You think about photography too much when......

When you wake up and realise you have had a wet dream over photography equipment :LOL:
When you are known to other dog owners as 'the bloke who always has a camera around his kneck'.

When you drive past a cemetery, stop, pull over, turn around and drive back to see if it worth a visit.
When you sat in the library about to fail your dissertation and you still end up reading pages like this in stead...

or when you're girfriend walks off and you don't even notice because you to interested in lieing in the grass trying to photograph something that she'll go "yeh it's alryt" to...

love this thread, very amusing

I to have found myself looking at the light and reflections in peoples eyes as I talk to them and if I'm watching something on the TV, it could be a disaster and I see someone with a camera there my attension is instantly trying to guess what camera and lens set up they have.... I constantly compose picture in my head as I walk around, I wish my mind was a Camera...
When you genuinly do start searching for glamour shots/porn just to see how people have lit them/posed them for research, rather than any other reason you might look at porn....errrr...
When you choose who you date based on what brand they shoot (so you can pool equipment).

When you break up with them because you have a competitive streak.

When you can say 'I was checking out that guy's gear' without picking up on the obvious homoerotic overtones.

(For rangefinder shooters) when you can see framelines floating in your vision and can change between them freely.

When you think poverty always looks better in black and white.
When your playing with your camera, the wife says look at that on telly and you watch it for a short time through the view finder. :)
When you choose who you date based on what brand they shoot (so you can pool equipment).

When you break up with them because you have a competitive streak.

When you can say 'I was checking out that guy's gear' without picking up on the obvious homoerotic overtones.

(For rangefinder shooters) when you can see framelines floating in your vision and can change between them freely.

When you think poverty always looks better in black and white.

Fair play there are some great ones there
When you beg for time of work on a monday to take the camera to the repair shop as you can't bear the thought of not having it for a weekend !

& having handed it over to said repair shop you wave & say goodbye to it as you walk out :D

Only been a few hours & already getting withdrawal symptons:crying:
when you looks at advert posters and say somethin like, ' i coulda done better'

oh god i think of this a lot tbh, especially with other types of design as well - i hate with a passion people who design posters using publisher with word art and clip art etc... then use badly taken, blurry photos that are all underexposed!
When your dream has changed from scoring the winning goal against the English in the World cup Finals, to capturing the wining goal for Scotland against the English in the World Cup Finals.
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when you look at your kids playing and think thats an awesome pic right there.
when your boss threatens you with disciplinary action for taking 33 pictures of his PA at the office party - when really you were interested in capturing the rimlighting of her hair (true story - happened to me in '05 , but hey i'd had a few brewskis and it was very nice rimlighting :LOL: )
When she gets her kit off, sprawls on the bed looking at you seductively and you say "Hang on, I'll get me light meter!" :D
You think about photography too much contemplate what equipment you could buy if you werent saving for your wedding in five months.
Haha these are brilliant. Some of them so true!

You think about photography too much contemplate what equipment you could buy if you werent saving for your wedding in five months.

I think similar, but with equipment I could have bought if I hadn't spent it all on alcohol (student :().
When you spend more time rewinding the programme to look at what camera the reporter is using than watching the actual action.


I constantly pause it and norammyl get shouted out for spoling the program.

when your Mrs hits you for looking at a female photographer when you walk past her, when you're actually looking at the kit she is using because you clocked her much further down the road ;)


Women don't have a clue how eagle yed we are :D
[QUOTE}Women don't have a clue how eagle yed we are :D[/QUOTE]

Oh yes they do, and I get in trouble for it
...when you become an avid fan of CSI because they use Nikon's!! :nikon:
When you don't have your camera, the most amazing things happen
When you go to the football and you spend more time trying to figure out what camera and lens the photographer is using in front of you (from row 16) instead of watching the game :LOL:
When your eyelids makes a "click" sound every time you blink.
.... when you stand in court as the accused and you think what a shame that the sign at the door says "NO PHOTOGRAPHY"......and its the best you have looked for a long time.
:LOL: these are great! And I agree with a lot of them, especially the ones about being more interested in the kit another chap has than the game; or, when talking to people, trying to figure out how it would make a good picture, and then forgetting half the conversation.
You take


on your walk and not the border collie/golden retriever because it's tiny and just sits there looking pathetic when you are taking photographs.

when you take a photo of your dog for a forum reply because she's been shaved and heaven forfend you post a out of date photograph.