Recent content by keith.l

  1. K

    UK alternative to Photek Softlighter?

    I came across this old thread while searching for a Softlight supplier in the UK. This on Amazon seems to be similar.
  2. K

    Annabel Williams Bespoke Course - worth it ?

    There's a funny thing. On the very day that Annabel relaunches her blog, Nikon User7 creates an account and zooms into this old thread to tell us how wonderful Aspire is. Funny ol' world.
  3. K

    Gadgets - Sony ebook reader

    I've been keeping an eye on Amazon's version for a while but they don't seem in a rush to release it over here.
  4. K

    Forgive me, for I have sinned

    Seems to me that it's just like paying extra for a designer label, which is probably something most of us have done from time to time - depending upon the prevailing state of the bank balance :) . At the bottom of this review, Michael Reichmann has a quote from an unnamed Leica source detailing...
  5. K

    Working tonight so had the day off...

    Looks like you had a very fruitful trip. Really like the one of the old geezer.
  6. K

    RAW files - really - what the gosh darn flip?!

    It's not a problem that affects me, but I'm pretty sure that a workaround is to convert the RAW files to DNG using Adobe's free conveter. Once you have the RAWs in DNG format, you can open them in anything from Elements to CS4.
  7. K

    Grumpybadger ARPS

    Congratulations. That's a real achievment.
  8. K

    Group of 60 people

    Here's a blog/flickr post from a pro who recently did something along the same lines. Not exactly what you're doing but you might pick up some pointers.
  9. K

    Photoshop and the like.

    I think that's the key point. You have a clear idea of what a photograph is supposed to be, and you have a clear idea what is right and wrong, so you can get it "right" in the camera. A lof of people have an entirely different view of what a photo is supposed to be. For some people taking...
  10. K

    Manchester tattoo show (sunday)

    Really interesting set of images. Favourite is the one of Kate - I like the processing you've added.
  11. K

    Is this working for you?

    I really like the processing and the crop. The only fly in the ointment for me is the frame of her glasses obscuring her eye. The strong eye-contact between them and the placement of her eye on a third keep leading me back to it, and I keep bumping into the frame. Nothing you could do about it...
  12. K

    Young Hoodie.!

    Lovely shot. For me also, the catchlights are a bit distracting, but I definitely agree with your decision to leave the skin unchanged.
  13. K

    Live View

    Jeff Ascough has a mini-review of the 5d2 in the CPN magazine and, surprisingly, he named it as one of his favourite features. He talked about sitting at the back of a church and using the screen to zoom in and take almost silent pictures.
  14. K

    Thrilling on some days - Stadiums

    I quite like the second one, too. You've done a decent job in making something out of nothing. It reminds a little of some of the desolate urbex-type shots we sometimes see on here.
  15. K

    Video of IS working

    He actually left them in the drying cabinet too long and the emulsion started to melt! Personally, I think it was a happy accident - they look good to me the way they are. Straight shots would have had less impact. Who need Photoshop!