Techno-Geek's Daily Photo Diary (Mood = Very Good)

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:clap: Good for you Tony! Now enjoy!

:cautious: You did remember to get memory cards and what not right? :LOL: Simplest of things, but I always forget!

Looking forward to seeing what you can do with your new CANON :D
Thanks everyone (y)

Jo - Yep i've got a big 4GB stick sitting in there

And i am going to play now HEHEHEHEHE Will post some photos up in a new thread (y)
you sig says D400 not 400D you can't be a canon person but write the model like a nikon LOL
No it don't

(Shush, it did really but don't tell anyone i just quickly changed it :D)
Day 32

My first proper take at a shot with the new camera of my buddy

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thats a much better level to be at when taking animal photos! Next work on a plain background or use a lower f/number to get a blurred background.
Just seen your "new kit" post, Tony
enjoy (y)
Day 33

This is my first ever try at real flower photography. Still could do with some work


Have not really caught it in focus
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Day 34

I was wondering around in the garden today and couldn't find anything exciting and as i walked back though the gates to go in the kitchen door i see this tooth brush oddly placed in the fence.

I was feeling very tired and my legs were going so it is a little out of focus :)
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Day 35

Not much for today really, was just driving though the tunnel in London
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get a tripod place it on the passenger seat with camera on. Go through at night with along exposure and hey presto it looks like a good effect. try it.

just use a remote release or a self timer operated by someone else ofcourse :cautious:
I was in the passenger seat. But will try that when i pass :LOL:
I like your toothbrush shot. It's not oof looks sharp to me. Different (y)
When your shooting flowers use a lower f stop and it will help to blur the background and isolate your subject. Nice attempt at the flower btw :)
Also nice composition on the tunnel shot :)
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Hi Tony, The Camera is doing you proud, just uncertain of the make "nonac":LOL: so then it all came clear when mirrored.(y)

Image removed
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Day 38

Yesterday's Photo (Posted today as i was not near a computer)


Today's one to come later

That one has turned out really well. Nice creative shot and you have mastered the DOF very well. Was it in front of a mirror? Nice work with your new camera.(y)
Day 42


Not much from me again today, just a simple photo of my weights which have not been used in a while :LOL:

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Day 43


Taken at the beach at sunset (y)
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Stopping as from today

I guess i will pick this back up again once i have passed my test and everything, i just want to start taking time out to give my eye's so rest from the stupid amount of time that i spend in front of the laptop screen.

I've posted some more detail in another thread


Cya guys
The clouds outside the window
Day 1

I tried using a slow shutter speed and putting the camera on the table in the garden, as it was just getting dark (y)
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ADMIN - Could you please remove all the posts accept the last one with a picture in it off of this topic please? I want to start off fresh and i have deleted quite a few off of photobucket so they don't show up anymore


Day 2

I've had a really exciting day today and really been an uplift for me, so i thought i would do my "Where's it gone?" "Peekaboo" impressions like i got told i did when i was younger

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Day 3

I've been doing some driving today and have had a fab day, i am kinda tired now :LOL:

I took the picture as long to the ground as i could, but i want to try it again when it is more light out to see if i can get better results

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Are you now a qualified driver TG? Well done if so! Where you going to hit first with your camera?
I am not a qualified driver yet, but my mum got me put on her insurance so i could be driving the car everyday and getting my experience on the road up more, And my dad can take me out in it aswell :)

I want to go to Sandringham to get some photos for my first proper outing :)

I've got L plates on :D
Day 4

This is it for tonight, i had got a blocked up nose and feel too knackered to do anything else lol. I use them every night to listen to some music or listen to a video on Youtube :)

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After coming home today, i went in the front room and watched some telly. I then come in to my room and listened to some music.

I know it is uncreative but i just was too nackard to do anything else :LOL:



What do you listen to, fave bands etc?

What do you listen to, fave bands etc?

Wow, let's see

Chaz and Dave
Bon Jovi
Smiley Culture
Micheal Jackson

Other than i watch Photography Tips on Youtube, found some really good one's aswell :)

I listen to the radio lots too :)
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