1:1 macro fly

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Used a monopod for this one. More about detail than anything else as technically it was tricky. Thanks for loooking.
Excellent result too. The detail has come out very nicely.
like the contrast between the background and fly

great detail

think this is a flesh fly ?
Very nice. Great detail and looks bigger than 1:1 on my monitor. ;)
I've been trying to photogtaph flies all weekend. So although I am amazed at your fantastic shot :clap:, it leaves me much saddened that I have much improving to do ! :crying::bonk:
Stunning shot , main subject sharp and the background colours spot on .

You say you used a monopod , but can you tell us more of your technique .

Very interested

Disgusting looking creature but amazing capture!
The clarity and detail is up there with the best I've seen on here, really well done! (y)
What kit was used?
Brilliantly ugly ! Why doesn't my wife understand that I "need" a macro lens ?
Thanks to you all for the very very kind words. The shot was taken on nikon d5100 with a tamron 90mm macro. The monopod helps and the lighting was all natural daylight and no flash or reflectors.

Thanks again to you all for the kind kind words and really glad you like it.