You think about photography too much when......

Edit My Images
The idea for this thread came from another one.

You know you've got photography on the mind when you're driving home and on the back of the car in front you see "1.2 L" and think "Phwoar, that's fast!"

If you have any amusing ones, post them up and give us a giggle.

Mine is:

You think about photography too much when....... you spend half an hour setting up a shot for an ebay listing.
When you're late to a meeting because you stopped off along the way with "car troubles" - perfectly timed to catch sunrise/sunset and you just so HAPPENED to have your camera in the boot.
when you looks at advert posters and say somethin like, ' i coulda done better'
When you're not watching the action in a movie but thinking of what equipment the shots were done with, noticing the barrel distortion and flares and thinking 'get better equipment'. Oh, Arnie just got shot.
When you're not watching the action in a movie but thinking of what equipment the shots were done with, noticing the barrel distortion and flares and thinking 'get better equipment'. Oh, Arnie just got shot.

But most importantly, didn't die... and killed the 30 men chasing him with a single bullet ;)

You start using the lasso tool around real views


Some good ones coming.. keep them up!
When your 8 year old says, " Dad why are you so addicted to cameras" Must admit that did make me think and have a chuckle. Also the family walk one is so true.
... when your 2 year old daughter takes your SLR and puts it to her eye, wiggling index finger saying "kecheesh..kecheesh..kecheesh..."
When you actually consider taking the camera in the bath to get macro bubble shots :confused:
When you spend more time rewinding the programme to look at what camera the reporter is using than watching the actual action.

When you start looking for catch lights in the eyes of people you are talking to.
When you contemplate buying a compact DLSR for your 5 year old son, because I means you can spend even more time taking pictures (yes, that is me... still thinking of a D40 for my lad :D)
When you start looking for catch lights in the eyes of people you are talking to.

To go on a bit from this ... When I am watching The Apprentice, I love getting wrapped up in the lovely catch light/reflection in everyone's eyes from the up-lit white table. :LOL:
As you pass someone* in the street, you glance at their eyes and think to yourself "I could get a lovely picture of you" and your eyes blink as if they are the shutter, just at the right moment.

No? Just me then :nuts:

(*usually attractive females btw :whistle:)
when your Mrs hits you for looking at a female photographer when you walk past her, when you're actually looking at the kit she is using because you clocked her much further down the road ;)
When I ask the wife could she run that meal through Photoshop before I eat it :puke:
when your 2 year old is shown a flash card (word/alphabet cards nothing to do with 'flash'lol) of a Camera and he says "Daddy" (genuine). sit for ages, staring mesmerised at the picture of a gorgeous scantily-clad young lady in a magazine.

And the wife wanders up, remarking "you like her, dontcha?"

You: "Nooo, just trying to figure out how they did the light here, honestly!"

True story. Honestly gov!
When you get to the front door before the Mrs when the Postie knocks!!
OR, you open the door and the Postie falls in the hall with the knocker in his hand!
When your invited out with friends or relatives and they say "You wont be bringing the camera with you" will you!
When your invited out with friends or relatives and they say "You wont be bringing the camera with you" will you!


You go to a family do and NOBODY else has brought a camera because they expect you to have brought yours and to spend all the evening running round shooting people :LOL:
....when your 5 year old hands you the lens cap and says "enough now Mom! " :LOL:
when your wife has her bags packed at the front door as says i'm going now !!!!

And you say " with your head still attached to the pc" start the car i'll be there now.

