.. but to try and get it back to being about the photos...

Agfa Vista 200 devved at the dreaded asda :p

B&W edit




Camera was the canon ftb
I'm not sure which, if any, of these have been posted before.. but to try and get it back to being about the photos... Agfa Vista 200 devved at the dreaded asda :p B&W edit Camera was the canon ftb
Love them all but that street shot with the girl looking at you it's amazing.
Thanks! That was my first go at street (fast moving things!) with manual focus - I don't think I did too badly!
This is where my wife was born, a mile or so further west and you have scenery like Cornwall and Devon with no one around. When I first went there, it was a h'mm bit different to London with peat fires and chickens walking in and out of the kitchen and bits of moss coming out of the tap, also drinking water had to carried from the well about 30 yards away....... and the reason I took the shot was because I helped to clear out the pigs muck using the donkey and cart in the following shot. This view doesn't exist any more as it was before Ireland became the celtic tiger.

Agfacolor slide taken about 1970

The nearest neighbour about 600 yards away, and was surprised they didn't have electricity.
I have to say that the whole "posting only by invitation" runs pretty much contrary to the entire spirit of this forum - certainly I as a Mod wouldn't want to be setting myself up as an arbiter of what can and can't be displayed on here.

We DO on a weekly basis, as a team, have a "shot of the week" thread, where pictures that have taken the mod teams eye are submitted and from that shortlist, we pick a single shot of the week.

That sound a lot better then my idea :)

well - if you like the idea, I suggest you check this thread out, and have a look in the TalkPhotography section on Monday's for the next announcement.
Brian, looks similar to where my mother in law lives (in Northern Ireland). Having lived the majority of my life in Edinburgh and London, it was a shock on my first visit! I am not a country girl. Within 5 minutes of my first visit, my husband had had to help a pheasant out of a greenhouse and the cows in the field that backs onto the garden had licked my face :LOL:
Brian, looks similar to where my mother in law lives (in Northern Ireland). Having lived the majority of my life in Edinburgh and London, it was a shock on my first visit! I am not a country girl. Within 5 minutes of my first visit, my husband had had to help a pheasant out of a greenhouse and the cows in the field that backs onto the garden had licked my face :LOL:

...and my wife bought up on a farm is not scared of spiders :)
Ireland has changed since then, and I didn't go back for about 25 years, and my relatives asked me "what did I think" and I said "Ireland is ruined as you have all become rich and all the quaint cottages have been replaced by modern buildings" :)

This is a shot taken about 8 years ago from the opposite side and the old farm house has been knocked down and replaced by something that stands out like a sore thumb :shrug: Oh well you can't expect people in another country to live in in "old" conditions just for the occasional tourist or photographers :)

I hope newcomers are welcome here, as I'm thinking of dipping my toe into the film world, and I've only ever shot digital, and I'm still pretty much a beginner at that :LOL:.
This is my first attempt at using film, and I got a lot wrong as I didn't use a light meter... everything was guesstimated, even down to the film I used, as I've never even seen a MF camera with 120 film lol.
Taken with a Mamiya RB67 using Ilford PanF plus 50(sent off to Spectrum Labs in Plymouth for developing)
And, my son always looks miserable so B&W suits him.

Sean 09/2013 by Lee.H2013, on Flickr
Lee welcome! Ploughing straight in with a RB67 shows some real cojones! I really like this shot; real "Oh not again, get on with it Dad!" look on his face.
Lee welcome! Ploughing straight in with a RB67 shows some real cojones! I really like this shot; real "Oh not again, get on with it Dad!" look on his face.

Chris, thank you....
I admit it's been a bit of a learning curve, especially trying to understand the terminology(and having to wait with bated breath for my first roll of film to come back was probably the hardest thing)....and my thanks must go to StephenM who'd very patiently explained everything and answered all my questions.

Ps.... I'm a Mum, not a Dad :LOL:
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Welcome to the F(riendly) & C(operative) section Lee. And what an excellent way to introduce yourself, lovely shot and you seem to have guestimated very well indeed. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

I hope newcomers are welcome here, as I'm thinking of dipping my toe into the film world, and I've only ever shot digital, and I'm still pretty much a beginner at that :LOL:.
This is my first attempt at using film, and I got a lot wrong as I didn't use a light meter... everything was guesstimated, even down to the film I used, as I've never even seen a MF camera with 120 film lol.
Taken with a Mamiya RB67 using Ilford PanF plus 50(sent off to Spectrum Labs in Plymouth for developing)
And, my son always looks miserable so B&W suits him.

Awesome, welcome to the world of film. I love that you're starting out with an RB67!
I hope newcomers are welcome here, as I'm thinking of dipping my toe into the film world, and I've only ever shot digital, and I'm still pretty much a beginner at that :LOL:.
This is my first attempt at using film, and I got a lot wrong as I didn't use a light meter... everything was guesstimated, even down to the film I used, as I've never even seen a MF camera with 120 film lol.
Taken with a Mamiya RB67 using Ilford PanF plus 50(sent off to Spectrum Labs in Plymouth for developing)
And, my son always looks miserable so B&W suits him.

Cracking work and welcome!

Keep shooting with that RB... If you're not hooked already, you will be soon :D
I know that look!

Nice shot Lee and welcome



Thanks Mark

Welcome to the F(riendly) & C(operative) section Lee. And what an excellent way to introduce yourself, lovely shot and you seem to have guestimated very well indeed. Looking forward to seeing more from you.


Thank you Andy.... I'm not holding out much hope for my guesstimation of my second roll of film I have yet to send away.... but at least now I have a light meter.

I see what you did there XD

Welcome Lee, we're a nice bunch here if you can put up with the smell from the caffenol users :LOL:

Thank you.

Awesome, welcome to the world of film. I love that you're starting out with an RB67!

Thank you....
Cracking work and welcome!

Keep shooting with that RB... If you're not hooked already, you will be soon :D

Thank you.....
Funnily enough, I don't miss using my digital camera(yet)....
And, I was that impressed with the RB, I couldn't help my self and 'somehow' acquired a FM2n to try my hand at shooting 35mm film.
Welcome Lee, cracking first shot. Be careful though, film is addictive.
Thank you.....
Funnily enough, I don't miss using my digital camera(yet)....
And, I was that impressed with the RB, I couldn't help my self and 'somehow' acquired a FM2n to try my hand at shooting 35mm film.

A great choice. I had an FM2 once... *stares at Joxby* :D

(I'm never going to let him live this down :LOL:)
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Nice shot Lee. If you're a smart phone user you can get an app which can do a reasonable approximation of a light metre, did me for the last year until I finally broke down and got a spot metre.
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Reading back over the last page, I think Fred's original point has been missed .. I'm sure Fred will correct me if I'm wrong, this is just the way I interpreted the last few days of posts.

Fred posted a photo and asked for comments on it. Not crit, just a comment or 2 like the other photos were receiving. Several hours passed and a few others posted their own photos and commented on others posted before and after Fred's yet, despite asking for a comment or two a couple of times, not a word was said (I actually had commented - on Fred's and a couple of others - to notice today that the post hadn't gone through). It's not something that bothers me - I don't post anything worthy of comment - but I can imagine it could easily be really crap for others so I guess, looking at it from Fred's point of view..

WHS.....just for fun and kudos. There's the photos from film thread for crit.

When does the fun start for those whose photos are completely overlooked? Sure, it's not a critique thread but to get no acknowledgement at all even after asking for it? The way it made Fred feel is clear in that where his photo once was stands a " :( "

If you can't get a single comment, even a "good job", on a photo in a thread made to post photos for fun and kudos, where can you?

(sorry to single your post out, Andy! It was the first one to mention "fun" I read!)

But, like I said, that's only how it came across to me reading Fred's initial comments after his posted photo and then the follow up to that last night. He wasn't looking for critique, it seemed to me that he wanted just acknowledgement. That he was quite upset at being completely overlooked, even after asking. I apologise (especially to Fred!) if I've got this all wrong! It is just the way the situation read out to me.

I, for one, like the thread. I'd subscribed to it long before I posted my first photo and really enjoy it :clap:

edit - Welcome Lee!
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Reading back over the last page, I think Fred's original point has been missed .. I'm sure Fred will correct me if I'm wrong, this is just the way I interpreted the last few days of posts. Fred posted a photo and asked for comments on it. Not crit, just a comment or 2 like the other photos were receiving. Several hours passed and a few others posted their own photos and commented on others posted before and after Fred's yet, despite asking for a comment or two a couple of times, not a word was said (I actually had commented - on Fred's and a couple of others - to notice today that the post hadn't gone through). It's not something that bothers me - I don't post anything worthy of comment - but I can imagine it could easily be really crap for others so I guess, looking at it from Fred's point of view.. When does the fun start for those whose photos are completely overlooked? Sure, it's not a critique thread but to get no acknowledgement at all even after asking for it? The way it made Fred feel is clear in that where his photo once was stands a " :( " If you can't get a single comment, even a "good job", on a photo in a thread made to post photos for fun and kudos, where can you? (sorry to single your post out, Andy! It was the first one to mention "fun" I read!) But, like I said, that's only how it came across to me reading Fred's initial comments after his posted photo and then the follow up to that last night. He wasn't looking for critique, it seemed to me that he wanted just acknowledgement. That he was quite upset at being completely overlooked, even after asking. I apologise (especially to Fred!) if I've got this all wrong! It is just the way the situation read out to me. I, for one, like the thread. I'd subscribed to it long before I posted my first photo and really enjoy it :clap: edit - Welcome Lee!
Thank you very much and you got me right even with my poor english.
Got some very good news regarding my photography so its not that bad.
I do like the idea of a mini 500px added to the forum :)