Recent content by Darkrider

  1. D

    Guarding Dunster Castle

    Thanks for the critique / tip
  2. D

    Random shots

    Thanks for the comments, regarding the door one, yours are similar to someone from another forum and I do agree, losing the window would be an improvement. With the tree one, sadly the sky was very flat an uninteresting, losing it all together and cropping tighter on the tree I think works...
  3. D

    Random shots

    Just a couple of shots taken on a recent trip to Somerset... 1. A Doorway to....? 2. Silver Tree c&c welcome
  4. D

    Guarding Dunster Castle

    A Shot of some Roundheads guarding Dunster Castle, c&c welcomed
  5. D

    You're bats!

    excellent shots!
  6. D

    Globe Thistle

    nice, perhaps a wider depth of field?
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    Young male Tiger cub deep in thought.

    nice shot, I get the feeling he is eyeing you up as a potential light snack...:lol:
  8. D

    Help me choose

    2, 3 & 6 hit the spot for me...:)
  9. D

    Active Meerkats! Yes really!!

    Wicked set, love Meercats, 2 & 4 for me....:)
  10. D

    Wildlife with 100-400L & 2X Converter

    Great pics, love the first one; is that a ring tailed lemur? and the meercat....but then I am a mug for meercats....:)
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    Thanks all....:) Andy, knowing my luck they'd charge us extra :(
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    Thanks, you could be right about the oof, I was struggling with manual focus on a 300mm lens with a 2x converter in "macro" and my eyes are sadly not what they used to be.....:(
  13. D

    Soaking wet fox

    Excellent can see the "I almost had you" look on his/her face!
  14. D

    Litchen C&C Please

    I like the first one, the composition is interesting and you can feel a sense of age and decay. the second one, I'm not really sure about, might have been better if the foreground was in sharper focus?
  15. D

    Speckled Wood Butterfly

    Nice work, really sharp. Personally I find the background a little distracting and I would have centered the crop more.