TP Day 2011 - Entries Thread - Slideshow now out!

Here's mine - Shield Bug on a Buddleia bush. Taken 18:47.

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Taken at 12:54pm on 2/7/2011. Llandudno Pier Building Roof.. A rare sunny day !!!

Sorry it's so late. Only just had chance to load it up onto the PC.
A bit of a grab shot from the back garden taken at about 12:00 (haven't updated the time on the camera since the clocks went forward).

I was busy all day, but that's one of the things I like about photography - you don't necessarily need a lot of time or need to go very far in order to find something to photograph.

Very late in getting this sorted out. On the 2nd of July I was driving from the south of Ireland to Larne for a ferry crossing back to Scotland. Didn't have as much time as I would have liked for a shot but this one sums up my day.

Travelling home.

Return To Scotland... by barrysprout, on Flickr
Well - I'm another late entry, I'm afraid. The daytime shoot didn’t work out well – or at least I don’t think it did – to be on the safe side, I sent my film away for processing rather than doing it myself, and the film never made it to the Lab. That'll teach me to soup my own photo's in future.

Anyway - I’ve had to go with my second string – which is spending my evenings trying to learn product shot photography and using flash. I decided to keep at least partly to my film-roots, and shoot my latest toy…

What a day - loads of fabulous pictures posted. I hesitate to add mine, but I got up early hoping to catch decent light and had a peaceful and enjoyable hour or so with no people around, but plenty of New Forest ponies. The look in this mare's eye made her stand out from the herd. :)

New Forest Pony, taken at 6.27 am:


Have struggled a bit with this one as it was the first day of our holiday in the Peak District and only had a very small time in the evening to take pictures in an unfamiliar location, and had barely got to grips with the new D700 at that point.

Anyway, this reflects my interest in wide-angle photography as much as anything, ...its not great but better than nothing!

Here's one fom me:


Sorry it's so late but I'm just back from abroad. It was shot on 2/7/11 at 11.42 am.

I was covering a gala day for the local paper in the village of Coalburn in South Lanarkshire - one of many similar events in June and July - and this picture just seemed to sum up the event. Music, marching bands, fancy dress and the entire community involved either in the parade or spectating.
Ok Here's mine

I was at the biggest event of the year on the oval racing calender for the whole weekend, and got loads of pics, better ones on the Sunday but this one from Saturday I like for the lighting and the capture of the drivers' eyes.
Not a good photo, but the only one showing the sculpture and surrounding area.
02 July 2011 Morning about 8am
Goodwood Festival Of Speed
22mm, 1/160, f10

I was experimenting, and this is a picture I just took out of the odds, and I was pretty proud of it.

Just released I posted my photo on the wrong thread so here goes

We were at the Sunderland Kite Festival that weekend so guess the subject. Typically I had better shots on the Sunday but here's mine from THE day.

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not too pleased with the last roll of B&W landscapes for TP Day
Developed and scanned by problems but
played with PP for several weeks - best I can do..:shrug:................edit..Full Res image straightened ..:D...and emailed

advice about 400 ASA grain asked in Forum F&C

Canon A-1 with FDn 35-105mm
Fuji Neopan 400CN
late afternoon

''But Full of Memories''
by Yardbent .. aka John
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thanks Mark......:cool:

first full 36roll using nothing by ''that lens''...:D.......well pleased

would appreciate your expert comments on my 400ASA question [posting now]

these old buildings in Ayrshire do have a fascination for me...

Sorry about leaving this a bit late to post, but as the old saying 'better late than never'.

I took so many photos on the TP Day 2011 and couldn't make up my mind which to post, but always seem to come back to this one as it reflects my learning about photography and my passion to take a photograph and process it into an image (abstract being one of the areas I enjoy).

Over the past 18 months I have learned so much here at TP and feel like my photography has developed from all the advice and critique kindly provided by fellow members. Not forgetting just reading through other posts and learning from same too.

My fellow TP52 project members will know by now that I like to think outside of the box when it comes to themes/subjects and will be familiar with the type of processing I like to apply to my images. Something I applied on the TP Day too. I went into the woodlands in search of a subject to photograph that would represent my thoughts about TP, what I like to think of as the Trunk of TP.

When I saw this tree stump I had an idea .... to create an image that would represent the TP community, i.e., the rings of life, the stages of learning, the people we meet, the challenges we face in our photography, the different areas we all come from both logistically and in ability, but most importantly all converging into one main theme being a common interest and passion for photography.

So here is my contribution to this years TalkPhotography Day 2011

Taken 2 July 2011 @ 16:55 in the Woodlands, Clayton-le-Moors

Rings of Life (9651) by crystal_singer (drodd), on Flickr[/IMG]

I have been so inspired by all the fantastic photos added here and the community spirit of the day. Thanks to you all this seems to have been a very successful and enjoyable day and I look forward to viewing the final product.


Dawn :)
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Hey all

Thanks all who took part in this years TP Day.

Of the 150 submissions we have only received 112 full res versions by email. Please could you send over your images ASAP if you would like them to be put into the Slideshow/Gallery and book. I will be finishing them tomorrow so this really is your last chance!!

Details from the original thread:

For the slideshow and book we would like a higher res/size image than the forum permits so please send your full res final image to tpday11(at) along with your username so that credit can be given, and the time at which the shot was taken so that they can be grouped together. These will be required the 1st of August. NOW!!
hi smooth..i'm trying to resend my entry to the mailbox and its bouncing them back. tried twice now. copying address from above link?

can you confirm you got my first email?
Hi Kev,

I will confirm as soon as I get home tonight.

You will need to replace the (at) with an @ - It is written that way so we dont get lots of spam to the address from crawlers.
I didn't get any confirmation of picture received either. Should I have?
Mine was sent on 2/7/11 twice but obviously not arrived - just resent in the vain hope I'll make it but not holding out hope....