£21.49 32GB Class 10 Professional High Speed SDHC Memory Card

Mine arrived a couple of days ago and I have been using it with 'as expected' results. No problem with bursts, though I've not been taking much over three/four frames.

I think that sometimes (seemingly frequently in this past-time) people get very caught up in what the very-best-available is and assume that everyone should have that or can afford that. The equipment only needs to do the task that you want it to, and if it achieves that then it is fit for purpose.

There are all sorts of comparisons that you could give (cars, computers, houses...) but the bottom line is that it works well enough to make the price per gig a very good one.

Obviously I will change my tune if during use the card fails and I lose all of my precious images! Only time will tell on that one though :)
Obviously I will change my tune if during use the card fails and I lose all of my precious images! Only time will tell on that one though :)

This is the only thing that is uncertain with this card, so long as it proves to be reliable then it well and truly is a bargain. Only time will tell.
Can anybody please tell me the average delivery time from 7dayshop??
I ordered one on the 27th April and it hasn't arrived yet, time to worry yet??
I ordered mine at the same time as you and received it on Friday, I wouldn't worry too much yet :)

I've always found 7dayshop's delivery to be slow but they have always arrived in the end...Maybe they only order from the far east when they get your order to keep costs down..Prices are usually pretty good though to be fair
That was quick!!
Mine didn't arrive so they are sending out another one. They have responded quickly to e-mails though.
Has anyone had a chance to test the PNY 16gb Class 10 card with respect to write speeds yet?! I haven't had a chance to test mine yet!

To answer my own initial query;

I ran a quick test using CrystalDiskMask3 (each test run 5 times sequentially for the 1000MB setting, 32 Bit Windows mode).

For the Sequential tests, Read speed (MB/s) of 18.92, Write speed (MB/s) of 15.63, so slightly below both the Transcend and 7DayShop cards but still more than acceptable for the majority I would presume.
Mine took a little time to arrive, performance has been fine in a Canon G9

I'm pleased at the 32Gb for £20 deal - excellent
Guys, just to warn you...
Unfortunately the card started playing up, read/write errors.
Although i wasn't using it for pro purposes, I couldn't trust it any more.
Went back to 7DS, got refund in 3 days.
Guys, just to warn you...
Unfortunately the card started playing up, read/write errors.
Although i wasn't using it for pro purposes, I couldn't trust it any more.
Went back to 7DS, got refund in 3 days.

Ordered mine without seeing this thread

Arrived quickly but I got a card error message on my D7000. 7dayshop have said they had a faulty batch of cards and have asked that I return it for refund/replacement

I've gone for the refund and just glad it was DOA rather than failing with a bunch of pictures stored on it