Recent content by staceyc

  1. S

    Your Favorite portrait of 2011.

    Nowhere near on the level of most of the others on here but my 2 favourites here. Lake Lane Photography by staceyc1977, on Flickr _MG_0017 by staceyc1977, on Flickr
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    Step out of your comfort zone - a 12 for 2012 Challenge

    Is it too late for me too? I want to do something to challenge myself but I don't feel as though I could keep up with a 365 or a 52. A 12 sounds do-able. I like people. But I will have a go at anything. :clap:
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    setups and shots with home studio setup Thread

    This is great. Just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune. I only use sheets at the moment due to the fact I haven't got around to buying the backdrops yet and I get some really funny looks when I pull them out. Makes me feel a bit conscious that I am not at that level yet.
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    Been a while.... Some of my latest

    Gorgeous set. Now thats what I would like to aspire to. :)
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    You have got the eye contact in this one. Its better. Now you need to take a look at composition. That background is great but using the rule of thirds would make it a better photo. When you take a photo imagine your shot split into thirds. Place your subject into one of those thirds...
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    Some support :D

    I have sent a request. :)
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    Snaps of me :D

    That is my next project. Light Trails!! I have seen some amazing ones on here. What lens and shutter speed did you use?
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    Snaps of me :D

    Fab isn't it? LOL
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    Snaps of me :D

    Yes that is better. Still not perfect but a big change from before. Did you use that program?
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    Snaps of me :D

    Yes thats what I have come to realise now. I don't use 1600 any more. I have learnt to use the shutter speed verses the ISO for more options.
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    Snaps of me :D

    I got a Canon 350D. I have learnt a very valueable lesson from that shoot now believe me. Now my laptop comes to every shoot with me and I check the photos before I leave. ;)
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    Biker Parents

    Thanks everyone. Nice to hear that I am doing something right. LOl I am always my worse critic so I see faults everywhere so I do like to hear that others can't see them and its just me. :thumbs:
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    Snaps of me :D

    I downloaded it because I made the mistake in one shoot of having my ISO up too high. (I am still learning all the time.) Couldn't see the noise on the LCD screen and thought they came out fine. Wasn't until I got home I saw all the noise and thought they were beyond repair. I could've cried...
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    Snaps of me :D

    I use a program called Noiseware Community Edition to get rid of noise. Its free to download and works miracles. Just open your photo with this and click go. I think all photographers have problems with noise at some point.
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    Briony, Opinions Please :D

    I started exactly where you are Nikki and I think the best way is to learn to get the composition right with a point and shoot first. Then all the technical side of aperture and shutter speed etc attached to a DSLR can come later. In my opinion all these have almost an erie feeling about...