Techno-Geek's Daily Photo Diary (Mood = Very Good)

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Wow, let's see

Chaz and Dave
Bon Jovi
Smiley Culture
Micheal Jackson

Other than i watch Photography Tips on Youtube, found some really good one's aswell :)

I listen to the radio lots too :)

I'm stuck in a time warp. Got Oasis, Blur, Pulp and Pink Floyd on repeat :D

I'm stuck in a time warp. Got Oasis, Blur, Pulp and Pink Floyd on repeat :D


Alllllllllllllllll the people, some many people :LOL:

I've just Youtubed the others as i didn't know who they were, accept Oasis of course :D

Alllllllllllllllll the people, some many people :LOL:

I've just Youtubed the others as i didn't know who they were, accept Oasis of course :D


Pink floyd? Are you serious??? Wow :LOL:

Get yourself a copy of Dark Side of the Moon. Listen to it every day for a week, then try NOT to listen to it every day for a month! Rejoice at some real music ;)

Could be fun :)

I'd never have heard pink floyd before :)
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Pink floyd? Are you serious??? Wow :LOL:

Get yourself a copy of Dark Side of the Moon. Listen to it every day for a week, then try NOT to listen to it every day for a month! Rejoice at some real music ;)


Where would i get one from? just a normal music shop?

Tony (y)
Out and about
Day 5

My mum got home today and i took the keys for the night and drove us in to Hunstaton to get some picture, but i forgot where i was because i was parked in between buildings and only got a photo of the steering wheel :)

I've driven around 100.0 miles in this week and half :)

Tomorrow is a big day for me because i have got my driving lesson in the afternoon and i want to show the man i have improved with my driving, i and my mum and dad both think i have so i should be alright.

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Don't You Just Love Photography
Day 6

Couldn't think of anything else to do tonight, so i started writing on a piece of paper. And look what i came up with :LOL:

And no i am not asleep :)

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Hehe, are you camera shy per chance? :)

Hmm that is a good question :LOL: Nope i don't think i am. But then again i might be but i don't think so :LOL:

I wouldn't think so because i wouldn't have had the bottle to post anything of me up on there (y)
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Boring day today
Day 7

Well this is all i could think of going to take a photograph of today, it was either this or another shot of my mug :LOL:

I parked like under these tree's and could hear someone coming up behind me so i had to leave abit sharpesh :LOL:

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No images please :)
Day 8

I need sleep rather than to be taking picture today :)


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Day 9
In the garden

Nothing really special from me today, Another shot from the garden

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Day 10 (Continued)

I am not a very happy bunny today, I get walked all over when someone wants to borrow my car and my mum saying yes without asking me. People want to sleep in my room without asking (asking my parents instead) and they think that it okay. My room is my personal space, i hate it when people invade it

They were sleeping in my bedroom for about 3 days until they decided they wanted to go back home today. Knowing dam well that they can't take there car

I am sitting here, feeling unloved. Forgotten about and all the stuff that comes with it. No one is talking to me. None of my mates ask me out of a night time, oh yeah that would be because i have got none :argh: Don't you just love moving away?.

I have stopped going out in the day. People don't know what to do when they see someone in a electric wheelchair, around here most of them just laugh. When i go out on the trike it is the same. Can't win :(

Oh my, i could moan about a lot of things today.

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Your mum shouldn't let anyone borrow your things - they're not hers to loan. I would never have dreamt of doing that to my children. Your room is your own personal space - it's not fair to loan it out either. You must have a serious talk with your mother and explain to her that it's not the right thing to do.

Start that photography club up you were talking about, and then you will meet some new friends and even if you don't, it will give you an interest and you will get to know some people in the area. I'm sure people don't laugh at you - you are just being paranoid. Sometimes people are embarresed and don't know what to say to you. Just take the bull by the horns and start the conversation. Anyone riding a trike is bound to get stared at - it's quite unusual to see one, and they are just interested. Stop moaning and go out and enjoy the new place. You will probably get to love it eventually.
Chin up mate. Whos in your room and who took your car?

My uncle ray and his girlfriend and her girl are in my bedroom and they took my car back to London

I keep trying to keep my head up, but things get too much. I don't know why

I need something to cheer me up. No one around here is going to do it though :(
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Your mum shouldn't let anyone borrow your things - they're not hers to loan. I would never have dreamt of doing that to my children. Your room is your own personal space - it's not fair to loan it out either. You must have a serious talk with your mother and explain to her that it's not the right thing to do.

Start that photography club up you were talking about, and then you will meet some new friends and even if you don't, it will give you an interest and you will get to know some people in the area. I'm sure people don't laugh at you - you are just being paranoid. Sometimes people are embarresed and don't know what to say to you. Just take the bull by the horns and start the conversation. Anyone riding a trike is bound to get stared at - it's quite unusual to see one, and they are just interested. Stop moaning and go out and enjoy the new place. You will probably get to love it eventually.

I did used to love it

People do actually laugh at me, I've seen them look and laugh straight away. Or just call one of there friends and they both laugh.

I want out of here, so much-ch-ch-hc
My uncle ray and his girlfriend and her girl are in my bedroom and they took my car back to London

I keep trying to keep my head up, but things get too much. I don't know why

I need something to cheer me up. No one around here is going to do it though :(

If they are in your bedroom, how have they took your car back to London:thinking:
They are not now, they have been for the last four days. Then today they took my car..


Didn't explain it properly in my first post sorry


I added some more to the post to help people understand me abit more
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You should have let the tyres down:bang: When are they bringing it back?

They are bringing it back next week if i don't get someone to take me there to get it back.

I didn't do anything stupid because then i'll get in everyone's bad books and giggidy goo blur blur and what not. You see what i mean? :LOL:

I could have quite easily stopped them taking it, but i didn't know they was until i looked out and see it gone and asked my mum
They are bringing it back next week if i don't get someone to take me there to get it back.

I didn't do anything stupid because then i'll get in everyone's bad books and giggidy goo blur blur and what not. You see what i mean? :LOL:

I could have quite easily stopped them taking it, but i didn't know they was until i looked out and see it gone and asked my mum

Well I'd make Uncle Ray take you out for some driving lessons in payment, when he gets back. I think he owes it to you. Cheer up now, get out on that trike and take some more photos in the meantime, and I hope you got that brake fixed.;)

Ray is so tight, i doubt he will pay for anything. Although i am going to go mad if they don't wash it, inside and out :LOL: I will really turn green :)
I really hope things improve for you Tony.

Just enjoyed going through your 365 - some really good shots.

Tar mate :)

I'll be alright by the morning i rekon, it is just i am well pee'ed off at the moment :)
Oh yeah and that Snickers bar on my desk, that is the new ultra fat free one which no one has heard of but me :LOL:

Meant to be on a diet but shush don't tell i have had that :runaway:

Oh yeah and that Snickers bar on my desk, that is the new ultra fat free one which no one has heard of but me :LOL:

Meant to be on a diet but shush don't tell i have had that :runaway:


They have a new ultra fat free one?! :cautious:

and dn't let those pillocks put you down, chin up lad, I was getting stick last week (i'm quite a skinny bloke and have to tell builders what to do), how about, you take ummm 3 pictures randomly and post them on here,
Day 11
Hard at work

Just the usual today, sat at my desk doing things on the web etc.

I took a photo of me about a year ago and thought my back was too small for my liking, like not built up enough so i went about building myself back up again. That bulge near my back isn't fat. It's muscle :) Honest, I don't know if any of you know but i done the mini marathon in London three times until i had to stop because i out-grown my chair so i was pretty big built after that with all the training etc. Then i just let it all go :LOL:

So as from today, I have decided to start building myself up again (y)

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Well Tony, By the time you read this you should have had plenty of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's and perhaps the world looks a little better today.
you mentioned
have stopped going out in the day. People don't know what to do when they see someone in a electric wheelchair, around here most of them just laugh. When i go out on the trike it is the same. Can't win
You may feel you have a problem, but those that you feel are treating you that way have much more of a problem, i try to treat and greet everyone the same,as iam sure many on here do as well, there are none of us so called perfect, the word should be removed from the dictonary. Trully those that are laughing have a real problem, truth is they don't know how to deal with somthing a little different.

Good on you for doing the marothan, never could do it myself. Lets hope you have a better day today, lets see some more from the new camera.(y)

I used to push weights and found it a good way to get rid of some stress, But then again, i used to "Rock around the Clock", problem was i kept falling off the dam mantle piece.:LOL:
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Tony well done on the marathon! keep it up :)

PS - Diet Coke is minging - I see you like it :D
Thanks R :) Some days it really doesn't bother me but some it does ;)

Gary, I've stopped doing marathons now. Haven't done it in about 4 years HEHE naughty MC Donald i say :LOL:

Diet coke is way better than normal coke :D
Thanks R :) Some days it really doesn't bother me but some it does ;)
Beleive me, there are days i just cannot understand people and it gets to me, i can deal with issues better now, But some people know no better and you are never going to change them, they go about there daily chors and have no clue of the real world.

I find that if people are getting to me, i take some 10-20 deep breathing, after a short while all don't seem so bad .

Main thing is to keep positive, get on with what YOU want to do.. And get that Camera going...
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