Techno-Geek's Daily Photo Diary (Mood = Very Good)

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Day 17
Oh look, a photo without me in it :)

Not much from me today, but i do like the DOF on this :)

It wasn't "Oh i can't think of what to take and just grabbed this on my desk" i thought this one out last night and had a go of it today :D

I am getting more and more used to using, Manual mode on my 400D which is a bonus.

Heading out for another drive tomorrow so that should be good :)

Tony (y)
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I like this Tony improving all the time with that 400D. Nice dof. Might have looked a touch better if the top of the glass had been buffed first (y)
Nice DOF on that one mate.

I forgot to post last night, but when I saw Day 16, I giggled a little bit, woke the girlfriend up! Was expecting to see a bored / tired Mr TG, but instead we saw an excited happy man. I hope it's reflecting the mood you were in :D

Hope the driving goes well tomorrow buddy
Thanks DD :) I will try that again some time and clean the top more (y)

Whittie, thanks dude. Looking back on that picture now i think "What the jubba did i put that up for?" :LOL: And yeah it was reflecting my mood :D

I'll get some proper pictures of my car tomorrow, will add them to their own thread :) Looks kinda like yours Whittie (y)

Thanks Garry :)
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Day 18

I got my driving PRACTICAL TEST appointment confirmation though the post a couple of days ago, and thought i would take a shot of it as my 365 today as it was the only thing that really appealed to my on my desk

I just can't wait to get driving, it is going to be awesome

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Wish you the best of luck Tony. Once you pass your test, you realise there's nothing stopping you going here there and everywhere. You get more freedom.
Wish you the best of luck Tony. Once you pass your test, you realise there's nothing stopping you going here there and everywhere. You get more freedom.

Cheers Whittie (y)

Someone said to me that i won't be driving my cars lots, because i can go everywhere else by bus/train. I laughed so much at him :D
Well take it easy tony, enjoy your licence and new found freedom when you get it.

Day 19

I am happy by the way :) I just have a funny way of showing it :)

I felt this needed to be B&W and then thought about putting the eye's back in colour :)

I spent most of this morning and this afternoon looking at different pictures on the web. Learning a bit more about wedding photos like what styles look best etc. I played the PS3 for a bit aswell but that didn't entertain me for that long.

I have driven to the next village and back on my bike today, have not done that for a while. I got some food there for my lunch and come back. It felt like a really long ride there, but only two minutes getting back.

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I was concentrating :LOL:

No, really i am in a happy mood right now (y)

Photography is addictive :LOL:
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I tell you about 2 minutes before i go out the door for it :D

Day 20
I want to go home

Click image to view it on flickr

Ever since i have moved away from London, i have wanted to go back. Not because i loved the place, But because i had to leave my best friend EVER (craig) behind. I didn't have no option about moving to Norfolk as i was so young that i couldn't really say no. He was always there for me when i needed him, if anyone ever took the micky out of me he'd be telling them where to go. Sure we had our fights, some worst than others. But we always used to look out for each other and helped each other out on a number of occasions.

He came down with us from London to help us move in, he slept the night and went back in the morning with my dad in the lorry because it was hired from London. He phoned me up and actually admitted to me that it made him cry leaving, and to be honest it made me cry aswell. After he left i just went out stairs in to my room and pushed the door shut, and sat on the computer chair. I had a really downer week after he went back to London, i stopped eating, i wouldn't take to anyone in school and i wouldn't do my work. I wouldn't even tell teachers what was wrong they thought i was just being a pain in the backside. I manage to hide it from my parents because i know what they would say if i told them.

I didn't move in to a town in Norfolk, i moved in to a little village where no one my age lived and all that was there was a park and a field and a pub. I then just started sitting in my room as soon as i got home and that was where i stayed all night. Then i think my mum noticed what was going on so she invited one of them girls i talked to at school around, I got on really well with her and everything but then she got a boyfriend. We still stayed friends but not so close as we were. Then i got a girlfriend and things started to look better for me in Norfolk, But after 3 weeks that fell apart. Then i meet up with a group and that was going good, Until they started arguing with each other. A few of us paired off, About four of us i think that was but then they started small talking about the others and i couldn't be had with that. So i just left myself with no one to hang around with, Seemed the best thing at the time. Then i meet another group and i really felt they liked being with me until of course, things started to get stupid again and i got in an argument with one of them and surprise surprise, None of them was talking to me after. Then after i left for collage i got to know a group of people and hanged around with them for a bit. Then the same old thing happend again.

Norfolk hasn't been really nice to me has it? :LOL: Got to smile though :)

Then Craig phones me up (Mate from London) and says he has got internet now and has signed up to msn. I thought "Yes great" I can now talk to him everyday. But he didn't come on there often.

I just can't wait until i can get this test sorted and be able to drive down London to see him and my other family members, Yes i did sort of see him as a brother :)

I hope you all get what i mean by this and that it makes sense. But i am glad i could get it off my chest

Tony (y)
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hey Tony,
It's great that you're still in touch with Craig, even if it's only now and then. There's nothing like old friends. The good thing about old friends is that no matter how infrequently you speak or see eachother you can always pick up again right where you left off.
Are you getting plenty of driving practice?
hey Tony,
It's great that you're still in touch with Craig, even if it's only now and then. There's nothing like old friends. The good thing about old friends is that no matter how infrequently you speak or see eachother you can always pick up again right where you left off.
Are you getting plenty of driving practice?

Thanks Jo (y), Yep i am driving everyday now :) With mum or dad

Tony, you have a plan, get your car, and get back where your heart is. Good on you for realising it, hope you pass test soon mate.

Nice shot and a sad story Tony, I have lost touch with a good mate too, no idea where he is now which is a real shame :(
Thanks Tom :)

I didn't want it to come across as a sad story but i guess it is for me :( Oh well, Once i get my driving license ahh? :)

Tony (y)
Ahh Girlfriends..... Don't even get a look in around here :grr: :LOL:
Friendship is an incredible thing mate. When you've got a mate you do everything with, share things with and can talk about anything to, you don't want to lose it. You should cherish them as a friend and do your best to stay in touch. It's quite hard to talk about your feelings towards another male, especially people you don't know in school or college etc, as you'd get labelled gay. That's the world we live in and how cruel people work. I think it's jealousy and a brave thing to do, why should you hide your feelings?
Friendship is an incredible thing mate. When you've got a mate you do everything with, share things with and can talk about anything to, you don't want to lose it. You should cherish them as a friend and do your best to stay in touch. It's quite hard to talk about your feelings towards another male, especially people you don't know in school or college etc, as you'd get labelled gay. That's the world we live in and how cruel people work. I think it's jealousy and a brave thing to do, why should you hide your feelings?

Amen brother, theres nowt wrong with guy-love. As long as every hug is equalled with a double barrelled cow-stopper to the upper arm region just to re-attain manly status (y)
Thanks Whittie :)

I am going to see if i can get a flat for 10 months down there when i pass my test :)
Day 21

Where am i going? Where am i heading? Where will i live? All will be told at the bottom of this post

I don't know where i got the idea of doing this from today but it seemed to work in well with my mood. I guess i feel hidden, not noticed and i don't mean that as in an unhappy way. Just the way i stay in doors all day normally and everyone that walks past my house don't know i am here at all apart from hearing my music and loud and bad singing "I'm bad, i'm bad, i'm really really bad" :D. I've even tried making friends around here and they just frown upon you because i come from London or say "Oh look, a Londoner" Well i say i am a Londoner and proud of it. I say "Once a Londoner, always a Londoner"

I am sick and tired of putting a sad face on for everything and anything, it's time i lived my life how i want to and i have made that quite clear to my parents that is what i want to do And dam it, I'm doing it

I really must stop listening to DJ Cammy and DJ Limmer, the one's remind me of someone who i used to like

I had a chat with the rents and i have decided that in two months i am moving back to London, TWO MONTHS YAY. That gives me time to get my driving sorted then. Going to hopefully then start a photography business of some sort

Happy faces all round :)

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^^^ This is a step up from your other 365's, both in attitude, writing, and photo. Big pat on the back from me mate, awesome stuff. Picture is hilarios, almost as much as my spelling :D
:) Glad you liked it EG (y) :D I was really laughing writing the description as i kept looking at the picture. No doubt someone will put up the cartoon character i look like :)

Remember what i said yesterday yeah? :)

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