Show us yer film shots then!

Ooh, that 400 Plus is very nice! Colours are lovely too - Looks like you got the time compensation right too. Might look out for a few rolls of that.
Very nice Andy.

I prefer the colours of the first but I really like the composition and feel of the second.

And it's square of course.
Thanks Simon. The little patch of golden light on the central rock was what drew me to the shot.
Hiya everyone,

Just thought that I would upload some more photos taken at RAF Cosford - this time at Easter, and with the Leica Summarit-M 35mm f/2.5 lens.

Shot with Kodak TMAX 400, and Ilford HP5+ 400. Both at box speed.

Vignettes etc again, added in post to capture a more 'moody environment'.

Full set - HERE





Forgive my ignorance Andy, but where is this ?
Hi Kevin, it's Pistyll Rhaedr waterfall in Wales, it is the tallest single drop waterfall in the UK. A lovely spot at the end of a windy road, there,a a car park, a camp site and a little cafe. Lots of nice walks as well.
So... having taken delivery of the Pentax 645n from Paul @Mr Bump... I put a test roll or two through it...
Again I've used OOD Fujicolour 400 NPH(1998), and OOD Portra 400 NC(dated 2000), both developed in C41, one for 4:15min, and the other for 4:30min.... both were shot at 200.

The first two using OOD Fujicolour

A sneaky shot of my son who doesn't like his photo taken...

Him doing his usual and covering his face...

These two were taken by my son who's ten... both were shot on the OOD Portra

A good looking fella that monkey or whatever he is.......your young lad is gunna grow up to be a ladies man by thé looks of it.......i used to be handsome too many yonks ago ( don't laugh! Lol)
He manages a pretty good photo too. Now don't be telling us that he learnt skills from you, other way around more likely! Lol
Good to see you're getting to grips with your new toy and that film is performing well and giving some nice colours.
A good looking fella that monkey or whatever he is.......your young lad is gunna grow up to be a ladies man by thé looks of it.......i used to be handsome too many yonks ago ( don't laugh! Lol)
He manages a pretty good photo too. Now don't be telling us that he learnt skills from you, other way around more likely! Lol
Good to see you're getting to grips with your new toy and that film is performing well and giving some nice colours.
Lol!... thanks Asha... he also happens to be very grumpy!.
And, I find he's less inhibited when it comes to taking photos than I am....
Yes, the camera is doing what I need it to do, it's a doddle to use lol, the film is looking good too.
Isn't that the be all 'n end all of a cats life......chillin! Lol

Seems yours @ simon ess is better mannered than mine and accerpts floor space whilst leaving thé sofa free for you.....atm i'm honoured some seating at the side of one cat whilst thé other has ensured that i have no chance of sharing the footstool!
Food bag rattling time....that'll make em move! Lol
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Watching TV

Well, I was gonna go conceptual but whilst writing this I checked for other comments and Lee's gone abstract.

It just goes to show how we all see stuff differently.

I'm gonna stick with my first reaction, its the title, with no title you're left to make your own mind up and I'd probably see abstract, but the title suggests something else.

I'm thinking I do that when I'm bored, or thinking about something else, y'kown, watching TV....but not, thousand yard stare at the wall with something on my mind type watching TV.

Or maybe its a comment on 21st century media delivery, everything arrives by light or some other witchcraft magic we can't touch or understand these days......I dunno ???..:)

the point is, I don't see abstract, but it clearly is
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Well, I was gonna go conceptual but whilst writing this I checked for other comments and Lee's gone abstract.

It just goes to show how we all see stuff differently.

I'm gonna stick with my first reaction, its the title, with no title you're left to make your own mind up and I'd probably see abstract, but the title suggests something else.

I'm thinking I do that when I'm bored, or thinking about something else, y'kown, watching TV....but not, thousand yard stare at the wall with something on my mind type watching TV.

Or maybe its a comment on 21st century media delivery, everything arrives by light or some other witchcraft magic we can't touch or understand these days......I dunno ???..:)

the point is, I don't see abstract, but it clearly is
Well that's interesting.... now that you've said it, I can see exactly where you're coming from.... there is another element to the image... I should have got that, as I like conceptual work lol.
I think it's both.

It was the concept that piqued my interest, but I've shot it in an abstract style.

Thanks for your thoughts John. I appreciate that.
Well that's interesting.... now that you've said it, I can see exactly where you're coming from.... there is another element to the image... I should have got that, as I like conceptual work lol.

I don't think its that simple, I didn't see abstract, its how we're wired......ask skyshark......rofl

Very much like the first with the bridge, and the last with the whirlpool, Andy!
Sir Nige pulling in to Pickering station this Easter


Sir Nige in Pickering station this Easter


Fuji acros in 1/100 Rodinal printed on Ilford pearl RC, I'm trying to use it up cos I'm a glossy type geezer so I'm using it as contact sheets, one frame per

Ere, up close Sir Nige doesn't seem half the shocking colossus that Tornado, The Flying Scotsman or even Bittern is..
Sir Nige pulling in to Pickering station this Easter


Sir Nige in Pickering station this Easter


Fuji acros in 1/100 Rodinal printed on Ilford pearl RC, I'm trying to use it up cos I'm a glossy type geezer so I'm using it as contact sheets, one frame per

Ere, up close Sir Nige doesn't seem half the shocking colossus that Tornado, The Flying Scotsman or even Bittern is..

Those look like some very nice prints.

I actually really like Ilford pearl RC. I should hope so though, as I have a lot of it in 5x7, 8x10, and 12x16 under the bed waiting to be exposed.
Two from my latest home developed roll of Fomapan 100 from my Mamiya, note the finger prints and scratches, after initially thinking Fomapan was my friend, I realised it had tricked me, this roll was an absolute ******! :p



How do you find Fomapan compared to other films in terms of handling and curling? I've used it in 5x4 and it's fantastic but I've heard it can be a bit of a pain to use for 120 as it curls so much and scratches easily! Quite tempted to try some as it's much cheaper than FP4 or HP5 which I love, but I'm not sure if I can handle the extra stress for a couple quid saving :LOL:
By strange coincidence but completely unrelated RJ I'm currently migrating our servers in Poznan...

On an actual related note, I've just uploaded some shots from my OM2 on Agfa Vista and Kodak Ektar.

1) Brrr (vista)

2) Chloe enjoying the frost (vista)

3) Jake about to go rollerblading (Vista converted to B&W)

4) Pops on her Hot Wheels (Vista)

I'll add some Ektar shots in the next post
