WCMUT....what cheered me up today

I shouldn't have laughed but I confess I did.
From the local news hub...

Have you seen Rui?
The 28-year-old has gone missing from Milton Keynes in the early hours of this morning.
Rui is in handcuffs.
Mum’s nursing home called this morning, we won first prize in Christmas raffle! Ninja air fried to be collected, usually don’t even get a sniff of a prize in anything but this time a major prize and a selection box in the tombola, happy days, apart from the other thread.
Saw the gritter coming towards my freshly washed and polished car, with flashing lights ablaze and "gritted" my teeth (see what I did there) then was cheered by the fact that it wasn't gritting and my paintwork lives to fight another day unmarked!
Saw the gritter coming towards my freshly washed and polished car, with flashing lights ablaze
When they come through here, they used to grit the house windows and the car on the drive!!
Thankfully that all stopped here, at least, when I planted a hedge and parked the car behind it (y)
WCMUT The roadworks have finally finished in the village. The local shopkeepers will be delighted after months of mayhem.
I shouldn't have laughed but I confess I did.
From the local news hub...

Have you seen Rui?
The 28-year-old has gone missing from Milton Keynes in the early hours of this morning.
Rui is in handcuffs.
Good try Rui good try :D

The 28-year-old went missing from Milton Keynes in the early hours of Wednesday (December 7). He was found by Metropolitan Police officers in London, today (9th)

A cold but very nice walk in a park, and there was no mud as it had all frozen :D
A run (in the car) up to Abbotsford for the c******** market, a walk along the tweed while she shopped, followed by a nice bowl of stew and dumplings in the visitors centre just the thing after a frosty walk.
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I had my morning walk to the local park hoping to get some moody misty shots but it was too moody and too misty.
Carrying on I saw a kingfisher on a branch by the stream and I stood there for 24mins in the freezing cold, it was great even though I lost all feeling in my fingers,

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WCMUT was a cold, misty walk along the frozen canal. She really needed that hour away from her Mum!
Almost as good as Bailey's!
This could go in either.
about an inch of snow fell, overnight, from late evening, although none was predicted for here.

The roads are pretty much clear now, including local roads.
Irish Cream.
WTF is Baileys?
The company asserts that the product is made in Ireland its ingredients include:
  • Irish whiskey
  • Irish cream
  • Sugar
  • cocoa flavorings.
I will admit that actually its quite nice, served over ice, in small measures.
We put the supermarket own brand “baileys” into hot chocolate not bad at all
Don’t normally drink hot chocolate or Baileys ,but in the same mug, it was ok, except when the scooshy cream on top attached to my nose!
Fancied a chesse and onion sandwich for lunch but we're out of onion.

Looked in the crisp box, found some pickled onion Space Raiders and used them intsead. Cheese and Space Raider sandwich, I could be onto something with that..... anomanom.
Fancied a chesse and onion sandwich for lunch but we're out of onion.

Looked in the crisp box, found some pickled onion Space Raiders and used them intsead. Cheese and Space Raider sandwich, I could be onto something with that..... anomanom.
My wife loves Crisp sandwiches. She's quite normal otherwise.
Watching my 11 year old daughter face her fears tonight and sing in the school Christmas concert. She'd had a little meltdown about it earlier and a bit of a panic.

She did it though. I couldn't have.

I never thought it was possible for a 55 year old, 14 stone, close to 6 foot tall bloke to have a wee tear in his eye.
I had to fix something this evening and I used my digital multimeter. When I was putting everything away I spotted my pocket "Eagle" analogue meter so I got it out and tested it and it works. I think I got that when I was a teenager or possibly aged 20 or 21 at the latest so it's in the region of 40 years old or more and it's still working, it's has never needed attention and it's still on its original battery. The battery is only used when measuring ohms but even so I'd have expected a battery to just die by now even if it'd had an easy life.

I have other electrical/electronic devices from that far back and they're still going but most have needed attention over the years. I have a Garrard turntable, a Creek 4040 amp and a pair of Monitor Audio speakers I got in my late teens or 20/21 at the very latest and they too have never needed attention unlike my Linn Sondek which has needed attention. I have a programable Casio calculator I got when I was a teenager and I think it cost about a months wages, it still works but it has had new batteries. These days you can probable get a calculator from Poundland.

Anyway. Pleased my Eagle meter still works :D
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I finally got around to replacing my clunky old keyboard with a more modern one.

On a side note, so any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors are not mine. :D
Watching my 11 year old daughter face her fears tonight and sing in the school Christmas concert. She'd had a little meltdown about it earlier and a bit of a panic.

She did it though. I couldn't have.

I never thought it was possible for a 55 year old, 14 stone, close to 6 foot tall bloke to have a wee tear in his eye.
You old Human you :)
Watching my 11 year old daughter face her fears tonight and sing in the school Christmas concert. She'd had a little meltdown about it earlier and a bit of a panic.

She did it though. I couldn't have.

I never thought it was possible for a 55 year old, 14 stone, close to 6 foot tall bloke to have a wee tear in his eye.
You are not alone. You should have seen me when one of my sons played guitar and sang his best mans speech at his brothers wedding.
I had to fix something this evening and I used my digital multimeter. When I was putting everything away I spotted my pocket "Eagle" analogue meter so I got it out and tested it and it works. I think I got that when I was a teenager or possibly aged 20 or 21 at the latest so it's in the region of 40 years old or more and it's still working, it's has never needed attention and it's still on its original battery. The battery is only used when measuring ohms but even so I'd have expected a battery to just die by now even if it'd had an easy life.

I have other electrical/electronic devices from that far back and they're still going but most have needed attention over the years. I have a Garrard turntable, a Creek 4040 amp and a pair of Monitor Audio speakers I got in my late teens or 20/21 at the very latest and they too have never needed attention unlike my Linn Sondek which has needed attention. I have a programable Casio calculator I got when I was a teenager and I think it cost about a months wages, it still works but it has had new batteries. These days you can probable get a calculator from Poundland.

Anyway. Pleased my Eagle meter still works :D

I still have an original AVO meter, gifted to me by the family of another radio amateur when he passed. I rarely use it, but it looks very cool (and old school) on the bench.....
Today I'm off to watch Sheffield Wednesday.