You think about photography too much when......

... you see two numbers separated by a dash and immediately imagine a lens to match :nuts:
When you try to impress a girl you just met by saying "i have a big one" and she asks how big? You say it's an EF 100-500mm IS...
When you walk into a vast, dark building, and immediately think What ISO could I use in here?
You vaguely overhear friends discussing how difficult it is in these icy conditions and you respond "You could probably get away with about 300 in this weather" (true story).
Every picture of your children is of them shouting at you to "STOP TAKING PICTURES OF ME"
you ring your wife on the way home from a shoot "put my computer on i,ll be home in a while" got some shots to upload :)
When you look at porn and think that would look better if they had done this lighting instead or the eyes are a little soft in these shots (if my GF reads this then I mean, IF you were to look at porn and think this lol).
When you look at porn and think that would look better if they had done this lighting instead or the eyes are a little soft in these shots (if my GF reads this then I mean, IF you were to look at porn and think this lol).

I concur entirely with these sentiments (though obviously if mant01's girlfriend is reading this I too mean "if").
Your wife notices the disappointment in your voice when you tell her that there were no fallen trees or floods blocking the roads while you were travelling. (happened to me Wednesday night when I got home, I'd taken the camera with me.)
When you look at porn and think that would look better if they had done this lighting instead or the eyes are a little soft in these shots (if my GF reads this then I mean, IF you were to look at porn and think this lol).

...or when (if) you look at porn with one of the females being the 'photographer' and think that 70-200 F4 is entirely inappropriate for the subject distance :crying:

..or when you check the EXIF on porn :crying:
When you spend more time looking at the photographers arround the track than the F1 cars on it. Especially once the 3 are on the podium, then i get a massive sense of Lens envy!
when you take shots of your dinner and let it get cold
I've found myself staying at work later and later recently. Not because I have loads on but just so that I can catch a sunset on the way home.
You half close you eyes, just to see what the scene would look like with Bokeh.
I've found myself staying at work later and later recently. Not because I have loads on but just so that I can catch a sunset on the way home.

Or going in earlier because you've worked out where the sunlight will fall at five minutes past eight on a Wednesday morning
I'm looking at Nudes and Glamour on TP and need a lightning fast excuse. Like, "that bugger used the same lighting as I did in the portrait gallery!"
nothing new to add but LMAO all the way through this fab thread :LOL::LOL::LOL:

& so true all of them...

My 1st waking thought these days is...wish I could spend the day with my camera :D
when you're glued to the weather forecast pages hoping for good light on your day off
When you're packing your hand baggage for holiday and decide to take an extra lens rather than more pants/socks/t-shirts.

You'd rather spend an hour or so mid holiday doing laundry rather than leave a lens at home!

see you taught me well..
When you lay down at night and all you see is the TP homepage...

Omg...that's just me??? :crying:
When you plan your main annual holiday around what photography you want to do.

Seriously, it looks like next year may not be a safari, we're now contemplating wildlife watching in North America, or a couple of weeks in Madagascar :thinking:

Jelster said:
When you plan your main annual holiday around what photography you want to do.

Seriously, it looks like next year may not be a safari, we're now contemplating wildlife watching in North America, or a couple of weeks in Madagascar :thinking:


That's exactly me... Cambodia last year and hoping somewhere in Africa sometime soon.
When the dogs have made their own way back to the car and are sitting waiting for you. :)

Lol I did that with a frisbee, my dog was great at catching one and bringing it back, so I tried to get shots of her in mid air catching it. A while later dog is sitting at car door with frisbee in her mouth looking at me.:LOL:
When you've read through 4 pages on TP and agreed with most of the statements :LOL: notice some dirt on your childs face when dropping them off to school/nursery and think to yourself 'never mind, it will be easily cloned out later'.
...or when (if) you look at porn with one of the females being the 'photographer' and think that 70-200 F4 is entirely inappropriate for the subject distance :crying:

..or when you check the EXIF on porn :crying:

Actually can't stop laughing..............:LOL: