Recent content by Braidy

  1. B

    Nikon D750 & D780

    Just ordered two D750s from Panamoz. Will be selling two D700s and one D800 once they are here.
  2. B

    Video lighting set up

    I work in theatre and I'm looking for a lighting set up that can produce a look similar to the link below for video interviews with directors etc ... Portability is key but also is good quality so that I'm doing the usual...
  3. B

    Nikon D800 owners thread....

    Had a problem today. Went to a job this morning but found my D800 pretty much frozen. Take out battery, put it back, no difference. Turns out to be a memory card problem. I was using a Calumet compact flash card which - according to Calumet - is non compatible. The shops aren't allowed - I was...
  4. B

    Nikon D800......

    I waited about 7 days after the announcement before pre-ordering.
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    Nikon D800......

    Got mine from Calumet yesterday.
  6. B

    D800 or Not?

  7. B

    Help! Lighting background

    Fantastic, Jonathan. Thanks for doing that bit of tech research for us. I shall be doing that.
  8. B

    Help! Lighting background

    Thanks for the replies guys. I think I've got this figured out. Primarily the mistake was to rely on the lcd display on the camera which gives a false reading of both the brightness and colour. This morning looking back on the computer at the images I realise that I'm not far away from what I'm...
  9. B

    Help! Lighting background

    Agreed. Very hard. But, in the 3rd picture of Damiens page he's using exactly what I am (and used to very successfully). A standard reflector with gel in front. I can't use a softbox or umbrella on the background as I won't be able to control the light so easily.
  10. B

    Help! Lighting background

    Hi - I do a lot of actors headshots and almost from day one (about 3 years ago) I've had a light behind the subject to light the background softly. & For a while...
  11. B

    setups and shots with home studio setup Thread

    Yes, it's the focus on the face that is the hardest to do. I'm also using either a smallish beauty dish or a large soft box, for the face, neither of which I'm happy with. I think a 60cm x 60cm soft box would be best.
  12. B

    setups and shots with home studio setup Thread

    Bloody hell, this is harder to do than it looks. Cool shot and I've got no-where close.
  13. B

    Recent wedding (Images updated)

    I guess I don't need to add my views and I'm not a big fan of heavy processing however the black and white images are so strong that I think your pictures are crying out for a more sympathetic treatment. In the b&w we are taken straight to the emotion within them whereas I struggle to get beyond...
  14. B

    Musical hard !

    As you were stuck to your seat were you shooting during a performance? I'd be furious if I was in the auditorium with a photographer after having paid for a ticket. Musical theatre is definitely challenging. A lot fewer keepers doing that than any other kind of photography I've done. But when...