Recent content by helen_s

  1. helen_s

    Facebook pages...

    Here's mine: Will go back and like as many as I can....
  2. helen_s

    Northern Ireland - Budding Wedding Photographers?

    See this thread in talk business:
  3. helen_s


    Does anyone know where you get the folio things, with slots for 3 photos? H x
  4. helen_s

    School Photography Course

    Hi Daryl, Can I have the dates for the next courses too? Feb doesn't suit me either. H
  5. helen_s

    any good sites for backdrops?
  6. helen_s

    Flying a Sony Nex 5

    Brilliant, love it! H x
  7. helen_s

    A weekend with the Sigma 85 1.4 (more added)

    Gorgeous shots, that bokeh is seriously to die for. Making me jealous even though I said I would never own a sigma again!! H x
  8. helen_s

    Little Noah

    Looks like it was maybe overcast? In which case, standing even very slightly above him and trying to get him to look up at you would have helped get nice light in his eyes. Either that or under something like a bridge or even a tree so the light is directional. H x
  9. helen_s

    My Little Girl

    She's gorgeous!! Love the first one, I actually really love the lighting as it is. It would make a gorgeous black and white. H x
  10. helen_s

    A second photographer is not always a good thing when.....

    hehe loving these edits.
  11. helen_s

    Brothers Wedding

    I thought the same, they are all quite badly underexposed. H x
  12. helen_s

    Little Noah

    Lovely bokeh! To me they look a little underexposed and I would like to have seen a little more light in his eyes. H x
  13. helen_s

    Canon to Nikon, 1st wedding ever and... the result

    Really, really enjoyed looking at these. Love the style of your work, some really nice shots. Great job. When you said about the whites being blown I was expecting them to be really bad, but they are fantastic. Well done H x
  14. helen_s

    My photos to be featured on ITV news tomorrow

    Fantastic!! Well done! :thumbs: H x