Recent content by supermonkey

  1. supermonkey

    2 takes on an old shack.

    Both of them work for me, but for different reasons. The first one look svery nice in the monocrhome color scheme. The building almost blends in to its surroundings, furthering the idea of a lost shed becoming a part of the landscape. the second looks idyllic, and the red color on the...
  2. supermonkey

    Some old pillars

    Thank you all for the input. Hoodi: I have a couple of different shots that show the whole gazebo, but I haven't really worked on them at all. You're right, though, perhaps more of the structure would have been nice. Noah: That's an interesting idea (cropping a bit from the right). I'm...
  3. supermonkey

    Mischevious eyes

    I agree with the above. Great detail, especially in the bright, blue eyes. -monkey
  4. supermonkey

    Totally addicted to bass

    Very nice. I love the lighting and the tones, especially in the thrid photo. I can't help but feel like the "bass jumper" should have a bit of motion blur, if only to tie all 3 together. -monkey
  5. supermonkey

    Some old pillars

    Thanks for the comments. So far, the lack of symmetry has been the one comment that keeps coming up (I've posted the picture in another forum as well). I had tried cropping the left pillar out, bringing everything symmetrical. Like Marianne said, all I could think about is the fact that it...
  6. supermonkey

    Some old pillars

    I took this the other day at an old abandoned mansion down the road a bit. The house is very old and now sits empty and in disrepair. The work done: Sized to 11x17 inch (sized for web at the end for the forums) Converted to b&w via Channel Mixer Slight Levels adjustment Some...
  7. supermonkey

    brecon reservoirs

    noah, the first photograph here is beautiful. You said you were looking for lines and textures; well, you sure found them. Great tonal range and a composition that works. Great image! edit: I forgot to mention that I lik ethe movement in some of the grass in the middle of the frame. The...
  8. supermonkey

    A bit of fun with electricity

    Very cool. They look like something that was created digitally (3d program, etc). Size them appropriately and these would make really nice computer desktops. -monkey
  9. supermonkey

    Five black dots....

    Nice. Love the treatment you gave these; the tones work well with the subject! I tried to learn guitar once. I remember it being a lot of fun before I gave it up for other hobbies. -monkey
  10. supermonkey

    Yesterday US football - killer shots!

    I used to shoot a lot of football when I worked for a newspaper in Lubbock, Texas (home of West Texas Football country). #3 is a great shot; you've captured the hight of the action, plus you can see the expressions on the players' faces. Great job! -monkey
  11. supermonkey

    Weston is super indeed.....

    Considering it was just a test shot, #3 is the winner here, in my opinion. Although #1 has wonderful colors and nice quality of light about it, #3 just conveys a special mood that the others don't match. Great shot! -monkey
  12. supermonkey


    (Only speaking for myself here)... I completely understand what you mean. I've never liked taking photographs of people. I'm much more at home with the trees and mountains. As has been said, you have a unique style, and your style is executed well. It might not be a style that particulary...
  13. supermonkey


    I'm not sure why, but I like this one more than the others I've seen. Admittedly the technique isn't my cup of tea. That's not to say that the pictures are bad; far from it. But this one stands out for some reason. Maybe it just has that right combination of balance, color, composition...
  14. supermonkey

    Mr. Pachyderm for my first photo

    Thanks for the USM tip, Matt; I'll have to give it a try. I used a fair amount of USM on the big print, with some slight local sharpening to help save some of the areas. I really just need a decent long, prime lens. Too bad I'd have to take out a second mortgage on the house. -monkey
  15. supermonkey

    Mr. Pachyderm for my first photo

    Well, I figured that I should probably share a photo, rather than just comment on everyone else's photos. So, for my first-ever picture here on TalkPhoto, I chose this little guy: Ok, so he's not so little. We took my nieces to the zoo a couple months back and I managed to get a...