10 stop shots, show us what ya got!


I may be wrong but this looks so much like 2 different exposures stuck together in photoshop - given the horizon and the whiteness suddenly going to dark as you move out into the sea towards the horizon, especially with the horizon moving from white to dark from left to right

Hmmm, what are you trying to explain ? That wasn't quite clear. It maybe the original poster used a hard edge grad filter hence the sudden change in tones?
I may be wrong but this looks so much like 2 different exposures stuck together in photoshop - given the horizon and the whiteness suddenly going to dark as you move out into the sea towards the horizon, especially with the horizon moving from white to dark from left to right

It is one exposure, but the horizon had a messy unsightly bit of land behind it. So I turned the sky upside down (same sky) and cropped the land area now at the top. The joint between water and sky was hardly noticeable, so I dodged/burned a neater horizon. Obviously a little to enthusiastically though. :D
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Hmmm, what are you trying to explain ? That wasn't quite clear. It maybe the original poster used a hard edge grad filter hence the sudden change in tones?

Erm I wasn't trying to explain anything. I was merely pointing out that where sea meets sky it looks a bit odd, especially being white on the left and dark on the right.

Made me think some photoshoppery trickery had been employed,. which Pork since confirmed.
Basic question to all but I am trying to understand how you approach using a 10 stop filter.

From what I have read, there are a few ways to use one but am I correct in the following?

Set ISO to around 100.
Aperture Priority set to say f16.
Meter the focal point and record the shutter value.
Set to manual, set the same aperture (f16) and set the shutter to what the table say's (1/30 = 30s)
Take shot.

Sorry for the basic question in trying to understand but you guy's have demonstrated a good understanding of using this filter.

Much appreciated

Basic question to all but I am trying to understand how you approach using a 10 stop filter.

From what I have read, there are a few ways to use one but am I correct in the following?

Set ISO to around 100.
Aperture Priority set to say f16.
Meter the focal point and record the shutter value.
Set to manual, set the same aperture (f16) and set the shutter to what the table say's (1/30 = 30s)
Take shot.

Sorry for the basic question in trying to understand but you guy's have demonstrated a good understanding of using this filter.

Much appreciated


Basically yes as you have said :). Set up your shot as you usually would for a landscape, in aperture priority or manual. Take a test shot to confirm the composition and histogram is as you would like.

Then switch to manual, including the lens (as the camera wont focus with the filter on). Add filter and dial in you 10 stops as you have said. And click. :)
A few shots taken with my hitech 10 stop PRO ND and 0.6 SE grad.




Brilliant set of images Andy. Lovely colours captured too. May I ask where this location is?
Had my first go with my new B+W 10 stop ND110 today... and a little disappointed. It was great fun using it, although difficult, but I just can't seem to get very long exposures. Light was quite flat and can be much brighter at the time of day, but I couldn't get past 20 seconds...

These two were 13s and 10s respectively:

Frankton Arm by Anton-17, on Flickr

Frankton Arm by Anton-17, on Flickr
Had my first go with my new B+W 10 stop ND110 today... and a little disappointed. It was great fun using it, although difficult, but I just can't seem to get very long exposures. Light was quite flat and can be much brighter at the time of day, but I couldn't get past 20 seconds...

You shot both at f11 Anton (nothing wrong with that). But you could have increased the exposure time by upping the aperture value. Obviously the narrower the aperture the more chance of introducing defecation though. Bit of a trade off to get a longer exposure. :)

Nice pics BTW (y)
I'm a newbie to this, i get the idea of the ND10 filter, is this the one filter or made up of filters to 10, also how do you work out the exposure?:help:
You shot both at f11 Anton (nothing wrong with that). But you could have increased the exposure time by upping the aperture value. Obviously the narrower the aperture the more chance of introducing defecation though. Bit of a trade off to get a longer exposure. :)

Nice pics BTW (y)

I didn't want to up the aperture up any more than really f/13 since I was also testing out the lens (which was my first shooting with as well as the filter) and I've got a lot of sensor dust that shows up pretty prominantely from f/16 up.

I guess its just a matter of trying to find that magic time before light goes down too fast? I'd love to try out some stuff up to a minute but my window for that is so extremely short. :shake:
You guys who have posted images are amazing OK you convinced me I have to get myself a 10 stop and give it a go these images are something different great to see.

Loving the pics on here, ive been looking for a Lee big stopper but i cant seem to find any for sale anywhere, anybody got any sites to try please.
Loving the pics on here, ive been looking for a Lee big stopper but i cant seem to find any for sale anywhere, anybody got any sites to try please.



Its not the Lee Big Stopper, but does the same thing. Massively discounted on Amazon at the moment, have a look around for your filter size thread and whether you want to blow it all on a multi coated (you should for £110 off, I did).


Its not the Lee Big Stopper, but does the same thing. Massively discounted on Amazon at the moment, have a look around for your filter size thread and whether you want to blow it all on a multi coated (you should for £110 off, I did).

The single coated in 77mm is roughly the same price as a lee filter holder , step up ring and bigstopper, plus its only suitable for one size, thats why im after the lee one really, more versatile
Love the clouds in the Battersea Power station shot. Very much reminds me of those cool sand picture things you could buy years ago. Ya know, turn them over and watch as it creates really cool patterns in the multi-coloured sands.

This thread is one of the best on the forum imho :)
Chocolate world.
Even though I have a separate thread on my first attempt I thought I would add to this superb thread.



davekiddle said:
For anyone with an iPhone, there's a very simple free app (nothing to do with me) called Longtime Exposure Calculator which you can use to, well, as it says on the tin! :) Works for all strength ND filters, including the 10 stop.

Yup, great app.!
shame there was a bit wind otherwise it would been a mirror
Just got my big stopper a week ago but love it so far. My only problem is I keep forgetting to switch everything to manual and end up having to start over again.

Here's my fav pic so far of (the much photographed) St Mary's Lighthouse at Whitely Bay at high tide.

St Mary's Lighthouse 2 by GeordieKat, on Flickr