
  1. J

    Sony Cameras & Lenses for Sports?

    I primarily have shot with Nikon and only shot with my D500 however, I'm looking to upgrade my kit finally to get myself a 400mm lens and another work horse sports body. I currently have a Sony A7R3 and was wondering what peoples thoughts were on using that and a 400mm f2.8 lens would be like...
  2. jazzrchy

    Beginner Brand new bridge or secondhand DSLR?

    So I'm currently using my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy s9+) and an old bridge camera, specifically a Polaroid is2132. The Polaroid is fine and all, but I've had it for about 8 years and am in the mood to treat myself a little bit and replace it but I'm unsure on what to buy as the replacement. For...
  3. J

    G.A.S rangefinder or medium format?

    Good day fellow internet people, I was gifted a Nikon FM2 along with two lenses (Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AI and Nikon 35mm f/2 AI-S) for Christmas from my Ex. Have been hooked on photography since. I’m a fan of Fan Ho, Brassaï and Sebastian Salgado. That rich contrast and vivid detail look. Please...
  4. I

    Beginner Help me choose my first camera!

    Hello, first, thank you for taking the time to help me. I'm an industrial design student looking to buy my first camera, up to this point I've been using almost exclusively my iPhone 8 Plus to take photos, except from a few times I've used my girlfriend's Nikon D5300 and a friend's Sony A6000...
  5. Reviesic Media

    Beginner Travelling to South Africa

    Hi all, I am off to South Africa next November on a safari and I'd prefer not taking a suitcase plus a separate camera bag. My question is really, what backpacks do you recommend that can hold my gear and almost 2 weeks of clothes, swimwear, personal hygiene things and documentation? I cannot...
  6. mattwalkerncl

    Landscape technique and processing

    I'm really looking to up my game, learn a bit more and try to develop more of a personal style. Pretty much all of what I shoot is landscapes and I've recently been looking at Luminosity Masks to help me draw more detail out from my Images. The fundamental problem is that I'm not really sure...